New Releases
We just released two titles in our Heroes cristianos de ayer y hoy and Vidas con legado series, making them books 34 & 35 in the Spanish edition of our heroes series
By Janet and Geoff Benge

Obedeciendo su llamado, John Wesley desafió la fuerza de las turbas airadas, contravino tradiciones muy arraigadas para ofrecer la esperanza de Cristo a milliones de personas. Apasionado e incansable, viajó a lo largo de su vida cuatrocientos mil kilómetros a caballo, y predicó más de cuarenta mil sermones en campos, iglesias y establos. El movimiento que Wesley fundara se multiplicó por toda Inglaterra en comunidades metodistas y pronto influenciaron naciones lejanas con el evangelio de Cristo.

Passionate and tireless, John Wesley rode a quarter of a million miles on horseback during his lifetime, stopping to preach more than forty thousand sermons in open fields, churches, and barns.  Focused on God's love and holy living, the movement Wesley founded quickly multiplied in vibrant Methodist societies all over England and would soon influence far-flung nations for Christ. (1703 -1791)

Retail: $6.99  Sale price $5.99    Buy Now
M ás  que chocolate: La vida de Milton Hershey
By Janet and Geoff Benge

Cuando las barritas Hershey fueron lanzadas al mercado en 1905, pocos conoc ían el duro trabajo, la dedicaci ón y el sacrificio que precedieron al éxito. Milton nunca si rindió, aprendió de sus errores, pasó toda su vida creando dulces. Y cuando su compañía despegó, empleó su riqueza para cuidar de otros; fundó una ciudad para los trabajadores de Hershey, una escuela para niños necesitados y creó una fundación dedicada a la educación, la cultura y la salud.

Despite comparisons to his wandering father, Milton never gave up. Learning from his mistakes, he spent a lifetime creating sweet things to eat - first caramel, then chocolate. As his company soared, Milton used his wealth to care for others, founding a town for Hershey workers, a school for children in need, and a foundation dedicated to education, culture, and health care (1857-1945).

Retail: $6.99  Sale price $5.99   Buy Now

You can also purchase the complete set of 35 books for
only $105.00 and  save 57% off retail. Click Here  to buy

Two other new Spanish releases:
By Nancy Pearcey

"Nancy Pearcey invites her readers to 'test everything'... illustrates how competing systems of thought borrow from Christianity, even while rejecting it... This is an immensely practical and insightful resource."    -Ravi Zacharias, author and speaker
"Describes my life as an atheist perfectly...If I'd read this book as a young man, I think I would have been challenged to re-examine my views much earlier."    -J. Warner Wallace, author of Cold-Case Christianity
"Truly a great book... Nancy Pearcey has been to the church what Francis Schaeffer was to the believers of his day: a cultural intellectual who provides careful, thoughtful, well-researched critiques... I highly recommend this book".   -J. P. Moreland, Biola University
"We live in a culture beset by the twin dragons of modernism and postmodernism. Nancy Pearcey draws a sword and cuts their heads off. . . Totally readable for everyman."   -Doug TenNapel, creator of Earthworm Jim 

"Nancy Pearcey at her very best-totally profound, persuasive, and yet practical. Read it with your highlighter handy." 
-Lee Strobel, New York Times bestselling author  

"Secular worldviews have become the intellectual fast food of our day -nice taste, no nourishment. . . ought to be in the survival kit of every student heading to college."  
-John R. Erickson, author of the Hank the Cowdog series 

Retail: $16.99  Sale price $9.99   Buy Now     320 pages (paperback), s tudy guide included
By Darrow L Miller

Humanity has always been seduced by a desire to compete and succeed at the cost of others. A "great person" is the one with the most servants. Yet Jesus shows us a radically different way. In His Kingdom, "the greatest" is the one who serves the most. When Christ's followers understand and embrace a lifestyle of humble service, the impact in their lives, families, communities and nations is nothing short of revolutionary
"Servanthood: The Calling of Every Christian" has been used to train cross-cultural missionaries for over 20 years. These 13 newly revised Bible studies, designed for individual or small group study, will help you discover the freedom, joy and life that await those who follow in Christ's footsteps and embrace their calling as servants.

Darrow L. Miller is co-founder of the Disciple Nations Alliance and author of "Discipling Nations," "Nurturing Nations," and many other books and Bible studies. For over 25 years, he has taught internationally on Christianity and culture, apologetics, worldview, poverty, and the dignity of women. Darrow spent three years on staff at L'Abri Fellowship in Switzerland where he was discipled by Francis Schaeffer.

Retail: $12.99    Sale price $7.99     Buy Now    172 pages (paperback)
YWAM Publishing |   [email protected] |
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