October  2017

NIHCA is happy to announce that we have moved into our new office space!  We have more room and more time to serve YOU, our customer.  Thank you for your patience last week while we transitioned to the new offices.
Please note our new address for your records:  
135 8 th  Avenue
Granite Falls, MN  56241
Creating Membership Magnetism!

T he focus of this webinar, hosted by NIHCA and  presented by Karen Woodard , is two magnetic forces - how we as individuals each have a personal responsibility to create an "attracting" force field and how easy it is to do regardless of what position you hold in your club. So just as a reminder - magnetic attraction = good -- magnetic repelling = baaaaaaad.    Karen will power through 12 different ways that you can create magnetism not only with your Members, but also with your colleagues to create a more magnetic environment to keep your Members and Staff with you longer and stronger.  

Find out what you will learn... register today!     REGISTER HERE
When Can I Cancel or Terminate a Member?

Yes, you will have members that you need to cancel or terminate their membership, HOWEVER, your insured members cannot be reimbursed if you place them in a cancelled or terminated status before they receive the prior month(s) reimbursement.  Example: If a member cancels towards the end of the month, please verify that the member would receive the prior month's reimbursement from the insurance company, before you cancel or term them. (View this in the Reimbursement Detail Tab.) This will help your member(s) receive their reimbursements in a timely manner.  But IF the member cancels their membership in the beginning of the month, and has already received their reimbursement for the prior month, then you can place that member as a cancelled or terminated Member Status right away.  

Please call NIHCA with any questions you may have.
Building Relationships through the SYSTEMATIC APPROACH

How do I promote and get more people signed up for the insurance reimbursement programs?  NIHCA is doing a 30-45 min webinar on how to promote the insurance reimbursement program(s) in your local area.  Join us on Oct 12 @ 10:30am CST for some step by step, easy instructions on how you can reach out as a club to these eligible members. 

Another opportunity to learn...     REGISTER HERE
What are RETURNS??

Every month, there are many members that have a "Return".  NIHCA's definition of a Return, is a member that did not get reimbursed because their banking information is incorrect.  To alert you, the club, of these errors in banking information, we change those member status's to INVALID BANKING INFORMATION - which means your member's banking information is incorrect in some way.  YOUR JOB is to unmask the account number and double check the banking information.  YOUR JOB is to correct and update the banking information as well as change the Member Status to either an OK or ACTIVE Status, if it did not change when you click Update.  Within 10 business days, the member should get paid back their past reimbursed dollars.  Contact NIHCA if member(s) tell you they did not get paid.

National Independent Health Club Association | 320-722-0084| EMAIL | WEBSITE