Feature Article
Charity in the Financial Services Industry
The grassroots nature of STA's affiliate organizations is more than just political activism. It is about the charitable work that each and every affiliate does within its local community. Many of these charities are not well known outside of their immediate areas, and the unselfish acts by affiliate boards and their members often go unrecognized. Every year STA, by way of its
Big Heart Award
, pays tribute to those affiliates who go the extra mile, those who go above and beyond. The Big Heart Award honors and acknowledges the stand-out STA affiliate who serves its local community while bringing a sense of dignity to people from all walks of life in their time of need. This year STA is pleased to recognize
STA Chicago
, "STAC" as the 2017 Big Heart Award Recipient.
As witnessed by STAC's application
, this affiliate continued its “boots on the ground” approach to community service, which involved giving of both time and money, illustrating the essence of what the Big Heart Award represents.
The charitable spirit of people in financial services goes beyond STA affiliates. Many STA members support a cause they are passionate about, in both bull and bear markets. It's what they do, and there are countless personal reasons and individual stories that help explain these charitable acts. Whatever the motivation, experiences unique to our industry are an influence. Financial services professionals feel world events on a deep level because every day our markets are impacted by them. Our job responsibilities also take us to places across the nation, sometimes far from home. This results in us seeing and feeling events in those areas where people are in need. Over an extended period of time, these combined experiences instill sensitivity and compassion for others and from that, a charitable spirit is fostered.
Congratulations to STA Chicago, and to all STA affiliates and members who serve and support those in need.