Stressed Teens Mindful Spotlight Featuring
An Activity Card Deck for Kids
 by Whitney Stewart & Mina Braun


Mindful Kids , the one-of-a-kind mindfulness activity deck for kids age 4 to 104! Make any moment mindful from morning to night with 5 categories of cards, designed to fit into each part of the day. Whimsical full-color illustrations on both sides of the cards provide easy-to-follow steps for each practice. The cards and 8-page instructional booklet include tips for children of a wide range of abilities, making this deck an inclusive tool for nurturing inner peace and strength.

Expert author
Mindful Kids was written by an award-winning author and mindfulness expert, with input from early childhood development and inclusion specialists.

Teaches useful techniques
Research shows that practicing mindfulness increases focus and concentration, teaches children to self-regulate emotions and develops empathy, self-awareness and kindness.

Mindfulness for all
Easily adaptable for home or classroom use, these cards are structured to take all children, regardless of ability, through their whole day from morning to night with peace and inner strength.

Handy format
The deck format with sturdy cards is perfect for busy kids. Mix and match the cards you need from the different categories below and keep them close for reference during your practice  

 We asked Whitney, how would YOU use these cards if you were with a group of kids?

I can't wait to use the cards with the children I teach because I am thrilled with Mina Braun's illustrations that perfectly reflect the mood and purpose of each card.

I would start with the  Mindful Breaths card so we could settle together as a group. Then I would use the informational booklet to explain what mindfulness is and how it helps us. I would ask the group if we have any special needs for the day, and I also might take note if any children might want to make a modification to an activity, which can always be done.

I would explain that we have five sections of cards:
1. Start Your Day 
2. Find Calm.               
3. Focus
4. Open Your Heart 
5. Rest and Relax

We could decide as a group which section fit our needs. I would ask a child to pick a card, and I would lead the grou p through the activity. Or, we could pick one car d at random and see where the activity takes us. If I have a group of older children, I might ask a child to pick a card and lead the group. Each card has easy, step-by-step instructions.

If the group is really fidgety or rambunctious, I might start with  Shake the Sillies Out or  Mindful Jungle Movement before moving toward a quieter activity to help kids focus or find calm. I like to end my mindfulness session by guiding children to see beyond themselves. Closing with a Loving KindnessSharing Friendship, or  I am Thankful activity helps with this.

 "Mindfulness practice gives children strategies to develop self-awareness and acceptance, improve mental focus, handle difficult emotions, and increase kindness and empathy. I worked with Barefoot Books to develop these cards as an easy way to guide kids into mindfulness."   -Whitney Stewart

Take A Closer Look at 
Mindful Kids

Interview with Whitney Stewart
We asked Whitney some questions so we could help spread the word about how incredibly qualified she is to write these activity cards and what a wonderful asset they would be to any teacher, parent, or professional looking to spread mindfulness to youth.

Q: How did this activity card deck come to be? What lead up to your choosing to produce activity cards?

A: I have been writing for children for over thirty years. Several of my book subjects included discussion of meditation and mindfulness, so it was natural for me to teach meditation to children during my author visits in schools and libraries.

The publisher of Barefoot Books reached out to me to write a set of mindfulness activity cards, and I developed these cards from the activities I use with my students.The team at Barefoot Books helped me shape the cards so the activities would be inclusive and accessible for a wide audience. Alexandra Strick and Beth Cox, founders of Inclusive Minds, and Child Development Specialist Stephanie Page Wieder, M. S. Ed. all provided invaluable consultation.

Q:Tell us about your history as a children's book author?

A: I wanted to be a children's book writer when I was in high school. I took a correspondence course from the Institute for Children's Literature and read anything I could about publishing children's books. At Brown University, I created an independent concentration in children's literature and child language acquisition, and I also worked part-time in a children's library to help prepare me for my profession.

I published my first children's books after I traveled to Tibet and India where I was fortunate enough to interview the Dalai Lama. We spoke about how to teach meditation to children, and he gave me suggestions. Later, I went trekking with Sir Edmund Hillary in Nepal and interviewed him for a young adult biography. And I traveled widely in Asia to write about Aung San Suu Kyi, Deng Xiaoping, and Mao Zedong. While there, I meditated in Tibetan monasteries, Burmese pagodas, and Japanese temples.

I have continued to write history and biography for children, but I also began to focus on meditation and mindfulness. After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, I returned to our city and volunteered to teach creative writing in a public school. I realized that many of my students had high levels of anxiety, so I began to incorporate mindfulness in my writing classes. The kids loved it because it gave them ways to calm the body and focus the mind.

Q: Tell us about the other mindful books you have written?

A: I first wrote a book about Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha (Becoming Buddha), and included a suggestion from the Dalai Lama on how to teach children to meditate. In 2006, I published an ebook on mindfulness meditation, entitled Give Me A Break, and later a picture book on meditation for young children, entitled Big Sky Mind. (The U.S. title is Meditation is an Open Sky.) Mindful Kids: 50 Mindfulness Activities for Kindness, Focus, and Calm will be released on  October 1, 2017 (Barefoot Books) and in 2018, I will publish two more books on mindfulness for children with publisher Albert Whitman.

Q: What makes you want to write for children?

A: I have always loved being around kids. I can't explain why-it's just energizing to work and play with kids and share ideas with them. Their questions made me think. I can't imagine doing anything else!

 Whitney Stewart & Mina Braun


Whitney Stewart  puts her heart, mind and feet into her work. She has trekked in a Himalayan snowstorm with Sir Edmund Hillary, climbed to remote Buddhist monasteries in Tibet, interviewed the  Dalai  Lama in India and sat for days in meditation retreats. She is the author of many travel articles, and of both fiction and nonfiction for children. When she is not writing or traveling, she teaches mindfulness and meditation to children and young adults.

Mina Braun is an illustrator and  printmaker from Germany. She now lives in Berlin, after studying at Edinburgh College of Art and working in bonny Scotland for more than a decade. All her work starts with a black line drawing, which then evolves into a screen print or digital image.

                               Check Out Mindful Kids