OCTOBER 26 - November 1, 2017
The CommUUnicator
The Weekly Newsletter of
The Unitarian Society of Germantown
Building Beloved Community
We highlight Friday's Pumpkin Carving and Sunday's Day of the Dead celebration with a band new to USG, the Mariachi Flores!
Pumpkin Carving Night!
Friday, October 27,
- 8:30pm
Please note that start time is
, as per Jason.
Bring your own pumpkin and carving utensils, and join us for an evening of apple bobbing, snacks, and fun in celebration of the spookiest time of year. Costumes are welcome but not required. We begin in the Dining Room and end with story-time over our beautiful lit pumpkins in the darkened sanctuary! Pizza and Beverages will be served.
In Worship, 10:30am
Day of the Dead
Rev. Kent Matthies, Intern Minister Connie Simon, and DSD Jason Bender
with Special Guests, the Mariachi Flores
Join us for the tradition of
Dia de los Muertos
. On this sacred day, our church becomes a respectful and even happy place to remember the dead. The Mariachi Flores, who played for Pope Francis when he visited Philadelphia, will enliven our celebration. Please bring a photo of a deceased loved one to share at our altar.
See a short video below of the Mariachi Flores performing!
In Child Spiritual Development
On Sunday morning, children and youth gather with their families in the sanctuary to participate in the beginning of the Worship Service; then at 10:45am they are sung out to their individual programs.
High School program
changes weekly.
This Sunday
the Youth Group meets from 6:00 to 8:00pm at USG. For a detailed schedule of Youth Group Activities for the program year,
click here
and locate the Youth Group column.
Childcare for infants to PreK is offered every Sunday from 9:00am - 12:00pm, in the Committee Room.
Before the Worship Service
Meditate in USG's Meditation Room
On the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays, Sullivan 3 is open to anyone who would like to quietly meditate from approximately 9:15 to 10:20am.
Drop off nonperishable foods for the
Fall Food Drive
on the carts in USG's kitchen, which will be divided and delivered to be delivered each month to
St. Vincent De Paul's Food Cupboard
and to
UU House Outreach.
After the Worship Service
Greet members of Village 5
who are hosting our Fellowship Hour.
If you do not know what
you belong to, or need a Village Number sticker for your name tag, please see someone at the Welcoming Table.
Purchase or browse
Ending Racism's suggestions for reading
at the Social Justice table.
is the reminder tool USG uses to organize volunteers for our upcoming activities.
Click Here
to go to our group page to sign up online.
Sunday Evening
Samhain Celebration
October 29, 7:00 - 8:30pm
Join the Earth Honoring Traditions group as they celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of the dark season. For more details,
click here
Don't Forget to Register for The Retreats!
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 3, 4, and 5
Social Justice Fair
Sunday, November 12, 11:30 - 1:00pm
Volunteers representing many of the USG social justice groups and initiatives will be available after the service during Fellowship Hour to speak with congregants and provide information about the various social justice activities.
Click here
for more.
November's Social Justice Program Night:
Snapshots of the West Bank, 2017
Monday, November 13, 7:00 - 9:00pm
The video program entitled SNAPSHOTS OF THE WEST BANK 2017 will be presented by Amy Yoder McGloughlin, pastor of the Germantown Mennonite Church. She leads multi-faith trips to the West Bank and will describe the ways in which the 50-year-long Israeli military occupation is impacting Palestinian lives and spirits.
Support PIHN's 5K Walk/ Run
Sunday, October 29 , Starting at 9am
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Fall Food Drive
October and November
In this harvest season, let’s remember those who need support. Please bring canned and non-perishable foods when you come to USG and leave them on the designated carts in the kitchen. Donations will be shared between
St. Vincent’s Food Cupboard
and the
UU House Outreach Program
, which supports older people in the Germantown area.
Did you Know....
...that i
n both September and October, we shared a plate for hurricane relief.
You gave a total of $3,326.
Thank you all for your generous contributions!
Become a Chalice Lighter—
Help Grow UUism
A Chalice Lighter is an individual who makes a commitment to respond to a call from the UUA Central East Chalice Lighter (grant-making) Program to support one or more new congregational projects (such as our elevator). These calls come out three times a year. The suggested commitment is $20 per call or $60 per year.
Click here
to learn more.
Call for Potential Board Members
The USG Board provides essential leadership to USG: without it, there would be no functioning USG congregation. Serving a term on the Board is both an honor and a great way to help ensure the vitality of this congregation, now and in the future.
Every year the USG Nominating Committee is tasked with finding three new people to serve a three-year term on both the Board, and the Nominating Committee. We strive to find people with the qualities cited
at this link
If you know of such a person or are one yourself, please contact any current member of the Nominating Committee. They are:
Interested in Joining USG?
The next New Member Signing is scheduled for
Sunday, November 5
. If you wish to take the New Member Orientation offered on
Sunday, October 29
please RSVP to Treva Burger
. For more information, please contact Treva or visit the Membership page in the Home menu on our website,
Thank You, Villagers!
Thank you so much to all who participated in the Village Fellowship Hours this Summer!
The Welcoming Team would love to schedule Fellowship Hour Hosting by Village throughout the year. Below is the plan for October- November. If you would like to
Fellowship Hour for your Village, please let Treva Burger,
October 29 - Village 5
November 5 - New Members
November 12 - Parents SGM
November 19 - Village 6
November 26 - Thanksgiving Weekend
PIHN's Annual Empty Bowl Dinner
Wednesday, November 15
Lutheran Seminary, 7301 Germantown Ave.
Three seatings:
- 4:00 - 5:30pm
- 5:30 - 7:00pm
- 7:00 - 8:30pm
Adults $25; Students and children $10
Get Involved! Meet Fellow UUs!
Follow links below to join and find out more information about the events and groups at USG that occur usually once a month. Questions? Click on the contact links.
20's & 30's SGM Group
- Second Thursday, November 9, 6:30pm, Drop-in Young Adults Small Group Ministry group. For more information, please contact Stephanie Bonner at
or Carly Danielsen on Facebook where they maintain an active invite-only activities group.
CAMI (Citizens Against Mass Incarceration)
- Fourth Monday usually but
meeting is
Monday, October 30
, 7:00pm. At USG. Contact
Nancy Anderson
Caregiver Support Group
- Second Friday, November 10, 11:00am - 1:00pm. At USG. Contact
Maura Gallagher
Choir Rehearsal
- Every Thursday evening, 7:30 - 9:30pm. At USG. Newcomers welcome. Contact
Linda Smith or
Andrea Parry
- Every Tuesday, 7:00 - 8:30pm. This group uses dialogue as a means for self-exploration. At USG. Contact Jason Bender,
ERC (Ending Racism Committee)
- First Sunday, November 5, 12:00 - 2:00pm. At USG.
Exploring Elderhood
- Second Friday gatherings, November 9, 2:00pm. At USG. Contact
Gerry Whalen
, ASD Chair.
Finding Our Roots - Earth Honoring Traditions
. First Monday, except for holiday weekends: November 6, and December 4, 2017, 7:30pm. At USG. Contact
Dennis Strain
Humanists - PUSH
Philadelphia Unitarian Society of Humanists
, Fourth Sunday, November 26, 12:00pm. At USG. Contact
Paul Teti
Intergen Drumming Circle - Every Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:30pm. ALL AGES WELCOME! Bring... Any Instrument Really • Or No Instrument at All • Just Come • It's Really That Chill. At USG.
Contact Jason Bender.
Men's Group
- Third Tuesday, November 21, 7:30pm. At USG. Contact
Mark Tuveson
Mindfulness Meditation with Rev. Kent
- Every Thursday, 5:30 - 6:15pm. At USG. Contact
Rev. Kent Matthies
Needle Exchange, a Handwork Group
- Second Monday, November 13, 7:00pm. Off-site. Contact
Gale Gibbons
Open Small Group Ministry
- Second Sunday, November 12, 12:00pm, Daskam Room at USG. This group is available to people who want to try out Small Group Ministry or attend occasionally. For more information, contact Mark B,
, or just show up.
- Second Sunday, November 12, 9:00 - 10:20am.
is an Introduction to Unitarian Universalism, held at USG in the Daskam Room, and childcare is provided. To RSVP or get more information,
click here
or email
UUs for Justice & Peace in Israel & Palestine.
Third Sunday, November 19, 12:00 - 1:30pm. At USG. Contact
Walt Ceglowski
Join A USG Facebook Group!
You can join a USG Facebook group as well as meet in person!
To find out about special events, post photos, and stay in touch, here are some of USG's groups and their Facebook links:
ASD (Adult Spiritual Development) facebook
CSD (Child Spiritual Development)
YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) A Closed Group great to know about and if desired, ask to join.
YA - Young Adults
UU Greater Philly Social Justice
P.U.S.H. Philadelphia Unitarian Society of Humanists
Exploring Elderhood
Our thoughts and prayers are with ...
...the family and friends of
Barbara Erlick
With sorrow we announce the recent death of Barbara Erlick, a member of our congregation since 1970. Barbara and her husband Al were active and influential. Among many involvements, Barbara served on the caring team and Al is remembered as a most persuasive and entertaining auctioneer. Barbara was a social worker at Jefferson and generously shared her skills as part of our caring system. Al died just a few months ago. The Erlicks moved to Florida a few years ago to be close to their daughter Janet (
) and son Kenneth. We hold them in our thoughts and prayers. Memorial service date and time will be announced when plans are finalized.
..the family and friends of
Veronica (Ronnie) Sussman
, who passed away on Monday, October 16. Ronnie was a long-time member of USG. Jim Semmler is her cousin.
Our continuing best wishes go to...
..Elaine Hills,
who is recovering from knee replacement surgery. If you can help with rides to and from physical therapy (Oreland home to gym in Flourtown and return) over the next several weeks, please see the dedicated email that went out this week from the Caring Team.
We send our happy congratulations to...
..the Sanders family
, who welcomed
Arkkadía Indigo Soleil Noisette Sanders
to the world a little earlier than expected, on October 3 at 10:49am. She is currently in the NICU and will be for awhile; however, she improves every day. Prayers, positive vibes and thoughts are welcome. Happy parents Alfred and Barbyose and older brother Osirus can't wait for the congregation to meet her!
Our Caring Team
Linda Bernstein (chair),
Bonnie McDairmant, Sarah West, Rev. Kent Matthies & Connie Simon
If you are aware of any joys or concerns that should be part of our caring system, please let us know. You can email
If you call a caring team member and do not speak directly, leave a voice mail and your call will be returned ASAP.
(not every Tuesday in the Summer) - Friday by 3:00pm
Thursday's Weekly
- Wednesday by noon
Sunday's Announcements
- Thursday by noon
The Unitarian Society of Germantown | 215-844-1157 | 6511 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19119