September 28, 2017

Dan's Blog
I was down to the wire in getting this bulletin published in time this week. I've been so busy working out preparing for the Walk-A-Thon. Okay, I admit it - mainly I've been spending a lot of time stretching my hamstrings and quadriceps, in hopes I don't pull a muscle tomorrow and that my anterior cruciate ligament-absent knees hold up.  Unlike my younger teachers such as Mr. Gallant and Mrs. Samson, who have the benefit of only one Walk-A-Thon session in which to walk tomorrow (did I mention their youth?), I have to walk --- er --- um ---- I get the privilege of walking in all three Walk-A-Thon sessions tomorrow! So I need to make the best use of my time stretching ...and praying that my body (which by the way is the exact same age as Mr. Gallant's and Mrs. Samson's ages combined!) will carry me through from 10AM to 2:15PM. 

Speaking of race times, if you are coming to cheer on your kids (or to cheer on Mrs. Samson and Mr. Gallant to lap me), you'll want to show up at least 10 minutes prior to the start times:
  • PreK, 1st, 2nd Grades - 10:00-10:45
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades - 11:15-12:30
  • 6th, 7th, 8th Grades - 1:00-2:15
Please remember that the Walk-A-Thon race course is taking up most of the playground/parking lot, so you'll have to please park off campus tomorrow between 8:30-2:45. Thanks for finding parking in the Lake Hills neighborhood on the following streets:
156th Ave. SE;  157th Ave. SE;  155th Ave. SE;  153rd Pl. SE;  152nd Pl. SE;  SE 1st St.;  NE 1st St.;  SE 4th St..
Hey! If your kids can walk 15, 45, or some even more than 75 laps around the St. Louise parking lot tomorrow, the least you can do for your part is walk 2 blocks to school, right?!
And finally, tomorrow is the final day to gather Walk-A-Thon pledges online in order for your child to have an opportunity to earn prizes. Thanks for your efforts to help the Parents' Club raise funds!
It was wonderful seeing over 200 parents and grade 5-8 students at this past Monday's "movie night" in the parish hall as we watched Screenagers. I want to thank the Parents' Club Board for putting on this parent education event - Jennifer Sharp, Kelly Miller, Pam Munar, Julianne Read, Marinell Zevenbergen, Colleen Nowak, Rosamund Wu. Additionally, Erin Aitken assisted by introducing "movie night" to the audience. Thanks, Erin!

By watching Screenagers, the parents and students learned about how to balance the amount of screen time that is healthy for pre-teens and teens, and realized the danger of kids fixated on video games and the danger of sending out texts or pictures to "just one friend," because those could then be forwarded to hundreds.

For those who weren't able to attend, two handouts that the Parents' Club provided can be found here and here. These direct you to over a dozen resources where you can educate yourselves on everything from how to understand the apps your child may be using, to how to check your child's browser history. 

Additionally, I have five questions below for parents to ask yourselves. Then if applicable, click on the links and take some time to learn what each website can teach you about technology and keeping an eye on your kids' use of it.
1)       Have you given your child his own cell phone? If "YES," check this out: 
3)       Do you know with 100% certainty that your child has never looked at pornography on his or a friend's phone or computer? If "NO," check this out:
4)       Have you had a talk with your preteen child about never sending photos online or via her cell that she would be too embarrassed to let you see? If "NO," check these out:
5)      Do you know what "POS" means if your child types this on his screen? If "NO," check this out:
Thank you, parents, for trying to learn more about how children are using technology these days, and for becoming more tech-savvy. We will never become the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs when it comes to technology, but we can't settle for being this guy either.

Thanks for reading, 
Mr. Fitz
You'll note in the calendar below that next Friday the 6th and the following Monday, Oct. 9th, are both NON-school days. Next Friday, all St. Louise teachers will be attending a retreat together - one of two times throughout the school year when we gather to engage our minds theologically and nourish our souls spiritually. Then on that following Monday, some teachers will be holding optional parent-teacher conferences. As you know, we hold mandatory conferences in November. These optional October onferences are for meetings that are best to take place now and can't wait another 6 weeks. (Contact your child's teacher now if you feel a need to conference at this time.) For those November conferences, you will have a chance starting next week to choose the best time to schedule yours. Be looking for a Parent Survey I'll be sending you next Thursday for you to choose your preferred November parent-teacher conference day and time.
Upcoming Calendar of Events

Today - Thursday the 28th
  • Mass of the Holy Spirit - 9:00AM; parents are encouraged to attend; you may meet your child's class outside their classroom at 8:45 and walk with them to church
Tomorrow - Friday the 29th
  • WALK-A-THON - grade levels are walking/jogging on the course (parking lot) at the following times: Gr. PK-2 from 10:00-10:45; Gr. 3-5 from 11:15-12:30; Gr. 6-8 from 1:00-2:15; parents should park off-site and come cheer on the kids (or volunteer to help - contact; arrive early as we'll begin prior to the times above with prayer and grade level "cheers"
  • Free Dress - as long as students wear their W-A-T t-shirts and dress in their grade level colors; wear athletic clothing and athletic shoes; dress for the weather (we walk even if it's raining)

Monday the 2nd
  • All-School Fire Drill

Thursday the 5th
  • All-School PHOTO DAY - all students in all grades must come to school in full school uniform (red sweater or fleece); please pre-order school photos

Friday the 6th
  • NO SCHOOL - Teacher Retreat Day
Sunday the 9th
  • CYO Cross Country Championship at Lake Sammamish State Park, 2PM

Monday the 9th
  • NO SCHOOL - optional Parent/Teacher Conference Day; teachers will contact parents with whom they would like to conference; if you would like to set up a conference with the teacher, please contact the teacher now

  TOMORROW Is DEADLINE to Collect Walk-A-Thon Pledges

Father Gary walked in last year's Walk-A-Thon, and he's rarin' to go again tomorrow
         Friday is the deadline to collect pledges here online and meet your family's minimum required contribution to the Parents' Club:  
  • For a 1-child school family, $85;
  • For a 2-children family, $170;
  • For a 3+ children family, $200.


    Beyond these minimum requirements, there will be special prize rewards given for those who go above and beyond! If...when...we reach $60,000, the student body will have a fun reward day party in October! 
    • The boy and girl in each of the 10 grade levels who walks or runs the longest distance during the Walk-A-Thon will be recognized by having his/her name engraved on a perpetual plaque to be hung in the gym. Plus, those top distance-traveling students will each receive a $25 Amazon or Target gift card.
    • The top fundraising student in each of the 10 grade levels* will get to select from the prize list sent home in an earlier red envelope.
        *t o qualify, must have a minimum of $250 in donations per student
    For more information on Walk-A-thon procedures and prizes, and for the online link to gather pledges, please go to the  Walk-A-Thon page

    Students were given special Walk-A-Thon t-shirts (to take home and decorate in their grade level colors if they desired). Please have your children wear their Walk-A-Thon t-shirts to school tomorrow. It's a free dress day tomorrow, and besides the t-shirt, students must follow regular free dress rules for appropriate clothing. The "STL Hat" is allowed to be worn indoors tomorrow. It's vital that students wear athletic-style clothing and shoes that will help them accomplish the most laps possible. Layered-clothing makes the most sense, as kids will get hot as they start walking more laps. Students must also dress for the weather - we go outside and walk regardless of if it's raining or not.

    Assigned Grade Level Colors in Which to Decorate the T-Shirt
    and Wear As Much Colored-Clothing as Possible Friday:

    ·  Pre-K = light blue
    ·  K = purple
    ·  1st = red
    ·  2nd = green
    ·  3rd = yellow
    ·  4th = white
    ·  5th = blue
    ·  6th = grey
    ·  7th = orange
    ·  8th = black

    Please contact the Walk-A-Thon chairs if you have questions: Erika Mervin, Michele Baker, Jolla Sumido, Laura Dark: .

       We have 34 new school families joining our St. Louise School community this fall, and below are a few of the new parents. Each week, we'll show you a few more...but don't worry...there won't be a test!
            As you see these newest St. Louisers around school, and see the other new parents whose portraits we'll be showing you in upcoming editions of the Bulletin, please reach out to welcome them!

     Kelly & Taryn Reed
    (new 2nd grader & 5th grader)


    Mike & Shawn Roduin

    (new kindergartener)


    Michael Salas

    (new kindergartener)


    Mike & Shannon Stevens

    (new 4th grader)


    JT & Janelle Taasan

    (new preschooler)

    Alex Vo & Ngoc Tran
    (new preschooler)

    Carlos & Clara Larco Walker
    (new kindergartener)
    Want a FREE Starbucks Card Tomorrow?

    If you place a "Standing Order" by tomorrow - Friday, September 29, and include at least one "Groceries or Gas" category store, you will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card with your first order!

    Find the Standing Order Form on our webpage:

    We Have Childcare Openings
              Kids' Club is St. Louise's before-school and/or after-school childcare program. Currently, we have openings in after-school care Kids' Club, which runs until 5:45PM each school day. The activities in which children engage while outside of school hours are critical to their development. That is why when school is out, you can trust Kids' Club to provide experiential, hands-on learning choices in a safe and familiar setting.  Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition between the school day and the before-school and after-school program. Activities are designed to spark academic interests, recreation, physical fitness and nurture social-emotional growth. We also provide the time, the place, and the assistance to ensure your children have enough time to complete their homework. Please contact Kids' Club director, Maria Zambrano to inquire about our program.  Maria and our entire Kids' Club team (Marilu De La Torre, Peggy Kirk, Sheila McAllister) would be happy to assist you.
    Auction News

    Invitations Coming Home Next Week
    Coming home in next week's red Family Envelope - your invitation to a rockin' evening at the Our School House Rocks Auction! You can round up a group of friends to share a table with - or request to be seated with families whose children are in the same grade as yours. Either way it's sure to be an evening you won't want to miss. So book
    the babysitters! Put on your dancing shoes! Come celebrate our rockin' St. Louise Community at THE event of the year!

    Wine and Donuts??

    Why, yes, wine and donuts do go together - in our Premium Wine Contest! To enter, simply donate one (or more!) bottles of wine valued at $30 or more apiece. Bring your wine donations to the school office any time between now and October 20 marked with your student's name and classroom. The prize? A Krispy Kreme Donut Party for the class who brings in the most wine by the October 20 deadline!
    The night of the auction these wines will be available to purchase in our Mystery Wine Pull. For $30 you pull a "mystery" bottle of wine - you are guaranteed the value of each bottle will be at least $30 - maybe it will be much more! Each bottle you purchase is yours to take home and enjoy. Thanks in advance for your wine donations!
    Black & White Photos

    A long standing and cherished tradition at St. Louise School, these professional quality black and white photos are taken of your children in group shots with friends on the playground. They uniquely capture your children's school years and serve as beautiful mementos of their time at St. Louise. To guarantee that your children will be included in the photos please email a request by Monday, October 9. There is no obligation to purchase, but once you see the beautiful 11 x 14 photos we don't think you'll be able to resist! Photos will be available to purchase during Preview Week and at the Auction for $100 each. To be included, send in your request with your children's names and grades to our Black & White Photos team today at with "Black and White" in the subject line.

    Thank you for all your support - our Schoolhouse ROCKS!
    ~Sue Richards, Auction Director

    Plan(t) Ahead for Volunteer Hours on a Saturday

              In two weeks - on Saturday, October 14 - we'll be holding our second Fall Fix-Up Saturday. Parents
    who come from 8AM-12PM can earn 4 volunteer hours helping our head volunteer landscaper, Jeffrey Hummer, beautify the parish and school grounds. We'll be weeding, pruning, and planting. If you have tools, wheelbarrows, and of course, work gloves, bring them! At noon, Mr. Fitz will provide lunch! Junior high and high school children are welcome to assist.
              Please RSVP to Jeffrey so he knows the size of the work crew, which helps him determine which yard projects the Fix-Up crew will tackle on the 14th. Thanks in advance for your sweat equity!

    You May Start Now to Pre-Order School Photos
              Student photos are scheduled for Thursday, October 5th.  Throughout the day, every grade PK-8 student will have his/her individual photo taken in a complete school uniform, along with a class photo. Regardless if your child will be purchasing an individual photo, the photos need to be taken for the School Yearbook.
               The preferred method to pre-order school photos is
    to go online at this time to  and use St. Louise School's code: LS117096Q0. When ordering online, the student's first and last name needs to match the name in our Skyward databaseA second option for ordering photos is to complete and return a paper-form which was sent home in last week's Family Envelope. You must submit a check if you don't pay online.
              All grade PK-8 students are to come to school on October 5th in their complete uniforms, wearing the traditional red sweaters or red fleece (no hoodies, track jackets, or polo shirts not covered by the red sweaters/fleece). If you have any questions concerning school photos, please contact Cindy Wagner .
     Check Out the Alumni Photo Boards

    If you look outside the 1st grade classrooms, you'll find in the hallway our Alumni Photo Boards. They show the individual photos of each St. Louise School graduate from the Class of 2017 all the way back to our first graduating class - the Class of 1964. (We want to thank Alice Shaw for helping to post our recent class photos on these boards.) 


    We hope to see some of these Alumni back at school on October 19, at our annual Alumni Wine Event. The St. Louise Alumni Class with the most attendees will receive gifts, so if you're an alum, or you know an alum, please spread the word! Parents of Alumni are also invited. For more information of the event, see the flyer below.

    Did you ever wonder why - if St. Louise School began in September, 1961 - the first graduating class wasn't until 1964? Shouldn't the first graduating class on our Alumni Photo Board be June, 1962?

    ...It pays to read the Parent Bulletin!


    Spread the word to alumni you know & parents of alumni.

    Prizes to the Class with the most attendees!


    See what's happening on our St. Louise Facebook page