Notes from the Principal:

October is here!  Wow, time is flying!  Things have been going well here at Etna! We are finishing up the election process for our first ever student council.  It is going to be awesome to have our students be a part of the decision making here at school.  We are also deep into preparations for our Veteran's day program which is right around the corner!
Did you know that Etna has a homeroom time? During that homeroom time, each classroom does somewhat the same thing. Two days a week, we focus on character education lessons around the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. On another two days, teachers hold morning meetings. This is a time for the students to get to know each other better, as well as the teacher. Time is spent forming the classroom family. Finally, on Fridays, we have STEM CHALLENGE FRIDAYS! These are spread over three weeks. On the first Friday, students are presented with a STEM challenge and they must plan how they will complete the challenge. On the second Friday, they complete the challenge and then on the third Friday they reflect. Then we start the cycle all of again!  Ask your child about these exciting opportunities each week!

As always, if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Tanya Moore

The Southwest Licking Local School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other status protected by law.

Upcoming Events for the month

October 2 - Entertainment Book Orders Due

October 3 - Mumkins Delivery (4-7 at Etna)

October 9 - PTO Meeting (6:00 PM at Pataskala)

October 19 - No School

October 19 - Board of Education Meeting (6:30 - Student of the Quarter) (7:00- Board Meeting)

October 20 - No School

October 27 - Fall Parties (time decided by homeroom teacher)

Thanks to our parents and students!
Etna Rocks!!!

   According to kidshealth.org, there are 6 key steps to smarter studying:
o    Pay attention in class.
o    Take good notes.
o    Plan ahead for tests and projects.
o    Break it down. (If you have a bunch of stuff to learn, break it into smaller chunks.)
o    Ask for help if you get stuck.
o    Get a good night's sleep!

Etna Spotlight    
What a team!!