September 2017 (2)

Our Mission:
Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation.

From the President's Desk

The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes reminds us...
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven...
A time to plant and a time to harvest." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)
One of the reasons I love the Midwest is because of our changing seasons. Winter melts into spring, spring warms into summer, summer cools into the crisp fall leading back to winter.
This year the seasons are not predictable at all. In Ohio, much of summer seemed like fall. Now in fall, we are experiencing the summer heat waves. Our sisters and brothers are fighting fires while others fight earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. But, one this is for certain...
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases,
 his mercies never come to an end -- Lamentations 3:22
As we slip back into our routine seasons, may we not forget those who are grieving the loss of loved ones, homes, work and are cleaning up in hopes of rebuilding.
May we also remember those in our congregations who are experiencing the seasons of life in many and various ways. Marge lives in assisted living. Each month we gathered with other residents for worship and to share in our Lord's Supper. Each time we left, Marge would place her hand on mine and say, "Thank you for bringing me Jesus. It is the highlight of my month."
During our September Facebook party, Emily Dalen led us in conversation with Gary Pecuch about faith webbing - intentionally filling the relationship voids in people's lives. If you were not part of the conversation, I encourage you to look it up on our Facebook group.
In October, your Christian Education Network board will hold their annual meeting. As we are in conversation about life-long faith formation, please hold us in your prayers. If you have thoughts, questions or insights, your regional advocate is always available.
In whatever season you find yourself, know that you are held in prayer.
Blessings on your journey,
Pastor Juli Lejman-Guy


Youth Ministry

If you missed our September 19 Facebook Party, you missed an introduction to Gary Pecuch and
Faith Webbing.

Gary and his wife, Laurie, have written two books, "Faith Webbing" and "What's In Your Bag? (Outcome Based Youth Ministry)." These two books summarize how the couple goes about faith formation, building faith skills and developing spiritual disciplines in the lives of children and youth. Their approach is both intergenerational and family-oriented.

We encourage you to check out the Faith Webbing  and Outcome-Based Youth Ministry video clips.
The goal of FaithWebbing is to provide congregations the tools and resources necessary for ministry in the 21st century.  If your church is interested in learning more, or joining their community, visit their website and fill out the  Contact Form .
Technology for Ministry
Check out these apps for families and kids of all ages!
It's never too early to start thinking about Advent! Check out the Facebook Group, Advent on the Brain, for some great resources!

Good Reads
Title: Faith Webbing
Authors: Gary and Laurie Pecuch
Faith Webbing is the vision to wrap our children and youth in a web of faith so loving and caring that they will know Christ and always want to be a part of a local congregation.



Title: Outcome-Based Youth Ministry
Authors: Gary and Laurie Pecuch
What's in Your Bag? Outcome-Based Youth Ministry is a list of Faith Skills that we are prepared to build into young people. These Faith Skills will equip youth with the tools to live out their personal calling in life. Our intention is to partner with parents in the development of a personal ministry plan designed specifically for each young person

How You Can Support the Christian Education Network

You can become a member or make a one-time donation via PayPal on our website; or, y ou can purchase from AmazonSmile and designate The Christian Education Network as your charity. We receive 5% of the proceeds! Simply go to

Prayer Pause
Almighty God,
All thoughts of truth and peace come from you. Kindle in the hearts of all your children the love of peace, and guide with your wisdom leaders of the nations, so that your kingdom will go forth in peace and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of your love, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.   (ELW pg. 63)
Facebook Party!

The next Facebook Party will be on Tuesday, October 24 at 8 pm Central. Jen Rome, a pastor for Children, Youth, and Families at Mount Calvary Lutheran in Eagan, MN, will join us to talk about movement in worship and faith formation. We'll talk about what you're doing to add movement and ask Jen to share all that she is doing at her church.
Click here to join.
Like our
Check out our 
Facebook group!

Join the conversations!


     Christian Education    
 Network of the ELCA
  Vision Statement

Building a community which equips, encourages, and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith  formation in a changing world by:
  • Providing resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitating communication and conversation 
  • Offering networking, idea sharing, and mutual support
  • Nurturing spiritual growth

Contact Us
CENetwork of the ELCA 
P.O. Box 9304
Rochester, MN 55903

Phone messages may be left at 
(507) 721-0057