Let's Play Bridge!
Tuesday, October 16
Mini lesson at 6:00 pm
Game at 6:30 pm
Last Week's Winners...
Carole Baloun/Doug Rice
Charmelle Staples/Daniel Heath
Judy Small/Gail Morrison
Henry Nechemias/Mary Ann Madden
Caroline Grimball/Ellis Tesh

HOW ABOUT THIS? LAST THURSDAY, we had a Swiss Team game. GOLD was available. 10 teams showed...that's 40 people...to play (& EAT). EVERYONE won at least a "dusting" of gold. Of those 10 teams, 6 were "C" rated. And a "C" team WON the event!

All the games this week are rated for extra points. Saturday is our monthly "PLAY and LEARN" with Chris Webb.

52 FACTS of BRIDGE LIFE (good advice to give your partner) - so says Eddie Kantar
15) It is dangerous to use Blackwood holding a void. If you are missing two aces and partner shows one ace, you won't know which it is. It is usually better to cuebid when interested in a slam. Also, when responding to Blackwood, do not count a void as an ace.

16) When responding to an opening bid with two four-card majors, respond 1H and give partner a chance to rebid 1S. If partner doesn't rebid 1S, assume partner does not have four spades and bid accordingly.

Are you a member of the ACBL? We have the opportunity to hold a special game on Oct. 30 but you must be a member to receive points. (but you can still play). If you are not, come talk with me.

Come out this Tuesday, October 16 for a
'Bit(e) of Bridge' at 6pm and a fun game at 6:30pm.

Bring a friend!