Checking in on member schools in the wake of the hurricanes
Frank Yamada provides an update on what is happening to schools in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas, and how we can help. Read more.
ATS announces first School for Peer Reviewers
The new training program will equip the hundreds of volunteers whose service is essential to the accrediting function.
Read more.
The Reinhold Neibuhr Story - a relevant PBS documentary for theological schools and beyond
In a recent interview, Martin Doblmeier of Journey Films spoke to ATS about why Niebuhr remains relevant to theological schools and how theology remains relevant to the public. Read more.
Partnerships are on the rise
Educational Models and Practices project director, Stephen Graham, blogs about how schools are joining forces through collaborations, many of them global. Read more.
ATS launches faculty blog
The new series will feature guest bloggers from member schools, beginning with reflections of a pre-tenured faculty member. Read more.
2017 Annual Report now available online
With the theme of transitions, the report highlights trends, activities, and key data points from the 2016-17 academic year.
Read more.
November 8-10
Biennial Meeting
Denver, CO
June 20-21, 2018