Attendance Awareness Month Update
September 27, 2017
As September draws to a close we want to recognize all of you for your support of Attendance Awareness Month!

Your activities are helping provide every student an equal opportunity to learn by being in school every day. This year 571 Superintendents joined the Superintendents Call to Action. The district leaders pledge to lead the effort to improve attendance starting in the early grades in their community use data to drive action. Click here for a copy of the two-page ad in the Sept. 20 issue of Education Week. There is still time to join the Call! Encourage your local Superintendent to sign up here.
The Action Map is Open

We're collecting posts from schools, districts, community groups and other partners on the 2017 Attendance Action Map through Oct 13. Click here. Watch your email for the AAM 2017 metric infographic with the total number of Map posts plus other measurements of the Campaign's success.
Community Spotlight

Boston Public Schools created the "I'm In": Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow" campaign to address the district's 25 percent chronic absence rate. "I'm In" includes a series of steps, including targeted intervention, and student-focused public service ads running on buses and subway cars that feature testimonials from seven BPS students on what drives them to stay in school and achieve. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), the Boston Celtics "Stay in School" program, and Arbella Insurance Foundation are partners. Learn More.

St. Joseph School District, MO is on a mission to set aside the misconception that students can easily make up missed days. Working with parents, students, and community members the district launched the Strive for 5 program that began in Grand Rapids, MI. Strive for 5 includes an awareness effort stressing the importance of regular attendance, boards at each elementary school that document each grade's attendance to spur competition, and calendars for students to fill out at home. High school students are making more independent decisions about their attendance. Learn more.

Washington D.C. Mayor Bowser initiated Every Day Counts! to ensure every student in the District of Columbia pubic schools attends school every day. Every Day Counts! will bring together the entire community to support students and families through a public awareness campaign, a taskforce coordinating public agencies and stakeholders, and investments in data-driven strategies to increase attendance. Students and community members sign a pledge to commit to improve student attendance throughout the school year! Find out more.
State Spotlight

The Connecticut State Education Department (CSDE), in partnership with Attendance Works and The Governor's Prevention Partnership, launched its Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow campaign to provide districts, schools and community partners with resources and artwork to promote its message of daily attendance. A new website offers social media graphics, banners, parent handouts and more. CT has made huge progress in reducing chronic absence, dropping the rate from 11.5 percent in 2012-13 to 9.6 percent in 2015-16, and this Campaign is just the latest dimension of its work. CSDE hosted a roundtable with Commissioner Diane Wentzell and Attendance Works' Hedy N. Chang to discuss national and state policy, while local educators shared what is working in their schools and communities.
Policy Spotlight

We joined partner FutureEd, an independent think tank at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy, as they released their report analyzing the most effective way to use chronic absenteeism under Every Student Succeeds Act. View the event livestream. The report reviews states' ESSA plans and finds that 34 states plus D.C. use some form of chronic absence metric for school accountability. It offers guidance for using student absenteeism measures successfully. Read the report.
Events Spotlight
National Convening

Save the Date! Join us at the Early Warning Systems Community of Practice Fall Virtual Convening October 24-25, 2017, hosted by the U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Safe and Healthy Students and its National Student Attendance, Engagement, and Success Center (NSAESC). Learn more.
AAM Webinar Party

The four webinars in this year's series build on each other and focus on each of the three tiers of action needed to improve attendance. Consider arranging a webinar party! Find the webinar recording for all four webinars on our website.
Partner Spotlight

Our heartfelt thanks to partner United Way Worldwide, who once again provided broad support of the AAM 2017 webinar series. UWW arranged the registration, provided technical staff and moderated each of this year's five webinars. Thank you UWW! United Way Worldwide is engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across more than 40 countries and territories worldwide. It brings people and organizations from all sectors of society together to improve education, income and health, the building blocks for a better life and stronger community.
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  • Use data showing #chronicabsence in the last SY to identify Ss who need extra support this year: #SchoolEveryDay
  • Report shows extreme #chronicabsence affects 30% of Ss in 11% of schools: @AttendanceWorks @JHU_EGC #SchoolEveryDay
Sample Facebook Post
  • Improving attendance and reducing chronic absence is not rocket science, but it does take commitment, collaboration and tailored approaches to the particular strengths and challenges of each school or community. Across the nation, schools, communities and advocates have successfully taken steps to ensure children are attending school more regularly.
Donate to the Attendance Awareness Campaign

Your gift will help fund more great resources to raise awareness of the importance of attendance for student achievement.
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