Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
September 2017
Impact Results from Grantees, Donors and Powerful Conversations
Read Outcome Reports: Collective Impact Grants from 2015/2016, a 2 Year Grant Cycle

Cradle to Career Initiative (Contact for grant: Center for Transformative Action:  Dorothy Cotton Institute)

Community Foundation is committed to foster collaboration and strategic approaches to improve the quality of life for all in Tompkins County. In 2015, the Foundation offered a grant cycle that encouraged collaboration among agencies and organizations as an approach to solving complex local problems. Our two year grant cycle continues to deliver deepened relationships, broader impact and a more collaborative manner of how we serve with programs informed by those most closely living the experience.

Contact Program Officer  Janet Cotraccia for more information. 

See more about our 2017 Fall Grant Cycle: Thriving Through Collective Impacta grant cycle to support and sustain local collective impact initiatives, 
with an initial deadline of October 11, 2017.

  Thanks to Our Philanthropy Magnified Society Members

Donors who give at a major gift level of $1,000 annually into any fund at Community Foundation as well as Legacy Society members, those of you who have made your intention to make planned gift to us, are celebrated as Philanthropy Magnified Society members. Thank you for making the impact we have in our community possible. When your gift supports our programs and services at this level you are also recognized as a HEROES Circle member. 
  Women's Fund Luncheon
Tuesday, October 19th
Celebrate with us!

We look forward to you joining the most amazing gathering of passionate philanthropists dedicated to making a difference in the lives of women in Tompkins County. Learn more about what is happening now!  CLICK HERE for more information and to register. RSVP by October 12th.

Let's Talk Philanthropy
October 12th
Share your perspective!


As communities struggle with the pull and demand of services, how we can address the needs of the senior population?  In a place like Tompkins County, volunteering, healthy living, educational opportunities abound.  How can we  strengthen our networks, addressing concerns as we age and consider the years ahead? CLICK HERE for further details.  As we consider these issues, and others, add your voice, share your perspective with us at Community Foundation.
Make a Gift
Annual gifts provide resources to ensure the quality of life in Tompkins County for today and tomorrow.
Learn about Grant Opportunities
Discover funding resources to ensure the quality of life in Tompkins County for today and tomorrow.