Sup's On; Personalized Learning; Response to North Bay Fires & more.
November 15, 2017
Providing a world-class, community-funded education.
A Note from Superintendent Burmeister

It would be suspect to publish a newsletter in November and not recognize Thanksgiving. It's ingrained into our "American" conscience: the Pilgrims and Native Americans joyfully sitting down to share a common meal. School children around the county perform skits, do art projects and book reports celebrating the mythical benevolence of that archetypical First Thanksgiving. But I challenge you to re-think the stories that have been told, especially in this day and age of "fake news" and examining bias. I feel so strongly about dissecting our history and discovering multiple viewpoints that I wrote my November blog about it. I invite you to read more at the link below. Acknowledging the truth of the past doesn't threaten us; it inspires us to make better choices for the future.

I do sincerely wish the MPCSD community a restful time of sharing and feeling thankful for family, especially those we see just at the holiday time, and all the blessings we enjoy in our lives. For those that feel moved to give to others at this and all times of the year, I feel appreciation. For those for whom the holiday celebrations recall pain and struggle, I feel compassion. And for all of us on this journey to raise and educate our youth to be the empathetic and smart leaders we desire for our future, I feel hope and the deepest gratitude to be partnering with you along the way.
Dates to Note

Ongoing -  Art show at Menlo Park Burgess Library. See our talented students' art on display any time!
November 16 - Hillview Chorus Fall Concert with special guests the Laurel Chorus, 7:00p.m. @ Hillview PAC
November 17 - End of Thanksgiving Food Drives @ all elementary campuses. See your school newsletter or office to donate.
November 17 - End of Gift Card Drive @ Hillview for North Bay fire victims. Bring Safeway, Target, or Starbucks gift cards to HV office to donate.
November 19 - MPCSD Table at MP Farmers Market, 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m. Stop by!
December 6 - Hillview Orchestra 2 performs @ SF City Hall Holiday Concert, 12noon, free to public
December 8 - Hillview performs @ Holidays At Filoli, 1-1:30p.m. Attendees must purchase ticket.  Daytime ticket info here.
December 13 - Joint Jazz Concert with Hillview, La Entrada & Stanford Jazz Workshop's Giant Steps Middle School Band, 7:00p.m. @ Hillview PAC, free to public.
December 20 - Winter Music Concert featuring all HV Ensembles, 7:00p.m. @ Hillview PAC
March 10, 2018MPAEF Annual Auction @ Hiller Aviation Museum
PTO & MPAEF Parent Campaigns Wrap Up

We are a community funded district because nearly 90% of our operating budget comes from local sources including the crucial funds raised by our school PTOs and the Menlo Park-Atherton Education Foundation. The Are You IN Campaign concluded with gratitude toward those families that made financially supporting our schools a priority. THANK YOU!

And, just in time for holiday shopping, you can easily earn more money for our schools by starting your online shopping here ! MPAEF receives a percentage of all your purchases.
Early Learning Center - Please Share Your Thoughts

The district is excited to be planning for its new Early Learning Program, opening Fall 2018. If you missed the article in our previous district newsletter, read about MPCSD's vision for early learning  hereWe are looking for community input as we shape the Early Learning Program. If you would like to share your thoughts on what you value in an early learning program, whether you have young children at home now, or have insight from when your children were preschool age, please complete our survey. English and Spanish versions are available. 

Please feel free to send the survey links to friends living in our district who have young children, even if they are not current MPCSD families. We value the community's ideas and want to hear from as many parents as possible. Thank you for your help!

Safe Routes to School Seeks Your Input

Please take a moment to complete a survey for San Mateo County Safe Routes to School. Your feedback allows the county to adjust the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) education and encouragement program features to best meet the needs of each individual school. Your feedback will also be shared with decision makers who can address infrastructure issues regarding safe walking and biking. The more input from MPCSD parents, the more attention will be paid to making commutes safer for our children.

Speaker Event Offers Helpful Tips for Parents

The district's Speaker Series presented Dr. Jacob Towery speaking on "Anxiety and Depression in Teenagers" to a full house on November 8. Dr. Towery's three main takeaway points were:
  • Prioritize your own mental health and model the behavior you want in your kids.
  • Get enough sleep: put away screens at least nine hours before wake-up time.
  • Limit screen time. Access to social media and constant information drastically increases anxiety. Get tough and consistent with your kids on limiting screens, especially before sleep.
For more details about Dr. Towery's advice to parents, and resources he recommends to help with mindfulness, sleep hygiene, and more, please read the full article.

Next Speaker Series Event: Sheryl Sandberg presents "Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy"  on January 17 at 10:00a.m. is sold out, but a wait list is open. You should have received a ticket reservation email on Friday, November 10. Use the link in that email and click on the Details button to be directed to the Wait List. I f you are a ticket holder and become aware before the event that you can no longer attend, please use your original Eventbrite link to release your tickets(s) so that they can be offered to someone on the waitlist. If you no longer have your invitation and wish to release tickets, please email  Kate Kennedy

The Speaker Series continues with what is sure the be another success with Author, Consultant, and Philosopher Michael Gurian speaking on "The Minds of Boys and Girls" on February 28, 6:30p.m. at Hillview's PAC. Please join us then. More details will follow in our January newsletters and are also available on the  Speaker Series website.
2017-18 Jeanie Ritchie Grants Announced

Thanks to the annual Jeanie Ritchie Innovation Grants from the Menlo Park-Atherton Education Foundation, our students participate in truly unique experiences designed by teachers, and this year for the first time, co-designed by students! Many of our district's long-standing and most memorable events also started as Jeanie Ritchie grants, like science, engineering, art fairs, student author events, and the SmartBoard technology that is now an integral part of our classroom learning. Every student in MPCSD has been enriched by the powerful, hands-on learning that these grants provide. To the families who contribute to the MPAEF and make these grants possible - THANK YOU!

This year saw the first ever grant approved with two students, Anoushka and Kate, co-applying with Hillview Librarian Aimee Mathenia for a project called Book Club Reimagined. Also notable are the projects Energizing Engineering and Monarch Migration with Steffany Cressey, and Real Life Math with Amanda Bower, which all received unanimous approval from the grant committee. Congratulations to all the recipients, and to the children who will experience these grants this year.
In the Spotlight: Making Progress for Children with Autism

An enthusiastic young special education teacher walked her students to a school assembly only to be denied entry, both a closed attitude and a physical barrier forcing her and her different-looking students to remain separate from their typical peers. Her students were banned from the playground at recess with the rest of the school. Their bus had a special stop in the back, out of sight from everyone else. This was special education in the seventies and eighties, and veteran teachers like our own Kathy Russell have been pushing their whole careers to improve the experience for their students of all different abilities. Read the full article using the link below.

Have suggestions for other staff, school, or program spotlight topics? Email  [email protected]
Get the Real Story with our Media Literacy and FAQ Relaunch

The sheer volume of information readily available to anyone with internet access is truly overwhelming. How much of that news and information is reliable? What are your own biases and how does the information you consume reinforce or challenge your thinking? These are important questions for all consumers of news, and teaching our children what to look for as they navigate the dizzying array of media sites is something parents and educators alike are taking seriously.
During the community conversation around our district's finances, which led to the campaign and passage of Measure X, finding honest and transparent answers to questions about how the district receives and uses its resources was paramount. In online chat forums throughout the city, misinformation was innocently and sometimes willfully spread. The district created a detailed FAQ to offer the truth about how our district operates. Please use the link below to access the newly relaunched Media Literacy and FAQ section of our district website.
MPCSD Responds to North Bay Fires

The October fires that decimated homes, businesses, and schools for so many of our North Bay neighbors hit close to home here in MPCSD, too. Countless district families have friends and relatives in affected areas, and our thoughts were with them during those scary weeks when it seemed like the fires just would not stop burning. In true MPCSD spirit, our schools put thoughts into action and every campus created a tangible effort for our families to help those who had lost so much. Thank you to all the teachers, staff, parents, and most importantly our students for everything they did to show empathy and compassion and make a time of suffering for our neighbors a little bit easier.

Personalization Efforts Move Forward Thoughtfully

Buzzwords abound in education. One of the latest buzzwords, personalization , defines efforts that are alive and well in MPCSD. As a component of MPCSD's Teaching and Learning Strategic Direction, MPCSD educators are piloting several personalization efforts throughout the district, while other efforts have succeeded before personalization was even a "thing." As we push these efforts forward, MPCSD teachers have been both agents of change and harbingers of caution amidst the energy and noise of rapidly changing learning environments.
Erik Burmeister, Superintendent |
Governing Board
Stacey Jones, President
Terry Thygesen, Vice President
David Ackerman
Joan Lambert
Caroline Lucas