Welcome to the monthly eNewsletter of the 
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD)

Digestive Health Monthly - November 2017

The holiday meal has been consumed, the plates cleared away, and then you feel it - that all-too-familiar burning sensation of heartburn. While just about everyone experiences episodes of heartburn or "indigestion" from time to time, heartburn that occurs more than once a week, becomes more severe, or occurs at night and wakes you from sleep may indicate something more. An underlying condition such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) could be the cause.

This week marks the 18th annual GERD Awareness Week. Each year during the week of Thanksgiving, IFFGD encourages people experiencing symptoms which may be GERD-related to talk to their doctor. 
Learn More About GERD
Holiday Heartburn or Something More?
IFFGD offers 5 tips for GERD Awareness Week

GERD is more than simple heartburn - it is a chronic condition that, left untreated, can lead to complications and other health problems. Each year during GERD Awareness Week, IFFGD sends out an awareness release to focus special attention on GERD symptoms, treatments, and lifestyle issues. 

This year we look at things you can do to help keep GERD symptoms under control.  Read the release.
Holiday Travel
Tips to help you enjoy your time away

Many people travel for the holidays - to visit family or friends, to head back home, or just to get away. Traveling can be stressful for anyone, but for those with a functional gastrointestinal (GI) or motility disorder it poses added challenges. The uncertainty of when and where symptoms may occur can cause fear and anxiety.

Find tips on things you can do to help manage your symptoms and create a sense of being more in control while away from home. 
Sleep & GERD
How nighttime reflux can keep you from getting a good night's rest

Up to 4 in 5 people with GERD experience nighttime symptoms. Of those, up to 75% report that their symptoms affect their sleep and nearly half state that symptoms impacted their ability to function the following day.

Poor sleep quality and frequent sleep disturbances from GERD can take a toll on quality of life. Learn more about the relationship between GERD and sleep and get tips for improving your sleep habits.
Which Treatment is Right for You?
Talking to your doctor 

Functional GI and motility disorders are chronic conditions that involve long-term symptom management. Discovering the right combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and/or surgical procedures to control your symptoms can be challenging and depends on establishing good communication between you and your doctor.  

Get tips on how to make the most of your doctor appointment.
Dietary Advice for Barrett's Esophagus & GERD

Q: "I have GERD and was recently diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus. I am working with my doctor to keep it under control. Is there any diet advice for Barrett's esophagus?"

Read the response from J. Patrick Waring, MD, gastroenterologist at Digestive Healthcare of Georgia.
New Cosponsor for HR 1187
Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) signs on

The Functional Gastrointestinal & Motility Disorders Research Enhancement Act (HR 1187) has received another cosponsor! We are grateful to Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) for her continuing cosponsorship (Congresswoman Moore has cosponsored the bill in the past 4 Congresses) and her support of digestive health research for all those in Wisconsin and across the US. 

Learn more about the bill and how you can take action
IFFGD is a nonprofit organization. We rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.

IFFGD | (414) 964-1799 | [email protected] | www.iffgd.org
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