September 21, 2017 
This Sunday at Christ Church
Faith & Practice   
"Where your heart is, there your treasure will be also."
Did you know that the Ten Commandments are stored in a box made of solid gold that is the size of your  dining room table? Or that 40% of Jesus' parables relate in some way to money?  Is it possible that St. Paul was actually the first professional church fundraiser?  Please join me for a look at "money" in the Bible: what Scripture says about money, what it doesn't say, and what it might mean for us. 
Shay Craig is a member of Christ Church, a postulant in discernment of a call to priesthood  and the associate for resource development on Bishop Lee's staff.

Peer Ministry Training - Begins This Sunday - Guest Chad Senuta
Diane Krieman and Jen Baker will begin Peer Ministry Training today at 10:45AM. This will take the place of Recognize/Church School for 7th-12th graders.
PMT is a leadership course that recognizes that when teens have problems, their peers are usually the first to hear about it and respond. Through real life skill building and faith applications, PMT equips youth for the world outside our church doors--and within.  
We will meet biweekly after church in the Recognize Room. Chad Senuta, our Diocesan Associate for Youth and Family Ministry, will lead the first session and a short introduction to the course. Please check the Youth Ministry calendar available online and in the Prevost Cloister for further dates. This leadership course culminates in a retreat in March and youth certification in Peer Ministry.
Youth must register for this leadership course by today . Please contact Diane Krieman at  (847) 626-4826 or [email protected] to sign up. While we recognize that schedules will always have conflicts, regular participation is encouraged.
Compline at 5:30PM 
Parish News
New Trier Township Food Pantry Ministry
We have a new team taking over our ministry with the New Trier Township Food Pantry!  Nancy Challenger, Sarah Generes, and Debbie Ross will work together to take over from Mary Anderson who has run this program so well for many years.  
We will continue collecting pantry items on the first Sunday of each month, meaning that Sunday, October 1 is the next date!  
For October we will be collecting:
Aluminum Foil / Plastic Wrap / Plastic Baggies
Cooking Oil / Salad Dressing / Condiments
Please bring your donations to the basket in the Prevost Cloister this Sunday. If you forget to throw something extra in your shopping cart that week, we will have additional items available to purchase after each service.  
Thank you in advance for helping us support our neighbors whose needs are being met by the New Trier Township Food Pantry!
Blue Light Special in Aisle Four
Shop in Men's - Oct. 4 - 6:00-7:30PM
Sp ecial Pre-Sale in the Rummage Men's Department session on Wed., Oct. 4 from  6:00-7:30PM. On the corner of Maple & Cherry. We believe there are parishioners whose work commitments prevent them from making it to the sale itself but would benefit from the excellent merchandise we have on hand. Come che ck out our suits, outerwear, and top designer labels. See what has your name on it in our boutique. Pre-Sale pricing will be in effect; there will be a 25% surcharge on all items.
93rd Annual Rummage Sale - Oct. 5, 7AM - 3PM
We always need many volunteers to help fill slots on sale day, Oct.5. We need help with security, selling, and clean up. Please call Charlotte McGee at 847-446-2850 or contact at [email protected] to sign up.
Pet Blessing - Sunday, Oct. 8 - 9:30AM
On Sunday, October 8, we will commemorate the feast of Saint Francis with a blessing  of the animals at the 9:30AM service!  
All animals are welcome (Bring your humans too!) to sit with their families at this worship service. Owners, please keep dogs leashed and other animals caged as appropriate.  A section of pews will be designated as a pet-free zone. The 8:00AM and 5:30PM services that day will also be pet-free.  
Those who have lost a pet in the past year are invited to bring a favorite photo or memento to the service. 
Taizé Service-Sunday, October 8
If you are in need of an hour of quiet prayer and meditation, please join us for a time of grace and peace. This candlelit, contemplative service will include readings, prayers, and silence interspersed with tuneful chants accompanied by oboe and keyboard.  
Next date: January 14, 2018.
Christ Church Fall Harvest Dinner 
Please mark your calendars for the annual Christ Church Fall Harvest Dinner on Tuesday, October 17.
Details to Come!
Opportunities to Serve
Christ Church Hosts Families from Family Promise October 22-29   
Christ Church is preparing to host a new group of transitionally homeless families here in Church House for the week of October 22-29.
This has become one of our most important parish outreach ministries -- and it's a unique opportunity for families to join with other parishioners right here at Christ Church to make a tangible difference in the lives of families in crisis.
While they are with us, we provide these families safe shelter, healthy meals, compassion and fellowship. And we will need lots of help!
Volunteering to help with Family Promise is a unique opportunity to put our faith into action. We need volunteers of all ages to help with:
  • Setup and Cleanup
  • Evening Meals
  • Evening Activities
  • Overnight Hosting
  • Fellowship and Hospitality
Watch for More Information to Come
In the coming weeks we will provide more details about the volunteer opportunities and post a Sign-up Genius. But mark October 22-29 on your calendar now!

Youth & Children's News  
Come Color With Us!
Christ Church has been selected to host a video shoot for a brand new local Christian art company, Illustrated Children's Ministry, this Sunday afternoon. Children and teens who like to color are invited to come and color along, as "actors"  for the video, from 2:00-3:00PM. To participate, please RSVP to Melissa. (We can only have a limited number of people.) And check out their art, it is beautiful!
CCD - Oct. 4 - 7:15AM
Coffee, Christ, and Donuts for our high schoolers continues throughout the school year on the first Wednesday of each month. Frances DeBlasio will meet with the youth at Walker Brothers at 7:15AM. Breakfast on us! Bring your friends. We'll get you to school on time. =)
Save the Date
Oct. 21, 4:00PM   Inspiration Café Lori Burck & Frances DeBlasio 
Oct. 22, 3:00PM  Holy Improv with Second City
Alison Walker & Jim McGee

Save the Date
Sep. 29, Fri. - Ann L. Brundage, Memorial - 11AM 
Oct. 7, Sat.   - Flyback- 9-11AM
Oct 8, Sun.   - Blessing of the Animals - 9:30AM
Oct 8, Sun.   - Taizé - 5:30PM
Oct 17, Tues. - Annual Harvest Dinner - 6:00PM
Oct 22, Sun. - Oct 29, Sun. - Family Promise
Oct 28, Sat.    - Shirley Petry, Memorial Service - 2PM  
Pastoral Care
If you are facing illness, a life transition or challenging circumstances, please  contact one of our clergy. We are available when you  nee d us for a hospital, home, or office visit. Christ Church has many lay volunteers who also provide meals and rides as needed. Please reach out to the clergy through the office at (847) 446-2850, or on their cell phones:
Lay Chaplains: Bringing the Warmth of 
Christ Church to You
Trained parishioners visit those who are homebound, ill, or facing a time of grief or crisis. Lay Chaplains provide companionship and support, and may pray with you, or share communion (from the reserved sacrament) if desired. The chaplains serve under the training and leadership of our clergy. To request a visit, just call the office or contact Nadia 773-387-9128 or [email protected].

Thursday Weekly News - Deadline is Tuesday at Noon  
Email Rena Kowalski at [email protected] 

Sunday Bulletin Announcements - Deadline is Tuesday at Noon
To have information listed in Sunday's Bulletin, send to Charlotte McGee [email protected].

Christ Church Website
Our website is constantly evolving. Please share your ideas. Send changes or updates to [email protected].

Christ Church Episcopal
Worship: Church on the Hill
784 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, IL

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Offices & Mailing Address:
470 Maple Street
Winnetka, IL 60093

Tel:  (847) 446-2850
Fax: (847) 446-8640

© 2014 Christ Church Winnetka. All Rights Reserved