SCRS M embers,

Estimating Tip: 
Audatex - 
  Extending Clear Coat to Nearest Breaking Point or Panel

There is no set formula when a user must extend clear coat on an adjacent panel(s) breaking point.

Section 4-4 of the DBRM states the following: "When the estimator enters a judgment time for refinish labor, the estimator also determines the included operations. Operations that might be considered in the repair refinish time include any steps required to bring the panel to the condition of a new, undamaged panel. This may include feather edge, blow off and clean, mask to prime, tack off, mix etch primer, prime bare metal, mix and apply primer filler, guide coat application, unmask as required and block sand. Panel scuff to facilitate application of clear may also be considered for two- or three-stage refinish."

Section 4-4 of the DBRM also states the following is included with the "Two-Stage" Allowance * Cover the car * Tack wipe * Gather materials * Mix and apply clear coat * Clean-up.

Removing the surface refinish labor and only leaving the "Two-stage" labor is not the correct method of calculating extension of clear coat on adjacent panels to a break point. Preparation accounts for 43.6% of the refinish labor alone.

Read the Repairer Driven News (RDN) article wherein Audatex shares stats on its all-inclusive refinish times. The article can be found by clicking here.  

The estimating databases are all intended to be used as a GUIDE ONLY - it is important to remember that the auto body professional performing the repair is in a position to thoroughly inspect, diagnose and identify the methodology and their unique cost of the vehicle damage repair.
You can view this tip and others on the DEG website by clicking here!
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Aaron Schulenburg

Executive Director | Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS)



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