                                                                                                                              October 2017
Team Day 

Here We Go
Northwestern Illinois District

We Envision
3,000 Disciplemakers

15,000 Disciples

30,000 Worshippers

300 Churches
by 2030
A Church is: Any group that meets regularly for spiritual nurture, worship, or instruction, with an identified leader and aligned with the message and mission of the Church of the Nazarene my be recognized as a church and reported as such for district and general church statistics.
District Events

DCPI-CPE Training - October 20-22 - Sterling First
DISTRICT ASSEMBLY - April 6-7, 2018 - Pekin First
CONVENTION - April 28, 2018 - Pekin First 
Nazarene Missions International

Renee Kindle
District NMI President

November 19, 2017

"Go and make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19

We must fix our sights on places where the church is not yet, engaging in intercessory prayer, sacrificial giving, and physically going to and mobilizing others to go to these places. Each time you give to the World Evangelism Fund, you send the message of the gospel into areas where "the church is not yet."
Nazarene Youth International


Mark your calendars 

July 23-27, 2018
July 22-26, 2019
Date: November 4, 2017 
Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

Pekin First
3514 Broadway St.
Pekin, IL 61554

Cost: $10

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Please find the permission slip below that is needed for every student participating in this event. Students will not be able to participate in any of the activities without a signed permission slip.
When you arrive at Pekin First please do the following:
  • enter Door K
  • go to the Welcome Center
  • turn in all permission slips & money for your group

If you should have any questions, please contact Josh Parker, District NYI Vice President


J. Todd Keller
District NYI President  

Schedule 2017-2018
09/16 - Moline Community
11/18 - Sterling
12/01-12/02 - St. Louis Invitational
01/20 - Smithfield
02/17 - Sterling Invitational
03/17 - Galesburg 
Denise Vroman, NYI Quiz Director
Click to Like us on Facebook 

-Ministry Call- 
NMI with the collaboration of NYI and SDMI has been trying to compile a list of children and youth who have expressed a call into ministry. The goal of NMI's Ministry Call is to educate, inform and guide those children and youth called into ministry get as much help in following through with those calls. Being able to pray for them by name and introducing them to opportunities to develop in their particular area of ministry.  
If you know of a student who feels called into ministry please let Ronda Hollars know by giving her a call at 815-875-1900 
or by email Ronda Hollars 
Sunday School Discipleship International
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."   Matthew 28:19-20
As you are going,
THINK BIG: Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.

And make disciples,
START SMALL: You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.

Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
GO DEEP: Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.


Ellyn Book

District SDMI Director

Children's Ministry
If you haven't already, please join the newly created Facebook group NWIL Children's Bible Quizzing. Information will be posted regarding upcoming meets and events.

Schedule 2017-2018  
11/11/17 - Sterling First
02/03/18 - Pekin First
04/21/18 - Peoria First

Rosie Furston
Children's Quizzing Director 
Children's Ministry Workers 
If you're on Facebook, check out NWIL Children's Ministry and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ. 

Mark your

June 25-28, 2018 
June 24-27, 2019 

ONU Homecoming  

Homecoming & Family Weekend is a special time for friends of the University to gather on Olivet's campus. Click here for event details.

With activities planned for all ages and interests, Olivet celebrates accomplishments and heritage during a three-day schedule of events.

"Olivet loves tradition, and Homecoming & Family Weekend activities are one of the best ways for us to celebrate," said Erinn Proehl, acting director of Alumni and University Relations. "We invite everyone - students, their parents and siblings, faculty, staff, friends and our community - and all age groups to join us. Celebrating with all of you adds so much to this special time on our campus."

Be sure to reserve your hotel space immediately, as all Kankakee County hotels will sell out. Below is a link to a listing of area hotels and a comprehensive schedule of the events for the weekend.
General Assembly

Lay Ministry Studies

Here you will find the studies needed to pursue th e Cer tificate of Lay Ministry. While anyone is welcome to take these stu dies, these studies are specifically designed for those who have gone through the steps as outlined by the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene and have already received the certificate to become a Lay Minister. For more information, be sure and visit our Requirements For The Certificate of Lay Ministry
page. Here you will find information on the process to become a Lay Minister.


Communicating the Gospel 

History and Polity 

John Wesley's Theology 

New Testament Study 

Old Testament Study 

Spiritual Formation 

How to Study the Bible 


10/12 - POPS - Galesburg
10/20-22 - DCPI Training - CPE - Sterling First
11/4 - NYI Fall Party - Pekin First
11/9 - POPS - Galesburg
11/11 - Children's Quiz - Sterling First
11/11 - NMI, NYI, SDMI Meeting 9am - New Hope
11/14 - DAB 6:30pm - Peoria
11/18 - NYI Quiz - Sterling First
12/1-2 - NYI Quiz - St. Louis Invitational
12/14 - POPS - New Hope 
Church News
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family.  Please send a short article and pictures to NWIL District Office
Great Commission
Click below

Funding the Mission
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Together, we've accomplished so much in our first 100 years. Join us on a journey into the next 100 years and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In our new plan for Funding the Mission, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives our mission more than ever before.
DCPI - CPE Training

Sterling First Church of the Nazarene
October 20-22
Cost: $35

Click to Register: CPE Training

DCPI Training focus:  CPE Training (Church Planting Essentials)
Dates:  October 20 (starting at 8:30am) - October 22nd (will conclude by 6:00pm).  Classes will typically run from 8:30-5pm on Friday and Saturday.  We will worship together on Sunday morning, then hold class at 1:00pm and finish by 6:00pm.

Location: Sterling First Church of the Nazarene - 411 13th Ave, Sterling, IL 61081

A block of rooms is reserved at Country Inn & Suites -2106 1st Ave, Rock Falls, IL 61071* 815-625-3200
*If reserved by September 20th, mention "DCPI Training" to have discounted rate of $89/night
Any questions, call Sterling First Church of the Nazarene - 815-625-0864.  Contact Person: Deb Wright or Pastor Jeremy McLaughlin 

Click DCPI for complete details
Church Planting
Schedule a Church Planter to speak at your Church today!
Interested in scheduling a church planter to come and speak at your church? Interested in a passionate Jesus-minded missionary to share a story that will stir the heart of your people? Check out 4 opportunities and schedule a speaker today!

Having traveled extensively throughout Europe over the last decade ministering in the Christian Hard Rock scene, Kevin has a vision of equipping indigenous leaders throughout Europe to plant churches.

Heading to his hometown of 16,000 people in Fall of 2017, Jesse has a passion to plant a church that engages those who feel left-out and disconnected from the hope of Jesus Christ.

As a former corporate IT professional, God is sending Christian and his family in summer of 2018 to one of the fastest growing southern cities in North Carolina to engage young professionals with the good news of Jesus.

As a graduate of Olivet Nazarene University, Seth has fostered a passion for launching a church that shares in God's Redemptive Kingdom Vision and will do so in a city of roughly 130,000.
North Pekin
North Pekin Church of the Nazarene celebrated October 1st. With a vision laid on Diana's heart from the Lord himself and sharing that vision with all of us. Many embraced this vision, donating money and items, organizing and helping with a Rummage Sale.

Praise The Lord as we all were blessed with multitude of testimonies and giving hearts of those in the North Pekin and surrounding communities.

We at North Pekin Nazarene want the world to know "absolutely nothing is impossible for the God we serve". Our goal was $3,000.00 and it was met to sponsor a well in West Africa. Praise the Lord!!  We are feeling really Blessed!! Pastor Ron.

Baptisms, bounce houses part of Church's Party in the Park! 

"MORTON - Mike Thompson celebrated his 63rd birthday Thursday. He gave himself a birthday present Sunday. He was baptized.

Thompson was one of about 40 people, children and adults, who underwent a full immersion baptism under a hot midday sun during Bridgeway Community Church's ninth annual Party in the Park at Idlewood Park.

Holding their nose with their hand and closing their eyes while they were seated in a pool of water, each person who was baptized was guided backwards under the water by a pastor and emerged to the cheers of a crowd of several hundred.

Afterwards, parents hugged their dripping wet children. Friends hugged dripping wet friends.
A few tears of joy were shed." By Steve Stein of the Journal Star 

Full article Peoria Journal Star

Pekin First Celebrates 90 years
Freeport Celebrates 90 years

We will celebrate 90 years of ministry on November 11-12, 2017
Saturday, November 11th at 6:00 pm Celebration Dinner 
Sunday, November 12th at 9:30 am Worship Service

Our worship service will feature guest speaker Rev. Scott Sherwood, NWIL District Superintendent with special music by Rev. John & Donna Hollis who served as the pastor at Freeport for 38 years. Everyone is welcome. If you will be at the dinner, please contact Pastor Bob Hislar or call (805) 750-2580 to let us know how many will be joining us.

Freeport Church of the Nazarene
2717 Royal Oaks Dr.
Freeport, IL
Quick Links
District Leaders
NWIL District Advisory Board
                  MINISTERIAL                    LAYMAN
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Ken Roat
                  Rev. Bill Clark                    Carole Eatock
                  Rev. Jim Book                    Keith Peachey
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Kevin Singletary
                  Rev. Kevin Donoho
ONU Board of Trustees
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Rev. William Clark
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Cheryl Sherwood
                  Ken Roat 
Zone Facilitators

                        ZONE                     FACILITATORS & E-MAIL
                        Bloomington           Mike Stipp
                        Fox Valley               Kevin Donoho
                        Galesburg               Harold Berrian
                        Lincoln Highway      Scott Sherwood
                        Pekin/Peoria            Lloyd Brock
                        Southwest               Harold Berrian
                        Spoon River             Randy Munson
                        Quad Cities              James Book
                        Blackhawk               Scott Sherwood 
NWIL District Team

District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
Jim Book
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book

District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker

NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith

Board Of Ministry
Rev. Bob Hasselbring

Course of Study
Rev. Karin Orwig


                 District Assembly Services & Information                                                       District Journal