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In This Issue
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Important Dates
2017 - 2018 
School Year
Oct. 6 Fall Fest
20 - 24

Thanks-giving Break
Dec.  25
- Jan. 5
Jan. 15 MLK Holiday
Feb. 19
March 10 Auction Gala
March 29 - April 6
Easter Break
May 28 Memorial Day
June 15 Last Day of School
Caught Being Good!

Luke B. 1A
Paul D. 1B
Ethan K. KB
September 27, 2017

Dear St. Francis of Assisi Parents  and Guardians,

I wanted to share a little moment of 'wow' that lifted my spirits last week.  A lot of time and energy is required at the start of the school year and, after five very busy weeks, my energy level was a bit low.  Last Thursday's PAB meeting provided an unexpected adrenaline bump that changed my perspective on weeks dominated by opening of school meetings and activities, as students, teachers, and parents got settled into the rhythm of school.  

After months of work on a facilities master plan and feasibility study, the planning committee met with members of the Parent Advisory Board to brainstorm ideas on a major initiative the school plans to engage in during the 2018/2019 school year.  While we await approval for a capital campaign to raise funds for proposed facility building projects, we are moving forward on plans to celebrate St. Francis of Assisi School's 20th anniversary in September, 2018.  At the PAB meeting ideas were tossed around about how to celebrate the teachers and staff, the students and parents, as well as the accomplishments that have impacted the St. Francis of Assisi School community. We want to honor the people and the events that contributed to our school's success and created a legacy of academic and personal growth, and faith formation.

This was a brainstorm session to lay the groundwork for a series of events and activities to honor the work done to prepare our students for academic achievement, social success, and spiritual growth.  Twenty years of educational excellence deserves a celebration honoring the school's many accomplishments.  We are forming a 20th Anniversary Celebration Committee to plan the events honoring this significant milestone.  We have an abundance of talent and energy at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.  I want to harness both to plan a great celebration.  I believe it is very important to honor the hard work of current and past students, parents, teachers, and staff. We need your time and talent to plan a celebration befitting our school.  The PAB has laid the groundwork, and I am excited.  I want parents to share in the excitement.  All you need is a passion for St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.  Find out how you can get involved on the 20th Anniversary Celebration committee by contacting me at [email protected].

Tom Waszak
Blessing of the Animals
Wednesday, October 4
Next Wednesday, October 4 is our annual Feast of St. Francis Mass and Blessing of the Animals event at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.

Our special day of celebration will begin with Mass at 9:30 am. in the beautiful St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School Courtyard with Fr. Fred as our celebrant.
Following Mass, all students will return to their classrooms and resume their regular morning schedule.
"Blessing of the Animals" will take place in the afternoon followed by regular day dismissal. This event is open to students, parents, family guests and invited media only. Attendees for this special gathering should begin arriving, with or without pets, between 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm. Please enter through the side gate and move to the athletic field area.  Guests do not need to obtain a visitor's pass for this occasion. Parents will be able to join their children and unite them with their pets.
At 2:00 pm. all grades will proceed to designated areas on the field area.  The animal blessings will take place between 2:00 pm. and 2:30 pm.
Dismissal for the day will begin once the "Blessing of the Animals" is concluded.  All students must be picked up from their classrooms.  Students with parents in attendance MUST check in with their teacher before leaving campus.
Pre-K students MUST return to their classroom for usual check-out/sign-out.
Please be aware that the parking lot will be closed after 10:00 am.
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Online ordering of 2017 - 2018 Yearbooks is now open!  The cost if ordered today is $40.00

The price goes up to $45.00 on November 19

The final date to personalize yearbooks is January 31, 2018. The final date to order yearbooks online is May 15, 2018.

Click here to place your order!
Stories of God's Love and Music instruction began this week.  Both programs are presented on Wednesday mornings each week.
Next Wednesday, October 4, in honor of St. Francis' Feast Day, Pre-K students may bring in their favorite stuffed animal for fun and for special blessing. On this day, you may sign your child out early (by 2:00 pm) to go to the official Blessing of the Animal event on the main SFA field.  Those students and staff remaining in Pre-K classes will watch the Blessing of the Animals from our Pre-K yard. 

Click here to sign up to volunteer for 9:00 am - 10:00 am Pre-K Recess and Snack.
WOLF News - Student Journalism Program
A Young Man's Journey from Biology to Theology
By: Emily E.
When students attend future school Masses, they might see a new face standing behind the altar. That's because Seminarian Michael Nguyen, 26, has recently joined the parish of Santa Clara. Now that he's here, he wants to form a strong connection with the parish and students.

"I just want to get to know and have fun with you guys," says Michael. To get to know a little about him, WOLF News interviewed Seminarian Michael to learn about his colorful history. Like the students of SFA, Michael has led a very Catholic life. He's had experience as an altar server, he played piano for masses, and he would teach bilingual religion classes to children on Saturdays. Even with all his religious background, Michael didn't always consider becoming a priest. He studied at UC Irvine to become a doctor, and he majored in biological science. "I was a sickly kid," he said, "so I often went to doctors and they always made me feel better. And so having experience with the hospital made me want to become part of it to help others get over their own sicknesses." 

After three years of studying at UCI, though, he transferred to a seminary in Mt. Angel, Oregon. When applying for medical schools and helping at the hospitals, he remembers it just wasn't enough. He prayed to God and asked him what he should do, and he was finally given a response. When praying before a Mass, he hears a voice that he claims to be Mary. On that day, Mary told him that being a doctor would mean healing people's physical ailments, which is a good thing, but she wanted him to care for people's spiritual ailments by becoming a priest. Realizing that his love for God was more important to him than becoming a doctor, he began his path towards priesthood.

Taking a job as an intern, Seminarian Michael has found his way to Santa Clara. He has been here for less than a month and he can tell he will feel at home here in Orange. "Everyone was so welcoming," he said, "My first time here, I was shaking people's hands at the parish and everyone said how loved and welcomed I was. And then St. Francis, their first mass, kids were shaking hands, high-fiving, it was very welcoming, I couldn't think of another way to say it." However, transitioning into our parish will present Michael with hardships no matter how welcoming we are. The opportunity to live like a priest with Father Fred meant leaving the seminary in Rome, where he had previously been continuing his studies. "The hardest part was definitely leaving my friends behind, because there were 250 guys back at the seminary that I got to really know," Michael said.

Despite the challenges, Michael is looking forward to the fun experience he will have here. He has many goals he hopes to reach by the end of the year. "Overall, just forming good relationships, because one day I will be serving the people of Orange, which is also the people of Yorba Linda," Michael explains. He wants to have fun with us, go to our sport games, hang out at lunch, just being our friend. Becoming a better preacher and being comfortable talking to a large crowd are also a few things we can help him accomplish. 

Like the seminarians who came before, though, Michael won't stay at Santa Clara forever. Around the month of June, his internship here will end and he will resume his studies back at the seminary. "So far, I've only been here for three weeks, but everyone is so welcoming, I really feel part of the family," said Michael, "And to have to leave at the end of the year is gonna be really hard for me." Without a doubt, Michael will leave our parish as a more experienced preacher and a friend to each of us. When he leaves, we'll be guaranteed the fact that he will keep his experience with us in his heart as he continues to become a priest. In the time we still have together, Michael will surely develop from being a new face at Mass to one we will recall with familiarity and fondness.

To learn more about the WOLF News Student Journalism Program please visit our page at
All You Need to Know About the Recent North American Eclipse
By: Michael C.

On Monday, August 21, 2017, people across the country saw an amazing natural phenomenon that hasn't occurred in the United States for many decades: a total solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse is when the moon's and the sun's orbits cross each other, covering the sun for a few hours. They only occur during a full moon, and can only be viewed in certain areas.   A total solar eclipse is when the sun is completely covered for a brief moment by the moon. The sky grows dark during the day, and planets and stars are visible for a few minutes.  Unlike a regular eclipse, which happens annually, a total solar eclipse is a very rare occurrence- they don't happen very often.

The eclipse was only visible across a thin line known as the path of totality.  The path of totality crossed from West to East across the United States.  It started in Oregon and ended in South Carolina.  

The eclipse was a beautiful sight, but, since you had to look directly at the sun to see it, you either needed to buy special solar eclipse viewing glasses or make a pinhole projector- a box with a hole poked into tin foil on the corner. If you cut another hole on the corner next to it, you can see the eclipse on the bottom of the box. This works best if you have paper on the bottom. Regular sunglasses, however, won't work.  Staring at the sun still can damage your retina, or even blind you.

That day, many people stopped with their daily routine and looked at the eclipse.  This incredible event awed many people across the globe.  It truly was truly a once in a lifetime experience.

To learn more about the WOLF News Student Journalism Program please visit our page at
Fall Fest!
Friday, October 6

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School Courtyard 
Friday, October 6 from 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

This Fall, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School will once again host a Brew Fest style event to raise spirits (literally and figuratively) and funds for our school.  "Fall Fest" will bring our community together for a fabulous evening of the best brews, delicious hors d'oeuvres, entertainment, raffle prizes, and fun that will directly benefit our school!  
Your ticket buys you:
  • A sample pour from each of our 3 sponsoring breweries as well as 2 wine tastings.  Once you have found a sample you like, you can purchase a full glass!
  • A tapas style appetizer from each of our 3 restaurant sponsors.
  • A night of music and fun with the SFA community.

We need your help to make this event a success! Please consider volunteering your time 
at Fall Fest 2017.  

Fall Fundraiser
Mrs. Field's Cookie Dough and Yankee Candle
September 8 - 29

Fall Fundraiser Announcements

Earlier this month, students were introduced to our latest Fall Fundraiser, Mrs. Fields Cookie Dough and Yankee Candle Sales.   This Friday, September 29 is the last day to turn in orders for this important program.

For the families that sell a minimum of $225 worth of items each child in the family will join in an Ice Cream Party! 
The Class that raises the most money will have a Pizza Party!
The Child that raises the most money will receive $100
Tricks, Treats, and Tacos
October 25
Wednesday, October 25
5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
St. Francis of Assisi Courtyard

Tricks, Treats, and Tacos is the largest St. Francis community event of the school year. Children are encouraged to come in their Halloween costumes and bring a bucket/bag for trick-or-treating across campus. 
Families will enjoy games and dancing under the stars in our courtyard!
Taco dinners must be ordered no later than Monday, October 23.  
Pre-order by 10/17 = $8.00
Regular order after 10/17 = $10.00
Order forms can be downloaded here or picked up in the front office.
Tasty treats and glow sticks will be available for cash purchase.
All proceeds support the 8th grade class.
Fall Spirit Wear
This year we are offering spirit wear once a trimester to pre-order for students and adults.  Certain styles are only available for either students and/or adults so be sure to read carefully!  

The window for pre-ordering is Wednesday, September 27 - Monday, October 16.  All orders will be delivered before conferences/Thanksgiving break.  

Students may wear spirit wear with uniform bottoms every Friday during the school year.  Please send any questions to:  [email protected].

DC Dining
Trimester 1
As part of our fundraising efforts for the Annual 8th Grade East Coast Study Trip, a variety of food vendors offer fun lunch options for only $5.00 each Wednesday.  Parent volunteers collect and tally orders at the start of each week, arrange for pick-up or delivery of meals, and handle distribution from the kitchen during lunch period.

Below is an order form for DC Dining for Trimester 1 at St. Francis.  You may fill out the entire form at once, or print and order on a weekly basis.  If you are ordering weekly, please be sure to turn the form and payment in to the office by Monday of the week you are ordering a meal.  

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities!
Fall Fundraisers are up and running and we need your help!

We are still looking for parent volunteers to assist with Fall Fest on Friday, October 6! Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this fun event!


Please click to see a full list of Fall Fest volunteer opportunities!

Please contact Admissions Director, Tammy Clarida with any questions regarding volunteer opportunities.
We Love Our Volunteers!

Thank you to all our the parents, students, and alumni who volunteered in the 
St. Francis game booth at last weekend's 
Oktoberfest at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church!
St. Martin de Porres Trunk-or-Treat 2017
October 27
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church's Ministry of Moms (MOM) is only a month away from it's 6th Annual Trunk - or - Treat event on Friday, October 27. The group is looking forward to this wonderful event and hopes to see your family there to join in the fun. 
As planning is underway the following volunteer opportunities are available:
  1. Donation of trunks (Cars to be parked in the lot and candy provided by you to be handed out to Trunk-or-Treaters)
  2. Help with set-up anytime between 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm (The event starts  at 5:30 pm)
  3. Help with clean up 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm  (The event ends at 7:30 pm)
  4. Pumpkin donations for decor
  5. Balloon donations for decor
  6. Gift card donations (Costco, Trader Joe's, Party City, Stater Bros., Vons, Ralphs, etc.)
  7. Candy bag donations 
Please contact Jeannette Scheppler of MOM to let her know how you can contribute.
Again, we hope to see you there. The kids have an absolute blast playing with their buddies and making new friends. We are planning on having a costume parade, music, a photo spot and dinner for purchase. 

JSerra Fall Concert and Dinner Fundraiser
Friday, September 29
Come join us for an amazing evening of dinner and song - great for the whole family!

Do not miss the first performance of the year from the award-winning choral program at JSerra Catholic High School. The Choral Program is preparing for a performance tour of Italy in the spring of 2018 and this concert will also feature the debut of the "Footbells" - Jserra's Handbell Choir made up of mostly freshman football players! This is the ensemble featured in the OC Register and KCAL9/CBS2 news. Come hear amazing soloists, Concert Choir, the Advanced Women's Ensemble and the Chamber Singers, who are considered one of the top choirs in the Western United States. Repertoire performed will be from a span of over 400 years, in 5 different languages, and covering a variety of music genres. 
Join us for a beautiful and relaxing evening of food, friends and song. The amazing dinner, desserts, silent auction items, and raffle baskets are all put together by our amazing Parent Boosters. It is a wonderful opportunity to see the strong community that is the choral program!

Fall Concert and Dinner Fundraiser
Location: St. Edward's Catholic Church
33926 Calle La Primavera, Dana Point, 92629
5:00 pm Dinner and Fundraiser
7:30 pm Concert
$25 adults
$10 faculty/students
Tickets available at
Servite High School - Credo 5K
October 28
Mater Dei High School Visit Day
Tuesday, November 7
Mater Dei Admissions Information
Admissions Applications
Available now at
Athletic Information Night - September 26
Meruelo Athletic Center - Mater Dei High School
Presentation begins at  7:00 pm
Future Monarch Information Night #1 - October 26
Meruelo Athletic Center
Campus tours begin at 6:00 pm
Presentation begins at  7:00 pm
7th and 8th Grade Visit Day - November 7
Come as an individual attendee or with your school
*Students who come as an individual attendee must have an adult chaperone with them
Family Campus Tours - Year-Round

Shadow Program - September - May
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School | 714-695-3700 | [email protected] |
5330 Eastside Circle
Yorba Linda, CA 92887