"Diversity Issues in Higher Education"

Making Meaning of
Today's Cultural Climate
Here's your chance to be part of this premier event addressing critical diversity challenges in academia, the community, and the workplace! The conference will include networking and learning opportunities and much more!  It is open to students, alumni, faculty, and staff from colleges and universities, corporate affiliates, and the general public. 

Speak Truth to Power and 
Join Our Tweet Chat!

- "Diversity Issues in Higher Education" -
November 17th, 12 pm to 1 pm

Use the Hashtag

Does a diverse network have an influence on your learning experience?
How can diversity and inclusion help students learn better?
Do you feel uncomfortable discussing cultural differences?
If you face a diversity problem in your school, what will you do?

Our youth leadership program initiatives are experiencing an especially critical need due to severe budget constraints.
With your support, we can continue to deliver the many youth leadership development programs and community diversity educational forums related to healthcare disparities, workplace harassment, bullying, and cultural competency that we've been offering. 

Get Involved to Value Diversity, Educate Leaders, and 
Promote Respect TOGETHER! 

The American Conference on Diversity is dedicated to building just and inclusive schools, workplaces, and communities through awareness, education, and advocacy. 
Elizabeth Williams-Riley, President & CEO
Each year the American Conference on Diversity awards schools $65,000 in scholarships allowing 100 students from schools across NJ and NYC to participate in our annual
 Proceeds from this event support our efforts to make sure students in underserved communities have the opportunity to expand their worldview and appreciation for diversity.

Stay Connected
200 Centennial Avenue, Suite 200, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 732-377-2081