Fall 2017, Week 2
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm, Friday 8am-4:30pm

858-822-3493 | | 
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"There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives."
- Audre Lorde
 Upcoming Events 

Pan Dulce: LGBTQIA+ Chicanx Latinx Platica
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
12-1:30PM | LGBT Resource Center

Join us for our first Pan Dulce Platica of the school year for pan dulce, chisme and community! Open to students, staff and faculty. If you require accommodations to fully access the event, please contact us at 858.822.3493 or 
Queer and Mindful 
Mondays, 1:00-2:00PM  
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center 
Come join the LGBT Resource Center for meditation, mindful self-examination, and wellness events designed to help you gain control of your life & mind. Please feel encouraged to bring planners, journals, sketchbooks, and art materials for introspective time.

Bored Gaymers 
Fridays, 1:00-2:00PM 
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center 
Come play board games with us weekly at the LGBT Resource Center! Feel free to see what games we have or even bring your own!
No experience required!
We will cap attendance at 30 due to space limitations for our first event.

Volunteer Training and Orientation

Volunteer Training and Orientation
Tuesday, October 17th, 2017
5:00-6:30PM |LGBT RC Conference Room
Want to be more involved with the LGBT community on campus? Come to our volunteer training and orientation to learn more about opportunities for leadership and involvement!  

Muir Pride Week 2017!

Celebrate Muir Pride with fun events and programs happening all of Week 2!
3-4PM @ Mariposa Room 
Come learn about the experiences of LGBTQIA+ folks in the military and get informed on current events and news. Tea and cookies provided!

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11th (National Coming Out Day!)
1-2PM @ Mariposa Room 
Learn about the art of drag and its history, traditions, and culture! 
** Be sure to attend this program for priority entry tickets to the evening's drag performance!!

8-10PM @ MOM (Middle of Muir)
Enjoy a drag show from professional drag performers! Seating and entry are first-come, first-serve. We'll be serving rainbow cake! Come to the educational program earlier in the day to gain priority entry.

3:30-5PM @ Tuolumne Quad
DIY Tie- Dye shirts! T-Shirts will be given to the first 50 people (or bring your own!)! PLUS, make your own pride buttons.
Apply for SoCal T* Camp!

Apply for SoCal T*Camp!
Intercampus retreat for transgender, genderqueer and gender-questioning college students
SoCal T*Camp brings together transgender, genderqueer and gender-questioning college students for an intercampus retreat January 5-7, 2018. Both undergraduates and graduates who are currently enrolled are welcome to apply.
You will be notified in November about your application status.
T*Camp is an amazing way to make connections, go deep into one's gender identity and intersecting identities, and build community. Check out the T*Camp video and hear directly from Tcampers about their experiences: 
LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program

Leadership Opportunities

Interested in learning more about social justice AND gaining professional experience?? Apply for the LGBT Resource Center's Social Justice Peer Education Program, where you can gain facilitation skills and change campus climate. Through the program you will gain leadership experience, facilitation skills and social justice education training!
Deadline to apply is Friday, October 13!
For questions contact

Queer Student Organizations and Affiliates  
Fluid Attraction
Mondays, 5:00-6:00pm
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. For more information, please e-mail
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, every odd week
Conference Room| Cross Cultural Center
QUEER/TRANS PEOPLE OF COLOR is a student org that creates a safe space to dialogue, eduacate, and socialize around LGBTQ+ identified people of color. For more information about QTPOC,  contact  

Mondays, 6:00-7:00pm
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
QSUN as an organization aims to provide an open, welcoming, and safe space for individuals in the Sixth College community who identify on the queer and/or LGBTQIAP+ spectrum, or are allies of such individuals. Though this organization is not solely open to students of Sixth College, it is designed to offer an opportunity for a smaller and more close knit community. 
Black Queer Collective
First Fall Mixer
Wednesday November 29th, 4:30-7:00pm
Conference Room| LGBT Resource Center

Black Queer Collective is a group dedicated to finding and fostering Black queer community at UC San Diego. For more information about Black Queer Collective and their mixer, please click here.

Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm starting October 17th
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is a national LGBTQ-affirming organization that aims to provide services and support for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to create a dynamic network between students and professionals in industry and academia. For more information, check out their  Facebook page!
Intern Office Hours
Looking for community? Get to know our interns! Stop by during their office hours:

Afi: Tues: 8-10:30AM
Alejandra: Tues: 2-3PM; Fri: 11AM-12:30PM
Gavin: Tues: 10AM-2PM; Wed: 4:30-5:30PM
Jodie: MWF:12:30-3PM
Larra: Tues:10:30-11AM,  Thurs: 10:30AM-1PM
Marisa: Tues: 3-5:30PM
Noel: Fri: 8AM-9:30AM and 11AM-12PM
Sallie: Tues: 8-10:30AM
Sam: Mon: 11AM-1:30PM

Community Events

Annual Project Trans BBQ at Balboa Park  
The Center SD  
October 21, 2017  
Don't miss your chance to attend the annual Project Trans BBQ on October 21! Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided.  Please bring a potluck item to share, or donate utensils or tupperware. Bring games to play, blankets, lawn chairs and pop tents. Everyone is welcome. The BBQ will be in Balboa park - enter at Upas Street and the event will be on the left hand side, just past the first curve, across from the playground. Look for the Trans flag! For more information, email 
EDGY Conference 
Skirball Cultural Center. Los Angeles 
October 27, 2017

The EDGY conference provides a "one-stop-shop" opportunity for youth-serving professionals to build awareness and cultural competency, learn current and emerging best practices, and gather resources from leading experts and national organizations in the field. 
The EDGY Conference, which is presented by Penny Lane Centers, strives to create a supportive environment for GLBTQ youth and families through initiatives, education, and enlightenment. As in previous years, we will be offering continuing education credits for mental health, group home and social work professionals attending the workshop.
For more information, click here
Community Support Groups

Coming Out Group

Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30pm

Small Meeting Room | Women's Center


The Coming Out group is a place to meet and gain support while discussing your sexual and/or gender Identities in a confidential setting.  This group is for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, or questioning folks who are coming out, considering coming out or may already be out.  Topics are determined by group participants and can include stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, family/cultural issues, excitement and celebration with regard to coming out. The group is open to new members the first 3 meetings of each quarter and then closes to maintain safe space. First Fall  Meeting is Tuesday, September 27th


For more info, please contact Cat Thompson at  or Agustin Orozco at


The Coming Out Group is open for the first 3 weeks of each quarter and closes after for safety.

Men's Relationship Forum

Weeks 2-10 (Fall, Winter & Spring Quarters)
Mondays, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Small Meeting Room | Women's Center 

Join us for conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus.
This group addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more.

For more information please contact:
Greg Koch at gkoch@ucsd.ed
Rainbow Newsletter submissions: 
If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
Campus Community Centers

APIMEDA Freshman Mixer
October 23, 2017; 6:30PM

Join us for our freshman mixer, a wonderful opportunity to meet people or reconnect with one another a few weeks after ASCEND.  

Barbershop Talk
October 18, 2017; 5:00PM-6:30PM
 Conference Room

Join us for our first installment of barbershop talk, a laidback social forum designed to connect you to the community. If accommodation is needed, please contact 858-534-0471.

Native American Welcome Dinner
October 12, 2017; 6:00PM-7:30PM
Comunidad Room, Cross Cultural Center, Price Center East 

Join us for a welcome back to school get-together! Meet new and returning Native American students.

Paths to PhDs
October 19, 2017; 6:30PM-8:30PM
Comunidad Room, Cross Cultural Center, Price Center East

Want to earn a PhD in Psychology or Neuroscience? At this panel, grad student speakers will reveal how to successfully apply to graduate programs at UCSD, what those programs are like, and much more! Pizza and refreshments will be served.

Love Your Body Programs
October 18, 2017; 11:00AM-2PM
Price Center Plaza

Join us in the Price Center Plaza for our annual celebration of Love Your Body Day. We'll have education on body image issues, crafting, trivia, raffle prizes and more!

Community Retreat
October 21-22, 2017
Raza Resource Centro

Join us for an on campus retreat during the Weekend of Week 3. The community retreat is for latinx folks looking to make friends, network and be more involved with the RRC. Students will be able to engage with other students, and find a space for latinx folks on campus. Spots are limited.
For more information, click  here.

Community Classifieds

Alternative Tours (SPACES)
Alternative Tours offer a unique perspective on the hxstory of student activism on campus, and strive to retain OurStory despite institutional erasure. Tours are free and open to all interested K-14 groups, and we are open to tailoring our tours to meet the vision or needs of groups requesting tours.  We are looking to expand our program in order to provide greater access to the San Diego community. If you are bilingual or multilingual, we strongly encourage you to apply! 
UC San Diego
October 11, 2017; 9:30AM-2:30PM
RIMAC, UC San Diego
Science and Technology Career Fair

Meet face to face with top employers seeking to hire you! The Science and Technology Career Fair is the perfect opportunity to network with valuable contacts, learn inside information about the companies, and create a personal impression that employers will remember!

UC San Diego 
October 11, 2017; 3:30-6PM 
Atkinson Hall Auditorium, UC San Diego
No More, No More

UC San Diego theater students will be participating with kNOw MORE!, Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Curriculum for youth. This performance uses dialogue, abstract, dramatized images and spoken word, to incite curiosity and prompt a learning journey towards understanding the red flags and vulnerability of human trafficking and the tragic social issue. The program also features  Buki Domingos, famous singer songwriter, activist, and survivor of human trafficking.  

UC San Diego
October 16-17, 2017; 5PM-6PM
Multipurpose Room, UC San Diego
College Ambassador Hiring
Are you passionate about UC San Diego? Join the College Ambassador team and share your student story with our 70,000+ visitors and prospective students!
Join us at our information Sessions: Monday, October 16th and Tuesday, October 17th, 5-6pm in the Multipurpose Room (first floor of the Student Services Center)
Application is due October 27th!   Visit to learn more!   
UC San Diego 
October 17, 2017; 2:30-3:30PM 
The Zone in Price Center 
Resources and Relaxation Squad 
Drop-in and get a low intensity back rub from the R&R Squad! Questions?
Contact The Zone at or call us at (858) 534-5553 
UC San Diego
October 20-22, 2017 
Family Weekend 10th Anniversary 

Invite your family to UC San Diego's Family Weekend 10th Anniversary Celebration, featuring the Game Masters exclusive evening at the Fleet Science Center. Check out the Whodunit Mystery Show, show off your College, and enjoy delicious meals throughout thee weekend. For questions, contact Parent & Family Programs at or 858-534-7273.

NACME Scholarship for Engineers
 The National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME) is looking for under-represented students in engineering to apply for a $2500 scholarship supported by NACME. Through the program, scholarships are awarded to talented African America, American Indian and Latino students enrolled in engineering programs.
 Click  here to apply.
UC San Diego 
October 23, 2017; 11AM-3PM 
Price Center West Ballroom, UC San Diego 
Study Abroad Expo 
Interested in studying abroad, but not sure where to start? Come to our largest study abroad event of the year, EXPO! And don't miss out on our First Steps Info sessions to get your questions answered about the many programs available to students at UCSD, how financial aid works and how to start the application process.