The October issue of our newsletter
5 Apps that might help you 
manage your migraines

It seems nowadays there is a computer app to accommodate nearly every need. The migraine world is no exception. In reviewing the various migraine app products two major and separate classes emerge. The first includes those applications allowing a migraineur to both record and interpret critical data This data could include dietary information, sleep patterns, medications, stress levels, date/time and more. By combining this information in a meaningful way one may be able to derive a pattern and identify triggers that lead to a migraine attack. The beauty of a well-designed application of this nature is that it saves the hours of manual tabulation needed to cross reference a large number of potentially interacting variables.  However, the application is only as good as the information that is plugged into it. The very process of loading in the data is often a learning experience.

The second class includes those applications that provide things like relaxation programming, white noise, a light filter, or hypnotherapy. As you can guess, these types of apps claim to have  therapeutic effects. There is scant evidence-based research to support many of these claims but they may be helpful to some people.

The first four examples of migraine apps below, in random order, are in the first class or "diary" type. The fifth example is more of an online social platform. A novel approach, but in a class by itself.  There are other options not listed here, including iMigraine and iHeadache, that are also worth investigating.

1. Migraine Coach       Free      iPhone only
A highly personalized migraine diary and tracking app that will alert you when your risk of a migraine is extraordinarily high.  Has a sophisticated reporting feature.  Compiles information to share with your physician.

2. Migraine Buddy         Free       iPhone and Android
This migraine diary and tracking app was designed by neurologists and information experts.  It is a multi-faceted tool that helps to record triggers and other signs present before the migraine attack. This app also has a sophisticated reporting and dashboard tool.

3. Curelator Headache and Migraine     Free    iPhone only
This app is unique in that it asks the user to track 70 migraine related factors for three months. This is thought to take about 3 minutes per day. The result is a matrix of reports that measure migraine protection, triggers, and other associations. It has as a premise that migraineurs are not very good at identifying triggers; the app is. Produces a c omprehensive personal analytical report to share with physicians.

4. Symple        Free      iPhone and Android
With this app you can keep track of symptoms and "factors".  While it is not specifically designed just for migraine tracking you can customize it to track whatever symptoms and factors (aka triggers) you enter into it. You can add photos to reinforce factors that may influence your migraines. Interesting in that it uses different media (photos, narrative), to capture how you feel before, during and after attacks. Stresses its ease of use in the description.

5. Ouchie          Free           iPhone and Android
Ouchie is a social media platform that one uses much like Facebook or Twitter.  Post information on pain and pain management. As you log more information, and support others, you profile expands and others may share some tips to aid you in the pain you are experiencing. Less of a diary/tracker and more of a social media presence.

We hope that you will find some interesting tools to explore here. If not free, the pricing is quite reasonable. Some of the apps are free but offer an upgrade to a paid version with more options. Also, in some, the android version is still in development. No one size fits all, so sort them out depending on your level of need. The more you understand about your migraine disease the better. Self-knowledge puts you in a better position to help yourself and augment the work of your medical provider(s). We welcome any product feedback or information on other apps you find helpful at [email protected].

- Jim Carleton for AMD


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The  Association of Migraine Disorders is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to end the suffering from migraine illness through collaboration, education, research and support.Visit our website for more info on migraine disorders.We are grateful for your SUPPORT.

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