Welcome to The Bookies' Latest Update!                           October 2017 Issue 2
The Bookies Newsletter

Get Ready for a Weekend of Stories!

Will it be a Snowy Day for our Snowy Day Storytime?

The Snowy Day
Who knows... But, whatever the weather outside, we know it will be warm inside the store on Saturday morning when the cast of the Denver Center for the Performing Arts' new show, The Snowy Day and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats, join us at 10:00 a.m. this Saturday, October 28th, for a unique reading of the stories of Ezra Jack Keats!

Will it be a Horrible Day for our Horror Storytime?

Coloinal Horrors
We don't know that either! But we know we'll be snug and a little spooky on Sunday afternoon with two storytimes happening in the store! Graeme Davis will be reading classic horror stories from his new collection, Colonial Horrors for adults and, for the little ones, our storyteller will be reading Halloween picture books. Both storytimes will take place at regular intervals between 2-4p.m. And take a look at our website to check out some popular and new Halloween reads!

Halloween Stories on Halloween!
Our storyteller will be reading more Halloween picture books on Halloween this Tuesday at our pre-school storytime at 10:30 a.m. Bring your little trick-or-treaters in costume to get them in the Halloween mood! There will be pretzels for all, and maybe a little candy in honor of the day!
Standout Books from the Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented Conference
We were thrilled to spend time with the   Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented (CAGT) at their recent conference, The Heart of the Rockies: Elevating the Gifted Connection. We talked books, creativity, and issues in education and the world with so many wonderful educators!

One of the hottest books at the conference was We Rise, written by local Boulder activist and author, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, who was awarded the Association's Distinguished Global Service Award for 2017. 

At only 17,  Martinez is already known as a climate activist and hip-hop artist. He is also a powerful new voice on the front lines of a global youth-led movement, Earth Guardians. This group believes that our future will be shaped by today's youth and emphasizes the importance of listening to their voices now.   

We Rise is both practical and fascinating. It tells the story of the emergence of the Earth Guardians and how Martinez has become a voice for his generation, but also contains practical advice on living a sustainable lifestyle and information on how to become involved in, or start, solution-oriented movements that are tackling today's critical issues, including climate change, fossil fuel extraction, and industrial agriculture.

We also took a wide range of picture books and novels that featured creativity, imagination and different ways of thinking. Here are the most popular titles--click on the title or image to find out more!

New Presidential Biographies

Political display with Larry and Sue
We've recently added four new books to our biographies of US presidents. Larry has read them all--here are his reviews!

Kenneth White, Alfred Knopf, out now

It has been a long time since there has been a comprehensive review of President Hoover. This impressive volume is an effort to tell his story and reappraise his place in our history. There is strong attention given to his
development as a person and to his business background and his evolution as a humanitarian, including his relief work feeding Europe during and after WW1. The story of his presidential years follows the path of the Great Depression and his efforts to correct it, continuing through his personal and ideological conflict with FDR and the establishment of the modern conservatism of the Republican Party.

A. J. Bailey, HMH, out now
In this book,  Bailey spotlights the first four tumultuous months of Truman's presidency after FDR's death, focusing on the transformation of an official into a President in a time of complex, life-or-death decisions with worldwide impact.

Scott Greenberger, DeCapo, out now
Chester Arthur is considered the most accidental President in a group that often included surprising political party choices. He was a true political hack who tried to transform himself to fit the expectations surrounding a President. With his transformation, he proved his honesty and tried to produce reform in both his party and in the federal government, as well as involving himself in the struggle for the rights of African Americans and Native Americans. However, he was not really very astute in the political game and lost his bid for a second term. I found this book extremely interesting as I, like many, had forgotten about this man and his efforts.

Ron Chernow, Penguin, out now.
Undoubtedly, the big presidential biography of the season and impressive in its breadth. In typical fashion, one would have to search hard to discover a facet of Grant's life not covered by Chernow. The reader witnesses the author's growing admiration for Grant through the book. While the terrible plague of scandal around Grant in his second administration is not denied, the man's honesty, judgement, and basic integrity remains. Chernow is now among those calling for a review of Grant the human, the general and the president.  Like Chernow's Hamilton, Grant is a major biography and worth the time of any reader.