Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island
315 Forest Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
Rabbi Michael D. Howald                         Student Cantor Elizabeth Flynn
President Bryn Biren
E-Shalom -October 2017
Temple Israel’s New Electronic Bulletin
“Shalom, Welcome to Temple Israel....” is a phrase taught to us by Carole Lachman, a beloved, long-time congregant and bulletin editor who died in 2002. We named our bulletin in her honor and worked to realize her vision of Temple Israel as a community that welcomes the stranger and lets no one stand alone. As we move to a new version of this tradition of communicating with our Temple Israel family, we continue to forward Carole’s vision, love and devotion for our synagogue.
A Message from
Rabbi Michael D. Howald

As we look toward to the beginning of the Hebrew year 5778 and the end of the secular year of 2017, it is easy to be discouraged by the state of our broken world. A seemingly relentless string of hurricanes bringing destruction over the Atlantic, bitter partisan rhetoric in our national and personal discourse, missiles flying over the Pacific and the powerful equating victims with perpetrators both here and abroad. In face of these natural and human calamities, where do we find hope for ourselves and for our children? What sources of strength and comfort can we consult to help us weather the real and symbolic winds that now constantly buffet us?
           One answer can be found in community. By gathering together with family, friends and neighbors, we learn that others share our anxieties and yearn to share our hopes as well. By holding ourselves aloof from community and congregation, on the other hand, we reinforce a false belief that we are alone in our fears and concerns or, even worse, that we are surrounded by those who actively seek our harm. By coming together and sharing our doubts and goals for the future, we remind each other of how much we share and how much we all want purpose, joy and meaning in our lives, no matter our differences in background or perspective. This year, many have heeded the call of community by recommitting to groups of common resolve seeking to preserve and protect those things they hold dear. 
Based on my own observations since last year, in fact, synagogue attendance has noticeably increased on Friday nights as we come together to make sense of a sometimes-chaotic world through the eyes of our ancient texts and traditions. The sense of community that permeates our synagogue, from the moment worshippers begin to arrive as much as one hour before services begin and stay to beyond one hour after services end, gives many comfort and strength, clergy and congregant alike. The effort and purpose of the volunteers who regularly sit on the bima, usher, beautifully present the oneg and quietly clear the dishes, in addition, gently reminds us, each week, of what we can build if we all work together with intention and respect.
“Do not separate yourself from the community,” Pirke Avot , “ The Wisdom of our Ancestors ,” counsels us, for only in a community can life’s joys and sorrows be shared. Only in community can we build a society capable of sustaining the many blessings of congregation, neighborhood, nation and civilization we take for granted. In loneliness and isolation, on the other hand, fears fester and paranoia proliferates.  Rather than sit at home to begin the New Year of 5778, come let Temple Israel gather you in the gentle embrace of friendship. We offer many opportunities for connection and conversation, not just on Friday nights but virtually every day of the week!  To you and yours, in this season of renewal, we say B’ruchim HaBa-im , “Blessed are those who come,” blessed in the gifts of fellowship they bring and blessed in the gifts of strength and comfort they receive in return. 
Shana Tova !
Rabbi Michael Howald
A Message from
President Bryn Biren

For those of you who don't know me, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Bryn Biren. I am proud to be serving as President of Temple Israel for my fourth, and final, year.
I am a child of the synagogue. My mother was pregnant with me when Temple was founded. I have spent my entire life in this synagogue and consider it a vital part of my life. I attended Religious School, was Confirmed here, was married to my husband, Richard, in the sanctuary, became a Bat Mitzvah in 2012, and have been lucky enough to have had each of my five grandchildren named in our sanctuary. My roots are deep.
As strongly attached as I may be to the past I am even more concerned about our future. In this regard I am delighted to announce the DR. RONALD AVIS FOUNDATION. Our beloved congregant also has strong ties to Temple Israel that go back many years. Ron has generously established a foundation that, through an interview process, will identify ten families this year to become members of our synagogue at greatly reduced prices. The foundation will continue this same process for the next five years. There is the possibility for Temple Israel to gain SIXTY new families.
In addition to reduced membership dues is the addition of TEMPLE ISRAEL YOUNG FAMILY CONNECTIONS. Ron is funding courses for children, adults and the entire family.
Rabbi Howald will be involved in teaching about Social Consciousness topics and will offer instruction in Jewish values and Festival Celebrations.
We want to create community! We want you to become part of this exciting adventure! You can be part of creation and change!
If you know of any type of family unit that would like to educate their children in a Reform Jewish environment have them contact Lara in our Temple office at 1(718)727-2231 or at Tmplisrael.com. I am also happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Looking forward to new people, new activities and a new year!
Bryn Biren
Notes from 
Student Cantor Elizabeth Flynn
  “Avinu Malkeinu choneinu va’aneinu, ki ein banu ma’asim,
Asei imanu tzedakah vachesed v’hoshieinu.”

The High Holy Days are among us. Who can count the number of times we recite the words above? They are like a mantra - sentence so familiar to us that we could recite it even in our sleep. We meditate on these Hebrew words constantly throughout hours of prayer and through the ten days of reflection between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. All of this is undoubtedly true, but I wonder, for such important words, who could recite their translation, their meaning, just as quickly as the Hebrew? As many of us do not speak fluent Hebrew, my guess is that the answer is very few of us.

“Our Father Our King, be gracious and answer us, for we have little worth. Treat us generously and with kindness, and be our help.”

These are strong, important, and influential words that can both define and shape the high holy day prayer and reflection experience. This has certainly been the case for me personally. During my preparation for the season, I have spent a great deal of time meditating on these words and have a few thoughts I would like to share.

Many may have noticed that this year I have altered the way I lead the congregation in the singing of the congregational Avinu Malkeinu. We sing both lines as usual, but then at the end of the prayer, instead of returning to the first line, I repeat the original melody on a nigun, singing it on the syllables “yai lai lai.” For those who noticed, I am sure the change was a bit abrupt but it has been a very intentional one. For years our community, and Jews all over the world, have sung the text in the following order.
In this way, every time we pray this text, we end on the sentiment that we are worthless. This was a startling revelation to me earlier in the summer and has transformed the way I approach this prayer and how I think about the work we do in introspection and teshuvah during this time. Since the High Holy Day season is about reflecting, repenting, and renewing ourselves, ending on this sentiment seems contrary to the very nature of our efforts. We spend countless days, and hours pouring over the decisions we have made during the past year. We focus on how to become better people, live more productive lives, and be better companions to our fellow humans. And we hope and pray that God accepts our efforts and knows that though we are human and imperfect, we are constantly striving to be better. Why in the world then, should we choose to focus on the fact that we are worthless ?! It makes no sense. So in that spirit, I have become very conscious of the perspective of our prayers and the intentionality of not only the words we pray, but the order in which we sing them. This year as we enter 5778, let us celebrate our efforts, and sing Avinu Malkeinu, and all the other prayers, acknowledging our faults, working to fix them but focusing on the positive - focusing on the good – on God’s forgiveness and help.

May you all be sealed in the Book of Life for a year of blessing and health and may we all continue to work towards Tikkun Olam, repairing the world.

G’mar Chatimah Tovah,
Student Cantor Liz
L’shanah Tovah! We hope that this is the beginning of a New Year filled with happiness, health and peace for all of you. We also hope it will be a year filled with renewed dedication to our synagogue and to your Temple Israel family. 

As we prepared to celebrate the High Holidays in our beautiful temple, Sisterhood was busy making sure that the holidays were (and continue to be) a special experience for every member of our congregation. We are grateful to all the women (and men) who created and sold honey gift bags, took such care in polishing all the ritual silver and the serving pieces used throughout our holiday services, and to all who ordered for, shopped for and prepared our kiddushes and break-the-fast. Thank you to Claire Bleiman, Linda Brill, Deanna Feder, Lou Fuller, Libby Gershansky, Sheila Grossman, Beverly Mazer, Blanche Ricci, Nina & Jim Rohan, Jodi & Alan Siegel, Andrea Simon, Inez Singer, Lynn Silberman, and Jennifer & Phil Straniere. We are also grateful to Claire Guttsman who, once again, chaired our Community New Year’s Card committee. How lucky we all are to have the wonderfully talented Phyllis Elrich who created another beautiful work of art especially for Sisterhood and for our congregation and community to enjoy.

We would like to thank everyone who donated to our Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. We were able to partner with the Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel in Beaumont, Texas, a congregation similar to our own. The significant donation we sent will be used to assist the many congregants of Temple Emanuel who lost their homes due to the the hurricane.

As you continue to celebrate the holidays with your friends and family, please remember that you can purchase beautifully packaged honey gift bags from our Judaica Shop to share with family and friends along with other beautiful gifts for home. 
On October 4th,    we hope you and your family will join us for our Bring-a-Dairy-Dish-To-Share Sukkkot Dinner. Thank you, in advance, to Shariann Ganz and all those who will be helping with that event. And thank, also in advance, to Blanche Ricci and her team of Simchat Torah elves, who make sure that we have flags and treats as we dance with the Torahs.

Our first meeting of this year, held on September 10 th , was a great success. We were thrilled to welcome some new members and to share a lovely breakfast with Brotherhood. We are looking forward to our upcoming Paid-Up Members’ Dinner and Program on Wednesday, October 25th at 7:00 p.m. (Please remember that, if you haven’t officially joined Sisterhood yet (as a member or a friend), you can still join us for a great evening, and pay your $40/$36 dues/friend at the door.Please do RSVP for the dinner, first!) Information can be found below by clicking on the flyer below!

While you have your calendar open, be sure you mark two additional dates! 
On Saturday, October 21, don’t miss OLD (AND NOT SO OLD) JEWS TELLING JOKES! It promises to be a hilarious evening filled with old favorites....jokes, desserts and friends! Scroll down in the bulletin for the flyer with details. And, the very next morning, don’t miss our GIFT FAIR! Judaica, Housewares, Gifts for the entire family....we will have it all. Bring your friends to both events.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to know more about Sisterhood, please contact us at SisterhoodTI@aol.com .

In Sisterhood,
Jodi Siegel & Shariann Ganz
Brotherhood was, once again, very busy during the month of September. We started our year off with a great joint meeting with Sisterhood. We then had our own business meeting to discuss our yearly budget and plan on events for the coming year. On Sunday September 17th, Brotherhood came out to beautify our stream area as we prepared for Tashlich after Rosh Hashanah services. We look forward to building our Sukkah on Sunday October 1 at 10:00 so that our Religious School Students will be able to decorate it during school hours. We invite all members of the congregation to help with this effort, especially the parents of our students. On Wednesday evening, October 11, please join us as Brotherhood sponsors our annual Ice Cream Sundaes after Simchat Torah services. As we look ahead, our annual Hanukkah Greeting card will be produced to wish all of our Temple Family greetings of the season. Details in a flyer will be available shortly. We also plan on having a Hanukkah party for children on Sunday, December 17 at noon. Crafts, stories, music and other fun activities are planned, as well as pizza and Sufganiyot, and each child will receive a gift to celebrate Hanukkah. Flyers will be available shortly.

This is just a sampling of the events and activities that Brotherhood does to enhance the Religious life of our members.

If you have already become a member of Brotherhood, I thank you. If you have not, please consider joining . Our efforts directly support all the Temple has to offer. Together we can be stronger than ever.

Dates to Remember
Sunday October 1- 10:00 a.m. 
Sukkah Set Up

Wednesday, October 11          
Ice Cream Sundae after Simchat Torah Services

Sunday, November 12
Brotherhood Breakfast Business Meeting

Sunday, December 17              
Abbreviated Meeting and Prepare for Hanukkah Party after school

Flyers for our Annual Hanukkah Card and Party will be on line and in the Temple lobby shortly.

Y ours in Friendship and Brotherhood,
Jeffrey Ganz
Please consider becoming a member of our KAVOD SOCIETY
It helps to make membership available to all our families.
Speak to our Financial Secretary to upgrade your membership.

1:30 p.m.


FRIDAY, 10/6 
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.

10:00 a.m.

(Interactive Service for very young children)
6:00 p.m.

(Holiday gifts for the entire family)

  • Friday, September 29 -Kol Nidre* - 8:00 p.m.   
  • Saturday, September 30 - Morning Service*- 10:00 a.m.
                  Children's Service-1:30 p.m. 
Click here to   See our Flyer for Details
                  Ark Doors Open for Private Meditation * - 2:45 p.m.
                  Discussion in the Library * - 3:00 p.m.
Afternoon Service * - 4:15 p.m.
                  Yizkor/Neilah followed by Break the Fast-5:30 p.m.

  • Sunday, October 1 -10:00 - Sukkah Decoration
  • Wednesday, October 4 - 6:00 p.m. - Bring a Dairy Dish to Share Dinner
7:30 p.m. - Erev Sukkot Service
  • Thursday, October 5 - 10:30 a.m. - Sukkot Service followed by
Dairy Dish to Share Luncheon

  • Wednesday, October 11 - 7:30 p.m. - Erev Simchat Torah Service and
Dancing with the Torahs followed by Ice Cream Oneg
  • Thursday, October 12 - 10:30 a.m. -Simchat Torah Yizkor Service
followed by Bring a Dairy Dish to Share Luncheon

* Tickets Required  - Please contact the Temple Office at 718-727-2231
For your information, last year a new prayer book, Mishkan HaNefesh, Machzor for the Days of Awe was introduced and used for the evening Service of Rosh Hashanah and for the Kol Nidre Service of Yom Kippur. This year this prayer book will not only be used for these Services but also for the afternoon and Yikzor/Neilah Services of Yom Kippur. This prayer book comes as a two book set, one book for each of the High Holy Days and was published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis in 2015 through the CCAR Press.  Please join us and continue to experience what this prayer book has to offer our prayer experience. We note that the red Machzor, Gates of Repentance will be used during our morning Services of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
The Ritual Committee of Temple Israe l  
For calendar updates or to print a copy of this calendar, click here .

Sandy Mazzucco on her engagement to Richie Marlieb.
Maxine Cohen and family on the birth of her first grandson, Enyo Ezra Russo Blum.
Judy & Steve Scher on the birth of their granddaughter, Margot Lily Scher.
Carol Rosen & Wally Katz on the birth of their grandson, Leonardo Viscardi-Habib.
Inez & Steve Singer on their daughter-in-law, Aniko, becoming a U.S. Citizen.
Tom Checchi honored by the DaVinci Society at Wagner College

To Lara Calderon recovering from surgery.
To former Temple member Jacqueline Jacobson, sister of Phyllis Elrich.
Sue Freedman recovering from a broken wrist.
Erica Greenbaum recovering from a hip fracture and surgical complications.
Muriel Schlefstein recovering from cataract surgery.
Pamela Carlton recovering from cataract surgery.

Karen Frey-Gamoran and Joseph Gamoran on the loss of her mother, Helen Frey.

New Members
Jesse Siegel
Jennifer Arlen and Family
The Sgambelluri Family
The Lenner Family
The Steinhart Family

Returning Members
Joy Robins & Ralph Dickar
Cheryl Levine

Wednesday, October 4
6:00 p.m.
RSVP to Shariann Ganz
by Sunday, October 1


For information about ordering your own Lulav & Etrog for Sukkot, please click here .

Wednesday, October 11
Beautiful Service
Live Music!
 Ice Cream Sundaes!
7:30 p.m.

Click on the flyer for details.
As we write this for the October E-Shalom, the Ritual Committee is wrapping up their work over the last 3 months preparing for the High Holidays, including:

  • Assigning and confirming about one hundred and fifty participant parts in the Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur Services. This was made even more exciting this year since Rabbi has continued to update our services from Gates of Repentance to Mishkan HaNefesh. This year it will be used for Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor and Neilah as well as the two services we used it for last year, Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre. This required rewriting and changing the cues and parts for congregational participants.
  • Offering congregant honors for Selichot, Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
  • Arranging for Lulavs and Etrogs for Sukkot.
  • Working with clergy on the Selichot service, including a new prayer book, Mishkan HaLev.
  • Coordinating with Sisterhood on the cleaning of the Torah silver.
  • Arranging for ushering.
  • Cleaning the Torah covers.
  • Contacting congregants and friends for updates to their Memory Book entries and soliciting new entries.
  • Ordering additional copies of Mishkan HaNefesh, fifty copies of Mishkan HaLev and Yamulkas.

This is in addition to our everyday activities including putting bookplate dedications into prayer books, regular Shabbat honors and ushering and working with clergy to keep our services fresh and inspiring. We also worked to cover the services when Rabbi and Cantor were absent during the summer.

On September 16, we had a very successful Selichot program and service with over 40 attendees. Rabbi led the program about the documentary “ Sitting at G-d’s Table ” and then he and Cantor conducted the Selichot service. During the service, as is traditional, the Torah covers where changed to the white covers used through the holidays.

We are grateful for the support of Sisterhood and Brotherhood in this flurry of preparation for the new year.

Please be sure to join us in October to celebrate Sukkot and Simchat Torah. On Erev Sukkot Wednesday October 4 th Sisterhood is hosting a Bring a Dairy Dish to Share Dinner at 6:00 PM and a Service follows at 7:30 PM. At the Service we will wave our Lulav and Etrog in six directions and will continue to wave and sing until everyone has a chance. The Sukkot morning Service on Thursday, October 5 th starts at 10:30AM and is followed by a Bring a Dairy Dish to Share Luncheon. The following week, Wednesday October 11 th at 7:30 PM we will celebrate Erev Simchat Torah at a Service with singing and dancing with the Torahs, with flags and mini Torahs for children to carry and wave and featuring The Rock of Israel Band.  The CONSECRATION OF NEW STUDENTS and NEW MEMBERS will also occur during this Service. A special Brotherhood “Make Your own Sundae” Oneg follows.  The Thursday morning Service of October 12 th at 10:30 AM will celebrate Atzeret-Simchat Torah and will include a Yizkor Service. A Bring a Dairy Dish to Share Luncheon will follow.

Jeffrey Ganz and Linda Brill
Co-Chairpersons Ritual Committee
We have just read an engrossing family saga, which is a true story . The Family: Three journeys into the heart of the twentieth century by David Laskin, is the story of the children of a Torah scribe in Russia/Poland/Belarus in the late 19 th century. The Kahanovitz (Kohains) family immigrated to America and Palestine, while some stayed in the shtetl. Over two World Wars, financial successes (one daughter was the founder of Maidenform Corporation), fear and confusion during this period for those who remained in the shtetl, extreme difficulties of survival in Palestine, their tales come to life via the letters saved by various family members. Get this book, read it. This book reads like a novel, even though it is non-fiction. If you want to talk about this family, please feel free to contact either Barbara Tepper or Judith Pessah, and we will arrange a book club talk. We look forward to hearing from you!
On Monday, October 30, the Rabbi will lead a book discussion of  Waking Lions by Ayolit Gundar Goshen.
So, come join us to discuss the winner of this year's Jewish Quarterly's Wingate Prize,  Waking Lions , the second book by Israeli author Ayelet Gundar-Goshen. Called "a sophisticated and darkly ambitious novel, revealing an aspect of Israeli life rarely seen in its literature." by the  New York Times Book Review  and "an intense moral thriller" by  Kirkus Reviews , the book has become a bestseller both in Israel and abroad. The book is available in English through a skillful translation by Sondra Silverston and can be purchased in paperback or digital versions. We will meet to discuss the book on October 30, 2017 at 7 pm at Temple Israel. Please bring a dairy dish to share in advance of the book discussion, as per Rabbi Michael Howald. For flyer, click here .
In collaboration with Rabbi Howald, we will be having a special evening in the Spring of 2018 , when we celebrate the 70 th anniversary of both the creation of the state of Israel, and the founding of our Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island. In preparation for the event, I strongly urge everyone to read Lawrence Epstein’s Americans and the Birth of Israel . This new book is so well written, it reads just like a spy novel. Epstein engagingly describes how everyday people took all kinds of risks, to help the Jews in Palestine prepare for statehood, and the ensuing war once statehood was declared. The Copa Cabana nightclub was where meetings were held! Meyer Lansky donated $25,000 towards the cause! Read it, learn about so much you never knew was happening right under our noses. Keep tuned for further readings to educate yourself on the issues.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Pessah and Barbara Tepper
Co-Chairs of Adult Education
The Museum of Jewish Heritage has two new exhibits and many provocative lectures this fall, concerning the Shoah and its aftermath. If interested, go to mjhnyc.org/events
for detailed information.
Thank you to all who have answered the call to help our fellow congregants in need. To those who visited the Gamorans at the funeral home, or came to the funeral, the Gamoran/Frey family is grateful. Those who made donations to the Caring Community Fund have enabled us to be ready with a supply of paper goods, plastic ware, coffee, tea, water, etc. As we go to press, we will be helping our office secretary, Lara, as she will be out for a few weeks. Please contact either Barbara Tepper at barbaralesp@yahoo.com , or Pamela Rogozin at pamrogoz@gmail.com to be included in our “go to” list of congregants who can help.

Pamela Rogozin and Barbara Tepper
Saturday, November 11, 2017

We are bringing back the very popular and successful Trivia Night, which was a big hit a couple of years ago. We will have teams of between 4-6 people per table trying their knowledge of new topics and new and improved questions.

It will be an evening of challenge and competition, but most importantly everyone will have a fun time trying to win prizes. We will also have a raffle and a 50/50. Our very own “Alex Trebeck”, Fred Simon, will be the MC.

Light refreshments will be served and BYOB. Hurry, come join the fun by reserving your team and if you register and pay by November 1, 2017 you will received the discounted admission price. See registration flyers in the lobby or click here .

LOONEY BIN COMEDY CLUB Saturday, January 6, 2018
Once again, our annual winter event has been booked for the date directly above. We are planning a wonderful evening of laughter and hilarity at one of our favorite off-site fundraising locations. Just ask anyone who has previously attended this event and they will tell you what a great time they had. We will be having a raffle and chances for a 50/50 winner. Flyers are in the lobby or click here .

We are looking forward to bringing you more exciting events in 2018 and as soon as any details are finalized we will inform you.

Andrea Simon and Karen E. Frey-Gamoran
Fundraising Committee Co-Chairs
Are you stressed?
Do you want to build your core strength?
Join us on Thursday evenings from 7:15-8:15 as Denise Nizarre leads the Temple Israel Yoga classes.
During the month of October there will be four sessions: 10/5,10/12,10/19,
Members: $15
Non-Members $18.
Challenge yourself and join the class.  
For more information contact
Bryn Biren 
Religious School
(Sundays: 9:30 am–12:00 pm--11:45am for Kitonim)
Hebrew School
(Wednesdays: 4:30 pm- 6:00pm for Students in 3 rd Grade & Up)

School has gotten off to an excellent start. Welcome back to all our returning students. Attendance at the Learning Service on 9/17 was great. We are now using the Mishkan Tefilah for Youth, our children’s Prayerbook, on Sunday mornings.
Miss Joanna’s class (Kitonim) is hard at work learning the Hebrew letters. Last year each child molded pay-dough to form each letter. This year they are creating folders of each letter that they are learning and associating sounds with the letters. They are involved with the meaning and celebration of the 5778 High Holy Days. Miss Joanna is making it fun for our youngest students to learn!  
We would like to welcome our newest students Simone, Mia, Alexa & Peri to our Temple Israel Family and Religious school .
PLEASE NOTE : There will not be Religious/Hebrew School on the following dates because of public school closing or because student attendance is encouraged at our holiday services:

Wed, 10/4/17
Erev Sukkot           
( 6pm Dairy Dish Dinner & 7:30pm Service )
Sun., 10/8/17                       
Columbus Day weekend
Wed., 10/11/17                
Erev Simchat Torah
 ( 7:30pm Service )
Joyce Miller , School Board Advisor
7:00 p.m.
$25 in advance (by 10/14) 
or $30 at the door. Checks payable to Sisterhood of Temple Israel.
(Bring your own joke, 
or we’ll be happy to provide you with one or two!)
For more information, 

The New Initiatives Committee is very interested in any ideas members have about ways we can create opportunities and programming for both enhancing our congregational experience, and for attracting new members. Our committee would love to hear from you! Our committee will be meeting after the holidays so please reach out to  any  of us if you have some ideas for “new initiatives”!

Terry Baver, Judy Scher, Robin Howald, JR Rich, Joanna Meltzer, Libby Gershansky, Pamela Carlton, and Barbara Fried
For a list of High Holiday Donors, click here.
Yes, we need diapers! Food stamps, WIC, do not cover the cost of diapers. Needy mothers really need our help. You do not have to purchase a huge box, the store brand is find, as is the Kirkland brand. Any purchase you make is tax deductible, to the fullest extent of the law, to you (just save your receipt). There is a container at the foot of the stairs where you can deposit the diapers. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
On August 28, we had 12 volunteers come to prepare meals for Project Hospitality. Aside from performing this mitzvah, we all had a good time, sharing the good will, the camaraderie of work. So come join us on October 8, 10 am, as we prepare meals for Project Hospitality. You do not have to know how to cook ! If you can open a can, peel a potato, assemble materials in sandwiches or a large tray, we can use your help! If you can just deliver the trays at noon to designated sites, we can use your help! And of course, there is the important Christmas morning food prep . Project Hospitality really depends on us for this mitzvah, as Christmas is the holiday for other organizations on Staten Island who share the responsibility of feeding the needy. Please contact Pamela Rogozin to volunteer your services.
  Winter Wear for our Pre-School
Please go to a dollar store and purchase pairs of “Magic Gloves”, the gloves which stretch to fit all hands. They usually $1 a pair. Bring them into the office for the children in the Pre-School we house in our classrooms. These children are all Title I, in other words, qualify for free school lunch. We know how children loose their gloves, hats, etc. Your donations can ensure that a child will not go home with bare hands in the upcoming cold winter months. If you come across new children’s hats or scarves, please donate these items, too. Or, you can always make a donation to Temple Israel Social Action, to enable us to purchase these items.
Peace Demonstrations:  Watch your email for notifications of timely demonstrations. On August 27, about a dozen members of Temple Israel joined other community activists to protest the Charlottesville, Virginia massacre by Neo-Nazis. We assembled with candles, most of us brought the Yom Hashoah candles to light, as we prayed for peace with Muslims, Baptists, and Protestants. If we remain silent, extremists will assume their actions are “okay” by us! We cannot allow another Holocaust, we cannot allow the rise of Neo-Nazis, we cannot allow the rise of terrorism. We must speak out, we must demonstrate our presence, our desire for peace, equality, justice. 

Respectfully submitted,
 Barbara Tepper & Pamela Rogozin
Inez Singer will be collecting donations for
Breast Cancer Awareness.
The Annual Breast Cancer Walk will take place on
Sunday, October 15th at 10am at Midland Beach.
An envelope will be in the Sisterhood Mailbox for any donations. Please make all checks payable to American Cancer Society.
If you have not completed your membership packets or made arrangements for your annual commitment, please email our Financial Secretary,
Jennifer Straniere at  TMPLISRFINSEC@aol.com . (No phone calls please!)  
C ontributions to Temple Israel as tributes, dedications or memorials are welcome. 

Donations can be dedicated to the general Temple Israel Fund or to any of the following specific funds: 

  • Adult Education Fund 
  • Building Preservation Fund 
  • Caring Community Fund 
  • Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
  • Choir Fund 
  • Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration) 
  • Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors) 
  • Liheyot Fund 
  • Membership Fund 
  • Prayerbook Fund 
  • Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund 
  • Shoah Education Fund
  • Scholarship Fund 
  • Social Action

A $5.00 minimum donation is requested for these funds. Checks for donations to any of these funds should be made payable to Temple Israel.

PRAYERBOOKS may be dedicated in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. For specific prayerbooks and donation amounts, scroll down to the bottom of this bulletin..

Please make checks for Donations to the RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND payable to that fund.

Donations in any amount may be made to SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL or BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL with checks made payable directly to the affiliate organization.

For a leaf on the TREE OF LIFE in honor of a simcha, please scroll down. 

For permanent MEMORIAL PLAQUES on our Family Memorial Wall or Original Memorial Wall, please call the Temple office at 718-727-2231.
To see list of all recent
Tributes and Program
Donations to Funds...
Sisterhood’s New Year’s Card especially designed for us by Phyllis Elrich.
October 6, 2017
Mary Borack *
Loretta Grossman
Laura Don
Dr. Lewis Gross
Irving Grossman
Howard Bierman
Mollie Hirsh
Rose Rosen
Victor Grober
Helene Werb *
Rubin Levine *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
October 13, 2017
Harvey Don
Benjamin Herman *
Minde Herman
Kenneth William Lipsitz *
Norma Feinberg Andrews
David Elrich
Abraham Leimsider
Anna Reznikoff
Helen Aronson
Murray Milton Scher
Diane Teitelbaum *
Seymour Gold *
Kermit Krisburg *
Celia Weissglass *
Malcolm Kass *
Seymour Richman
Simche Silberman *
Beatrice Simon *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
October 20, 2017
Samuel Surpin *
Dorothy Holzman
Joseph Yale Lipp *
Kenneth Peretz *
Delane Soposnick
Gustave Teitelbaum *
Rose Grodman
Lottie Hirsch
Maude Kunofsky
Barbara Kurlander *
Esther Katzman *
Joseph Werb *
Charles Wiesner
And we remember from the Holocaust:
October 27, 2017
Joseph H. Diamond *
Charlotte Nash *
Ruth Quartin Weitz *
Charles Berg
Charles Kalish
Margaret McGowan
Joel Schaefer *
Sylvia Smith
Rose Talisman
Rosalie Mord Litinsky *
Sidney Don
Marvin Aroll
Israel Kantrowitz
And we remember from the Holocaust:

* These names are on our Memorial Wall.
We wish the following couples a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Robert & Lynn Silberman
October 8
Maurice & Muriel Schlefstein
October 15
Wilhelm & Eva Figueroa
October 18
Laughlin MacNeil & Su Ellen Silverman
October 27
Lawrence & Shari Stein-Ballow
October 31
We wish the following people a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Judith Magnus               10/01
Linda Scher                       10/01
Stephen Singer                10/01
Liana Kass                         10/02
Lois Popler                          10/02
Jennifer Sappin                10/02
Janet Aronson                  10/04
David Checchi                  10/04
Brian Howald                    10/04
Sheila Flaum                    10/05
Jesse Blum                        10/06
Scott Elrich                        10/08
Samuel Miller                    10/11
Ramona Schatzer          10/11
Fanya Ballow                    10/12
Robert Weinman              10/13
Jonathan Benezry         10/14
John Castelli                     10/16
Michael Baver                   10/17
Jeremy Dirzis                    10/18
Sarah Hermann                10/19
Gary Mazer                        10/20
Josephine Grober          10/21
Victor Rossabi                  10/21
Daniel Allen                       10/22
Nina Rohan                       10/23
Luigia Wiesner                 10/23
Lissa Winchel                   10/23
Pamela Bierman               10/27
Timothy Harrison, Jr.    10/27
Jay Chazanoff                   10/28
Claire Guttsman               10/28
Skyler Hand                      10/29
George Lachman           10/29
Marc Mammon                  10/29
Lynne Lachman                10/30
Matthew Bastelli              10/31
David Meltzer                    10/31
We are sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted. 
Please contact Lara at the Temple Office to update your membership information.
For more details about donations and volunteering,
Of course you do!
You can help Temple Israel raise much needed funds without any cost to you.

Just purchase gift certificates to these stores from either Larry Hanibal, Rhonda Trontz-Allen, or Barbara Tepper. You pay the face value, but as we buy these in bulk, we get a discount. The discount becomes our profit, as much as 11% for Macy’s, 5% for the supermarkets and drug stores. Ask Larry or Barbara for details. There are many more vendors for which we can get gift certificates, so ask us if you have any special requests. Most gift certificates come in $25 and $100 denominations.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Tepper
Birthday, Anniversary, Birth, Engagement, Wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah?
share your joy with the Congregation at services on any Friday evening. 
Sisterhood will take care of everything for you!
To sponsor an oneg, just call the Temple office at 718-727-2231 and we will be in touch!
  Commemorate a special celebration or honor a family member or friend with a beautifully engraved leaf or stone on our Tree of Life. 

Please join us for
Erev Shabbat Services
every Friday.
On October 13th ,
the Oneg will be sponsored by
Cindy and Serle Selmon in honor of Shabbat
on the occasion of
their move to Florida. 
They wish to thank all of their Temple Israel Family for all their love and support.   
Join our Delegation!
As the largest Jewish gathering in North America, the @Union for Reform Judaism's 2017 Biennial convention is a great way to meet others who share your interest in synagogue life. It's also an opportunity to immerse yourself in Reform Judaism and return to Temple Israel armed with new resources, ideas, and the know-how to put it all to use strengthening our spiritual home. For more information, visit  urj.org/biennial .
in honor of or in memory of a loved one or in celebration of life cycle event.
Select any of the prayerbooks used at Temple Israel for adults or children.
Click on the Prayerbook of your choice for the Prayerbook Donation Form!
For a printable version of this calendar, click here !
Our E-Bulletin is shared with the entire Temple Israel Family and the Staten Island Community. If you are a local business or community organization and you would like to advertise in our monthly bulletin, please contact the Temple Office at 718-727-2231 or e-mail TICommunication@aol.com.