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Make plans now for a 2017 Extreme Makeover.


Wondering if everything is secure in your practice?
Something doesn't seem
quite right?

Isn't it better to check?

Don't see a solution you need?

It's your call. Literally.

Understand your reports?

Is your QuickBooks out of control and need organizing?

It's time!

Don't wait -
it won't heal itself!

Need an Expert Speaker for your next meeting?

Susan's topics nor speaking is a hobby, but her business.
She gives examples from embezzlement cases
she has personally compiled evidence for prosecution and consulting clients she has guided through the process.
Her cases are the headlines!

Pain Point Therapy

What is your practice's
pain point? 

What do you struggle
with the most?

Don't see a service on my website that addresses it?

That's ok.  I can customize any service to what you need. 

The first step is calling me.



"When I have questions about whether
I am doing something right in QuickBooks
or when I can't figure something out or
I am getting frustrated,
I know where I can call.

Working with Susan has been the best investment for my practice!"


Another security data breach.
The following information is so vitally important that I am sending to everyone in my database.  I have also posted this article on my blog and Facebook Fanpage to make it easier for you to share this vital information.  I would rather give you the information to take action, than be sorry I didn't provide it to everyone.
Equifax Data Breach
"Equifax. Wow," I muttered to no one in particular as I listened to the news. The headlines were dampened by a couple of catastrophic hurricanes and an earthquake, but now the severity of the Equifax breach is soaking in.

Since my corporate background included working for a major competitor of Equifax, I felt I should address this to my current industry, both from the stand-point of business but also personal.

Who is Equifax?

Based in Atlanta, Equifax is one of three major consumer data information bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion). They are the access point for which creditors look to on whether to give you credit, whether that is for a home, car, revolving credit, line of credit, etc. Anything and everything lending-wise depends on your information residing at the bureaus.

It is nothing that you can simply stop or un-enroll. You don't pay for it and never signed up for it but when you gained credit, you were enlisted in their data files. Your credit rating itself depends on the bureau's accuracy.

What happened?

This breach is significant and should be taken every bit as serious as Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. It is estimated that at least half the population of the United States is at risk, with estimates greater than 143 million Americans. But the breach was not limited to Americans, by the way. Some limited information was obtained of UK and Canadian residents.

A weakness in Equifax's server security was hacked from mid-May through July, exposing names, addresses, social security numbers, birth dates and some driver's license numbers. PLUS credit card numbers for over 209,000.

Who did it? No clue and if they did have a clue, they aren't saying. But, I believe we can assume that whoever did this hack did it to use the information they gained not to our benefit.

Are you affected?

Equifax has created an online registry to check. But, you should proceed as if you were hacked. It is safe to assume that if you have credit, you were breached.

Will it affect my businesses credit rating?

Since most of my clients are small business owners, allow me to address from that perspective. If you gain credit (loans, credit cards, LOC, etc) based on your own personal credit rating, then yes, it will affect you. This includes most small businesses.

If you were me, what would you do?

Exactly what I have done.

I went online and, yes, they believe my information is one of the millions hacked. There is nothing like seeing that on the screen to cause a little angst. Being passive about this information will cause greater issues in the future, so here is my plan.

First, I enrolled in the credit monitoring program provided by Equifax for a year free after determining I am at risk. This monitors all bureaus, allows me to lock my Equifax credit report and gives me a copy of my existing report to review. In addition, should my identity be stolen, they provide up to $1m in insurance.

Because I travel extensively, I have also used
LifeLock for a number of years. I recommend this product, even when there are no breaches. Understand please - this breach will not suddenly go away within a year. The repercussions and your information will be sold way beyond into the future. At this time, the monitoring by Equifax is only a year.

Second, I downloaded all my business credit card accounts into QuickBooks and personal credit card accounts into Quicken. I will continue to do so weekly for this next year. One of my business cards does not have a chip so I requested a replacement card that has a chip.  

One of my credit card information was recently stolen locally. The card company called immediately due to the number of transactions used at non-chip reading machines. Chips matter. Basic credit information can be replicated on magnetic strips, as in this case, but chips cannot be reproduced. My credit card numbers and security code were probably stolen at a restaurant. They could reproduce a fake card with a magnetic strip but they could not reproduce the chip.

I have begun requesting retail outlets I shop at to have chip machines - it truly does prevent retail theft. Those businesses the thieves used my card at were not paid for their products. The theme I have heard in businesses that are not utilizing chip reading machines is that they don't want to pay to replace.
Seriously? The thieves were able to steal over $900 of products from 4 different stores and mine was just one card. I think the front end is not paying attention to the back end financially.

Third, I am in the process of locking down my credit at the bureaus. It is worth whatever few dollars it cost because the cost is incrementally less than identity theft. Freezing your credit with each of the bureaus blocks anyone from opening any kind of account with your credit. However, if you are in the market for a new home or new car or apply for a new credit card, you will need to then unfreeze your credit PRIOR to purchasing. Yes, it may cost $0 to $15 to freeze your credit at the bureau(s). In this case, it's worth it.

One of my mom's doctors had his identity stolen and the thieves were purchasing a home in Chicago. He lives here in Texas.  The only reason it was caught was that the underwriter called to verify he would be at the closing of the home. He did not make it to the closing but the police did!  He froze his accounts immediately.

If you do not want to freeze your accounts, put a fraud alert on your accounts. This will alert creditors to validate the identity of the one attempting to gain credit with your information. Typically, they will call the phone number to verify it is truly you. You can even get an extended fraud alert which is good for seven years.
It is less effective because there is no guarantee of follow-through with the creditor but it is still an option.

How to freeze?   Notify each of the bureaus you want to place a freeze:  Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. They will issue you a pin in the event you wish to unfreeze your account. Be sure you keep the pin secure. And, it may cost to unfreeze the account then refreeze again. Sounds like trouble but if you have ever experienced identity theft, you know this is no trouble at all.

Remember - if your information was stolen, a credit freeze only prevents new credit lines from being opened. Your existing account information may have already been stolen. You must attentively monitor these accounts for years or get new credit card numbers AND freeze your accounts.

Fourth, file next year's tax return as soon as allowed. Though this is a few months away, since they have your social security numbers, consider filing your tax return sooner than later. Start preparing now and then the end of year will not be nearly as chaotic. If you are not using accounting software, now is the time to consider it. I love the convenience and quickness of available reports. Downloading all my bank and credit card information is a breeze! 

Lastly, be aware of potential phishing emails
that will arise out of this breach. They will want to you click on a link to verify a credit card or a transaction or did you ask for new credit or blah blah blah.  

NEVER EVER click on a link in an email. NEVER EVER. The link may lead you to what looks like a valid site but it is not. ALWAYS validate the source and if you do not know how, do not do anything. Call the creditor's telephone number on the back of your credit card or on your statement if you are concerned. Consider all those types of emails invalid. Again, particularly vulnerable are our senior citizens. Have a conversation with yours about this breach and online security as well.

Truth be known, we should have been doing some of these steps all along.  This was a wake up call as we have become complacent in protecting our credit information. If you have any questions, please feel free to email.
In Summary

"Respect the storm" has been my storm mantra since the Atlanta tornado!  Many family, friends and colleagues were affected by Hurricane Harvey, then Hurricane Irma.

Having spoken at two phenomenal meetings back to back, the CDA Presents Annual Meeting and AADOM, I want to extend an offer to you.  I am donating 15% of whatever I sell between now and October 31 to hurricane relief efforts. Several AADOM members donated for me to distribute to family and friends.  The first week total of their contributions and sales is $420.  The money will be given directly to affected friends and colleagues.  From my Texan's heart, thank you for your prayers and your help.

My 2017 theme is "We are in this together" and I truly mean it.  If you were impacted by either of these hurricanes, please let me know and if there is anything I can do to assist you. 

Never hesitate to call if I can assist you in any way!

Best regards -


Susan Gunn Solutions LLC | 888.994.3167
PO Box 13806
Arlington, TX 76094

[email protected] |