The Rev. Ledlie I. Laughlin
Rector , St. Columba's
Episcopal Church
Washington, DC
Beloved in Christ,
I am thrilled to share the good news that the Rev. David Griswold and the Rev. Susan Flanders will each be joining St. Columba's in ministry as deacon and as priest associate, respectively. Read on to learn more ...

The Rev. Susan Flanders will continue
as quarter-time Priest Associate at St. Columba's - even after Amy Molina-Moore returns from her maternity leave. It has been great to have Susan with us. She leapt right in, immediately comfortable with the congregation and staff, and is a wise, sensitive complement to our clergy team.
Susan will provide liturgical leadership; she will celebrate, preach, teach, and participate in the life of the congregation. With wisdom born of experience, Susan will offer pastoral support to all, with particular attention to those who are older and those addressing life transitions and end-of-life issues. Susan will be with us on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 
Susan writes:
"I have loved being at St. Columba's this fall, and I'm delighted to be able to continue as part of your staff. In my time here, I have seen such life and health in this big busy place. I've met so many interested, involved, caring folks, even if I've been slow to remember your names. It is a pleasure every single Sunday to process into the Church Nave as part of the great throng, to listen and sing to music that makes my heart leap and to once again take my place at an altar, and occasionally, a pulpit. For a retired priest, this has been a gift, a rekindling of vocation, and I thank you for welcoming me so warmly."
The Rev. David Griswold will be serving among us as deacon for the next three years. Often, the ministry of deacon is one of border-crossing: bringing the needs of the world into the church, and bringing the gifts of the church out to engage the needs of the world.
David served at St. Columba's during his final year of preparation before ordination this fall. After prayerful discernment and with the blessing of the bishop, he
will now continue in approximately one-third-time,
non-stipendiary capacity. David will serve liturgically on Sundays, proclaiming the Gospel, preaching from time to time, and preparing the table. We are discerning specific ways that David will serve - through outreach, pastoral care, justice, and prayer - within and beyond the walls of St. Columba's.
From David: 
"I am grateful to be joining the people of St. Columba's in making God's love known in our city, and am excited to serve as deacon after being welcomed among you as an intern preparing for ordination.                                                                                                                         On All Saint's Sunday, we celebrated three baptisms.
I am touched by the moment when the congregation tells the newly baptized "we receive you into the household of God." God relies on us to beckon one another across this sacred threshold. Ministry excites me as a way to express what it means to live in God's household, as people who are both recipients and agents of grace.                                                                                                             In the early church, the Greek terms agape (the unconditional love of God) and diakonia (service to others) came to express the core purpose for being a follower of Jesus. We continue to be a diaconal church that embodies the servant ministry of Christ. The congregation of St. Columba's radiates this diaconal
spirit - a yearning to know and to share the love of God,
a restless impatience with the brokenness and injustice that brings pain and division to our world, and a compassionate desire to carry on Christ's work of healing. 
After every Eucharist we affirm our desire to "go in peace to love and serve the Lord." It is both a gift and a challenge to walk as the Body of Christ, guided by the values of love and service. Bishop Mariann seeks to prepare more deacons to support the people of God in answering Christ's call. I am blessed to be among five who serve in this renewed order, along with Cindy Dopp and Julie Petersmeyer of St. C's.                                       
After coming to Washington in the 1980s to work as a congressional aide, I joined St. Margaret's Church in DC and served as a lay leader for over 30 years, focusing especially on Christian education and community outreach. After earning a Master of Theological Studies at Wesley Seminary in 2012, I pursued Clinical Pastoral Education at Sibley Hospital. Granted Postulancy in 2014, I completed Deacons' School training, which included an internship with Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington.                                                                  
In addition to participating in Sunday worship, I look forward to companioning members of this parish in our shared quest to live as "Monday to Sunday" people of faith. I have begun to visit with our lay ministers and clergy to consider the ways in which St. C's is responding to the needs around us in places where poverty, loneliness and injustice have isolated our neighbors from the embrace of God. I will support and encourage the strengthening of existing ministries and the openness to new opportunities for us to share God's love, perhaps in partnership with other groups and congregations working nearby.
While we step outside to restore signs of God's presence, I also look forward to talking and studying together to recognize the call of God within us, as we respond in
faith to the needs in our families, work places and communities. I will be blessed to journey with you
as we carry on the reconciling work of Christ."
Please join me in giving thanks for Susan's and David's continuing ministries here at St. Columba's. I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting this Sunday, as we envision the future of St. Columba's.

St. Columba's | 4201 Albemarle St., NW | Washington, DC 20016 |