Houmas House Plantation


 A Glimpse into the Past
Daniel Clark was the first Delegate from the Territory of Orleans to the United States House of Representatives. Born in Ireland, Clark arrived in the US in 1786 to join his uncle's business in land speculation and banking. Two years after the Louisiana Purchase in 1805, Daniel Clark began acquiring portions of the Houmas lands.  At this time he was one of the richest men in Louisiana. He was the first to have the foresight and the capital to introduce a new crop- sugar cane. With the success of his first harvest in 1806, Clark built a sugar mill-  one of the earliest in the area.  That stretch of the Mississippi River would soon be dubbed the Sugar Coast for its high density of cane plantations. 
Clark was an ambitious politician and millionaire who lived a very social bachelor's life, hiding the fact that he had earlier married a beautiful young Creole, Zulime Carriere, who gave birth to a daughter, Myra in 1806.  Having learned that he had a child, and by this time having fallen out of love with Zulime, Clark took the child and placed her in the care of his friend, Colonel Davis who raised her as his own. The events following Daniel Clark's death in 1813, regarding his will, became one of the longest court battles in United States history. 
In 1811 Clark sells the Houmas lands and other property to General Wade Hampton for $300,000.

*Excerpt from Houmas House Book by Jim Blanchard

 October Haunted Tours
Photo by Eye Wander Photo

For the month of October, our 6:00pm and 7:00pm tour will be a haunted tour. Hear about the sightings and interactions our guests and staff have had with the ghosts of Houmas House Plantation. Still interested in the history?
Don't worry- our knowledgeable guides will tell you all about the culture and customs of the Antebellum and Victorian eras while pointing out the original artwork and antiques throughout the mansion. And after touring the mansion, your quest for spirit encounters may continue throughout the 38 acres of gardens surrounding Houmas House Plantation. Lighted pathways allow guests to explore into the evening. We suggest dinner in either The Carriage House Restaurant or Latil's Landing.



Tricks or Treats?

You spend months planning and preparing for your upcoming vacation.  You read dozens of reviews online of each restaurant, hotel and attraction and then map out your journey. Each minute is accounted for and planned to perfection.
But what happens when all your expectations aren't met? You feel like all the advertising and marketing geared to winning your business was just a trick.  It's such a disappointment.  At Houmas House we strive to supersede all expectations.  We carefully plan the gardens to provide full color year round and offer new features annually, giving you the desire to return again.
Our menus are updated seasonally to reflect what we grow in our own gardens and buy from local farmers.  The guided mansion tour is always entertaining with each room fully accessible and our guides anxiously awaiting questions and interaction from our guests.
Our Inn is readily available and offers perfect rooms for both the honeymooner and families needing more room.  
We hope all your preparations were worth the time when visiting Houmas House Plantation.  Our promise to you during your visit to Houmas House is  "No Tricks, Just Treats!"

See you soon,

Princess Maggie  
Secrets  from the Kitchens  of   Houmas  House
  Seafood Gumbo
Seafood Gumbo
½ c. ap flour
½ vegetable/ canola oil
2 cups finely diced onions, celery, bell peppers
1 gal. seafood stock
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Garlic powder to taste
Onion powder
You favorite hot sauce
A dash Worcestershire sauce
A couple of bay leaves
Your choice of seafood
Seafood Stock
6 c. shrimp shells
10c. gumbo crabs
Scraps from the trinity
Add enough water to barely cover crabs and shells
Simmer on low heat for about an hour but don't boil
Allow to cool too warm temperature then strain
Final Product
To make the roux place 1/2c. flour and 1/c. oil in a large heavy guage pot.
Heat on low stirring constantly; be sure to catch the rounded edges of the pot.
Continue stirring the roux until it reaches the desired color, light to dark brown.
Once your desired color is reached (we take ours till it smells like popcorn) add the cut up veg, lower the heat and add about a 1/4T of salt.
Continue to stir constantly until the veg turns translucent.
Turn the heat up, constantly stirring and add the stock a little at a time, stirring after each addition until the stock is fully incorporated.
Add a couple bay leaves.
Add just enough stock so that the "mixture" has a nice viscosity to it.
Simmer on low for several hours, adding stock if your gumbo becomes too thick.
Add remaining seasonings, simmer for 30 minutes.
Cool down a place in fridge overnight.
The next day reheat, simmer for 20 minutes.
Add seafood, simmer for 20 minutes.
Adjust seasoning and serve with steamed rice.  
Upcoming Events
November 1, 2017
Live Music in Turtle Bar by Jodi James
6:00 PM

November 23, 2017
Thanksgiving Buffet
Reservations now being accepted by calling
* credit card number collected upon reservation

Stay Connected with Houmas House

Photo by Sunshine Ferguson

Buy tickets in advance and same time!

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 Open  Daily      


Sunday-Saturday: 9 am-7 pm

Cafe Burnside: 11 am-2 pm daily

Latil's Landing: Wed-Sat 6 pm-9 pm

Sunday Brunch: 11 am-3 pm

The Carriage House Restaurant:

    Breakfast- 8 am-10 am

    Dinner- 5 pm- 9 pm



   Directions to Houmas House Here




Houmas House Plantation | 40136 Hwy 942 (River Road) | Darrow, LA | 70725

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