Dear PCCS Families,
We are pleased to welcome Nell Anen and Devon Mann to the PCCS Board of Directors. Board service is an important component in providing and ensuring strong governance for the school and we appreciate their willingness to support PCCS in this way.
They will replace two long standing Board members, Jeff Barhorst and Sean Daw, who will be finishing their second consecutive 3-year terms. We thank Sean and Jeff for their dedication and commitment and know the school is a better place because of their efforts.
Devon and Nell will join existing board members Ed Jamison, Nick Kotzamanis, Sue Ross, Marcelo Chiodi, Brian Conlon, Dan Fedor, Angela Lewis and Abe Janis on the Board at our Annual Meeting which will take place on Tuesday, October 24th. Please join them on October 24th!
We are still seeking a Parent Elect Candidate to join the board this year as well. If you are interested in serving, please visit
this link
for details.
Interested in learning more about supporting PCCS? Serving on a Board Committee is a wonderful introduction to the different facets of governance at PCCS. Consider serving on the Academic Excellence, Election, Finance, or Governance committees! Contact the
to learn more.
Ed Jamison
PCCS Board President