Team Finch Newsletter                                                                    November 2017

Fall greetings! The big news here: I am going to write a second edition of  From The Dress Up Corner to the Senior Prom: Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in PreK-12 Schools

The first edition came out in 2012, and so much has changed in just 5 years. I am eager to share new thinking, updated materials and best practices. And I'm going to need your help...(see more below)
If you are interested in attending a TFC program in the coming m onths, come join me. 

Cancun! Mohonk Mountain House! Seattle! Los Angeles!

Yours in teaching and learning,
Jennifer Bryan, Ph.D.

Working on a new edition!
From the Dress Up Corner to the Senior Prom 

The first edition of Dress Up featured the observations, experiences and work of many educators, parents and students. With your help, the new edition will continue to highlight the important work of teachers across the country.

Check out these gems from the 1st edition: an Oliver Button  character mapping  exercise ; a middle school poem  by a boy who loved to sing; a high school unit  on gender equity in compensation; a new approach to ally week in a Catholic school.

If you or your students have an anecdote, lesson or experience to share, please email me

And keep an eye out for a survey in early 2018 that will also invite your input.
Resource of the Month
Check out this fantastic poster offered by Queerly Elementary. What if every teacher posted this on the classroom wall? In the cafeteria? Locker room? Central office? Library? Above the copier?!?
Where's Jennifer Headed Next?

The American Montessori Society's Winter Retreat is an annual gathering of Montessori school administrators over the Martin Luther King, Jr., weekend in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. The event offers impactful professional development, a featured speaker who leads participants in the exploration of topics relevant to school leaders, collaboration and networking with Montessori peers, and relaxation in a peaceful and gorgeous environment. Jennifer is thrilled to be the 2018 featured speaker.

This January 17 - 19th 2018 at Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz NY, Jennifer will join her colleague Deborah Roffman in presenting  Sex, Gender and Sexuality: Educating Students, Supporting Families, and Creating Safer School Communities. 

This three-day, didactic, experiential and interactive program will afford hands-on opportunities for attendees to apply core concepts to real-life school scenarios as well as classroom-based teaching. Jennifer and Debbie will provide the language and conceptual frameworks educators need to understand the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual aspects of gender and sexuality development.

Check out the NYSAIS website for more details about registration!

On Fe
bruary 2, 2018 Jennifer will be leading a workshop, Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in PreK-12: Frameworks, Values, and Practice at Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma, WA.

As our 21st Century understanding of human diversity expands, PreK-12 educators must be able to engage with issues related to gender and sexuality competently and confidently. This workshop will focus on concepts and language for understanding human identity development and creating developmentally appropriate practice. By using individual school missions and the Gender and Sexuality Diversity framework, participants will have hands-on opportunities to explore critical questions about curriculum, practice, programs and policies. Whether you are an 2nd grade teacher, an after-school coordinator, the middle school division head, a basketball coach, school counselor or a dorm parent, this session is relevant to the work you do in your role every day.

California Teacher Development Collaborative 

On February 21, 2018 Jennifer will be leading her workshop  Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in PreK-12 at The Oaks School in Los Angeles.

This workshop will focus on: (1) defining sex, gender and sexuality (harder than it sounds!) and (2) understanding the role these issues play in day-to-day school life. If you are a first grade teacher helping students negotiate the dress-up corner, a middle school P.E. teacher wrestling with gender role stereotypes in sports, or a high school curriculum coordinator trying to create opportunities for students to think critically about gender and sexuality, this session will support your efforts. We will work with a contemporary framework for understanding gender and sexuality development and explore the language, concepts, and skills needed to work with all PreK-12 students.

This will be a lively, interactive session. Bring your curiosity, humility, sense of humor and resources to share.

  Check out the CATDC website for more details about registration! 
Call for High School GSD Book Ideas

Do you have books that you are using with your high school students? We are putting together a booklist and would love your submissions - email me the title, author and how you have used the book in your work.
Team Finch Consultants |