October 10, 2017

Serving the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
3717 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
www.diopa.org          215-627-6434
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Third Annual Diocesan Invitational Art Exhibit 


The Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral will host the  Third Annual Diocesan Invitational Art Exhibit during Diocesan Convention. The Exhibit is scheduled to be up in the Cathedral from November 1 until December 20, 2017. This year's theme is "For all the Saints."
We are asking Rectors/Interims/Priests in Charge in the Diocese to nominate a work of art by an an artist active in the congregation for inclusion in the exhibit. Pieces may be in any medium:  painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, photography, etc. The title of the exhibit is intentionally broad enough to include almost any subject or theme; individual pieces may be overtly religious or not, representational or abstract.
1.   Download the nomination form.
2.  Contact an artist in your parish to ask if he/she would like to exhibit and would be willing to loan one piece to the Cathedral for two months. You may ask an artist who has exhibited before to submit a different work.
3.  Fill out the attached form by October 15. 2017 and email it to me at  [email protected] or mail it to me at:
The Rev. Robert L. Tate
Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral
23 South 38th Street
Philadelphia, PA  19104
We will make every effort to include all pieces nominated by October 15, 1017 . Nominations received after that will be included if there is sufficient space.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 215-248-4457.  Thank you for your assistance with this project!  
In Peace,
The Rev. Robert L. Tate
Priest Associate and Director of Philadelphia Cathedral Visual Arts Program

Discipleship Matters Conference 

Next Week!

 October 16-18, 2017



If you have registered 
or would like to register for the Discipleship Matters Conference, and are in need of a scholarship, please contact J.D. Lafrance at  [email protected] .

The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania and
The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez is
sponsoring the
Discipleship Matters Conference

Helping leaders create a culture of discipleship
in their congregations and community.

Please  register  for what promises to be a remarkable experience
at St. Thomas' Church, Whitemarsh
The conference is being brought to you by 
Forward Movement  and  RenewalWorks .

This national conference will experience Christian formation for discipleship, scripture engagement, habits of daily prayer, serving the poor, and sharing the Good News. Building upon the very successful Evangelism Matters conference in Dallas in November 2016, this conference will offer keynote presentations, workshops, and networking time, and will be undergirded with Eucharist and the Daily Office.

The  Diocese of Pennsylvania  will be well represented at the conference with several of our clergy participating in plenary sessions and workshops.

The Rt. Rev. Bishop Gutiérrez, celebrant and preacher

Engagement with Scripture 
and  How Pilgrimages and Mission Trips form Disciples
The Rev. Marek Zabriskie, Rector, St. Thomas' Church, Whitemarsh

Joy in Confession
The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Rector, St. Christopher's, Gladwyne, PA

Evangelism by Listening

The Rev. Jarrett Kerbel, Rector, St. Martin's, Philadelphia

Dioceses Shaping Disciples
The Rev. Canon Betsy Ivey, Diocese of PA moderating panel with the Rev. Canon Rob Droste, Diocese of NJ and the Rev. Canon Frank Logue, Diocese of GA

Discipleship as the Foundation for Evangelism
The Rev. Canon Shawn Wamsley, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Pennsylvania

Bring a group!  Small groups attending from the same parish get one free registration, with four paid attendees. Email Jason Merritt to arrange your free registration at [email protected] .

If you are interested in volunteering,
contact Emily Given at 215-233-3970 ext.126 or 
[email protected] .
Greeters, wayfinding assistants, and registration helpers are needed for one
day or for the whole conference.

Fish Fry Fundraiser for St. Simon the Cyrenian

Celebrating One Baptism in Christ

An Ecumenical Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2017, 3:00 PM
at the

Attention all singers!
Singers are invited to join a special ecumenical choir for a worship service on Sunday, October 29 at 3:00 pm at the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral. 

This ecumenical service is presented by the Philadelphia Liturgical Institute. Homilists for the service will be the  Rev. Dr. Gordon Lathrop and Father Dennis Gill, with the Very Rev. Judith Sullivan, Dean of the Cathedral presiding.
The special choir for this service will be conducted by Cathedral Director of Music
Dr. Thomas Lloyd, joined by organist Michael Stairs. There will be a single combined rehearsal at 2:00 pm immediately before the service. Choir members are encouraged to vest as they normally would on Sunday morning.

To sign up for the choir and receive the link to the music and study files for the anthem (Moses Hogan's arrangement of Deep River), contact choir director Thomas Lloyd at [email protected]

Job Posting for Diocesan Director of Communications

The Director of Communications is an exempt, full-time staff position with benefits which has as its major responsibility the management of public relations; development and sustainment of reputation and messaging; handling all communication sent to the public; and support of the ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania and the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. This position also assists the Diocesan Staff as needed, and functions as a member of the team.
He or she must be a seasoned and highly competent professional, well organized, with good people skills, with pastoral sensitivity, the ability to keep a cool head under pressure, and to use independent, sound judgment when the need arises. She or he must be professional in appearance and demeanor, loyal and discreet, with a sense for Episcopal Church polity.

Send Resumes and Essays to Mr. Jeremiah Mustered: [email protected].

Full Job Description:  http://ow.ly/RVQV30fKQIA

United Thank Offering Grants Available for Youth in the Diocese

UTO Young Adult Grants for ages 19-30  are available for youth in the Diocese. The Grants are due November 3 in the UTO New York Office. The Diocese ECW/UTO committee will review the grants to assist in the selection process, therefore all applications must be received by Celeste Fisher in the Bishop's Office by 5:00 p.m., October 20, 2017 via email:  [email protected] . This is the time to be creative, think outside the box and submit a grant.

The UTO Board and Staff are happy to announce that we are now accepting applications for Young Adults and Seminarians. Below are the materials for Young Adult applicants, the materials for seminarians have been sent directly to the seminaries but are also available online at  www.episcopalchurch.org/uto

Invitation Letter
Young Adult and Seminarian Grants Focus and Criteria
Young Adult Grant Application
Young Adult Grant Application - Bishop Endorsement Form

Please let us know if you have any questions or need any assistance with the application process.  

We'll be offering webinars in October  to answer any questions you might have about the process 
or to assist anyone having to discern which application to submit.  

Please join us tonight on October 10 or tomorrow on October 11th 
at 8 p.m. Eastern time at  https://zoom.us/j/8140408194

We'll send out the information again in our October E-Newsletter.

Thank you for sharing this information in your diocese and for supporting young adults in their discernment and growth as church leaders.


The Reverend Canon Heather L. Melton 

Staff Officer, The United Thank Offering | The Episcopal Church | 917.771.3366

Church Farm School Volunteers Are Ready to Help!

100 Years of inspiring young men to live productive lives of service!
As the Church Farm School in Exton, PA prepares to celebrate its Centennial (1918-2018), our students, faculty and staff want to thank you for your generous support of our mission over the past 100 years by bringing our community to you! If you need help with parish or community projects, our students and faculty want to lend a helping hand with light clean-up or building projects any Saturday or Sunday during the school year. Call us at 610.363.7500 to set up a time and let the outstanding Church Farm School boys plant, paint, clear, demolish, construct or otherwise enhance your presence in the community. Thank you for supporting us, as we celebrate our Centennial.

SERVING THE DIOCESE: Diocesan Committees 2017
A Renewed Call to Serve

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

At Convention 2017, we will elect new members to serve on Diocesan Committees. The
Commission on Clergy Compensation and Employee Benefits (CCCEB) , the Nominations Committee , and Disciplinary Board are still actively seeking members. If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a member of a Diocesan Committee, information can be found on the Convention page on the Diocesan website: http://www.diopa.org/diocesan-convention-2017/.

Most of the Nominations Committee's meetings are conducted via conference call, easing the burden of travel, and enabling us to be as geographically diverse as possible.

The Nominations Committee's mission is to be inclusive racially, culturally, by gender and gender identity, and by age. We encourage you to participate in building and strengthening our Diocese, and in representing the breadth and diversity of our many parishes and deaneries.

Candidate biographies can be submitted electronically. For information, please see the Nominations page:


DISCIPLINARY BOARD - 3 clergy; 1 lay

In Thanksgiving,
The Nominations Committee: Cordelia Biddle (chair), Betty Berry-Holmes, Lionel Broome, Jane R. Cosby, Rev. Nancy Dilliplane, Rev. Amanda Eiman, Marcia Hinton, Rev. Catherine Kerr, Rev. Jeffrey Moretzsohn, Liz Wendt, Very Rev. Deirdre Whitfield

The Diocese of Pennsylvania is 
Now Receiving Contributions from AmazonSmile

Do you use Amazon? If so, then you can support our Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania earn extra income by shopping through AmazonSmile! 

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to our Diocese. Getting started is simple.

1) Go to smile.amazon.com

2) You will be asked to select an organization. 
Please select The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.  

3) Add smile.amazon.com to your bookmarks so that you always come back to the same site.  

That's it! It may not sound like much but if it were to take all your online shopping and multiply it by everyone in our Diocese it can really add up. Please make sure to spread the word and ask your friends and family to select The Epsicopal Diocese of Pennsylvania as their own AmazonSmile charity as well. Please remember, only purchases made through AmazonSmile will be eligible.

Just go to:  https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-1352108 and shop on Amazon's website like you normally would. Make sure to save the link in your favorites for easy access when shopping in the future.  

Diocese of Pennsylvania T-Shirts

What's there not to love?

Check out DIOPA's
awesome new shirts!

The #diopaLOVE T-shirts were so popular they were all claimed within 48 hours! Another order has been placed and we will be getting more. If you are still interested in a T-shirt, don't worry! Just contact Kristen Kelly at 215-627-6434 or through  [email protected]  and she will contact you once they are in!

Kristen is taking orders now. If we don't have the size you want she will order more at a later date.

A Message from Bishop Gutiérrez Regarding the 2018 Diocesan Budget

 CAMINOS: Our Road Together

The Office of the Diocese of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the publication of our new magazine "CAMINOS: Our Road Together".

While this magazine will be published online, it is also available in a print format for anyone who does not have internet access.  If you know someone in your congregation who cannot receive it electronically, please send us their name and address and we will be sure to send them a hard copy version.
In order to have the best viewing experience, once you click on the link below, put your cursor under the image of the magazine cover.  A timeline will appear. Click on the square at the far right of the timeline and the issue can be read full screen.  Once you are viewing it full screen, clicking on the arrows at the far right or left will turn the pages forward or backward.

We want to help tell your stories.  If you would like to submit an article for publication, please contact Henry Carnes at  [email protected]  and he will be glad to assist you.

Servant Year is On!

"Are you called to serve?"

Servant Year 2017 began August 19 with seven new Fellowes on board for a year of service and discernment in our diocese.  A program of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania and a member of the Episcopal Service corps, Servant Year offers full time paid volunteer positions for young adults interested in discerning a deeper sense of purpose in their life. Our Fellowes come to us from all over the country and this year, even the UK. They are:
  • Georgianna Hicks, from Harrisburg graduated from the Philadelphia Art Institute. Service Site: St. James School
  • Roses Laughlin, grew up in Lansdale, is a new graduate of the University of Pittsburg. Service Site: Church of the Advocate
  • Gregory Louis was born in Haiti, grew up in Florida and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Service Site: St. James School
  • Johnny Malin, Philadelphia graduated from the Unviersity of Notre Dame. Service Site: Church of the Advocate
  • Elexus Mays served with Lasallian Volunteers in Racine, Wisconsin and is a graduate of Howard University. Service Site: St. James School
  • Max Wooley is from New Jersey and graduated from Durham University in the United Kingdom. Service Site: St. Mark's Episcopal Church
  • Gabriella Machado served in Newark, New Jersey last year and is a graduate of the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom which is also from where she hails. Service Site: St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Among them they possess a wealth of experiences, talents and gifts: from an artist, to elite athletes in basketball and boxing, to a pilgrim who walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain, a social justice advocate, a choral music enthusiast, historian and theologian, and a gifted educator-these young adults come to us with a passion for discerning where God is leading them in their life and a heart for service.
Members in this urban missionary like program receive full-time volunteer positions at a partner site, monthly stipends, housing, health insurance, meals and public transportation tokens.  Servant Year is a supportive community that includes regular spiritual direction and formation.  It is perfect for new graduates who want to "give back" before they start their career; want a break in between college and graduate school; or need a little extra time to discern where their life is calling them after plans change or do not materialize as expected.

If you know of a college graduate who sounds like a good fit for this ministry please have them contact  [email protected] .  This program is not limited to Episcopalians.  But for those young adults who grew up in the Episcopal Church, Servant Year can be the next step in maturing their faith and discerning their call to ministry, whether that is ordained or lay.   

Where are YOU being called to serve?

DIOPA Resource Guide

                     The DIOPA Resource Guide is here!

We have heard your suggestions, compiled them, and we would like to present the DIOPA Resource Guide: a directory of information about the Diocese of Pennsylvania, and how we can best serve you. We encourage you to explore the website at  http://www.dioparesourceguide.com/ .

This website is designed to continue to capture information that is useful and relevant to all members of the Diocese. Please continue to submit your suggestions. Contact J.D. Lafrance at  [email protected]   or use our online form:  https://diopa.wufoo.com/forms/cant-find-something/ .

DIOPA Deanery Calendar

Our DIOPA Deanery Calendar is fully operational and available to capture and disseminate your event information - diocesan wide! It's the place to post parish events in each deanery and can be found on www.diopa.org at the bottom right of the home page under Calendars. It's a read-only site, with information being posted by an administrator in your deanery. Call your parish office to have your administrator post an event you want to share.

Video Invitation to Join the Bishop's Bible Challenge!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As another part of my promise to better serve you, I am pleased to present another major initiative from the Offices of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. This Bible App will help us all to feel connected, provides a platform for participating in the Bishop's Bible Challenge, and perhaps most importantly is a powerful tool for you to read or hear the Word of God in 1,000 languages. With the Bible App, many now have access to the word of God in their primary language. Reading the Bible together as a diocesan community will have a life changing effect. The importance of Christian people using Holy Scripture as a foundation for daily life is hard to overstate. Who we are as the People of God flows directly from our worship, doctrine, and liturgy, which are all rooted in Scripture. To know the Bible better, is to know ourselves as the People of God better, to know our mission to the world better, and to know our faith better. We are here to help and to serve you, and this mobile app is another important step in showing the kind of innovation and emphasis that is placed on equipping our congregations to build the Kingdom of God.

The Rt. Rev. Daniel G.P. Gutiérrez
XVI Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

The Bishop's Bible Challenge leads us through the entire bible in a year's time. Not only will you find the daily reading and meditation rewarding, but you will be joining in community with hundreds, possibly thousands, of fellow Episcopalians in our diocese. While this may seem like a daunting undertaking, as the Bible tells us "Fear Not", for there are many ways to connect!
You can download The DIOPA Bible in a Year App from iTunes, Apple App Store, and Google Play. To download the mobile application, go to the "App Store" icon on your iPhones or the "Google Play" icon on your Android Phone and search for "DIOPA" or "DIOPA bible." It is a self-contained way to participate and has everything you need including a link to the registration page, the Bible readings for each day, an online link to the Bible in audible and readable forms and daily reading or listening selections that will help everyone to read the same selections each day.
* If you don't want to use the app, register to participate at our online registration site:  https://diopa.wufoo.com/forms/bishops-bible-challenge/
* If you do not use a computer or smart phone simply call the Offices of the Diocese at 215-627-6434 to register and receive a Bible Study Packet; or contact your Priest for these materials.

* Join our online Facebook group at < DIOPA Bishop's Bible Challenge>. This is where you can post your own testimonies on the readings. These responses can be written or use your phone or camera to take a picture that reflects your response to the reading. Include a brief description and post with the hash tag #wordon and #diopabbc. Check the group page or the hash tags to see what other participants are saying!

* Information and resources regarding The Bishop's Bible Challenge can be found online:  http://www.diopa.org/bishops-bible-challenge/

The important thing to know is that you are not alone in this and you cannot mess this up! If you miss a day of reading, or a week for that matter, just jump back in to the schedule because there is no wrong way to do this. If you'd rather not read, the Bible App will play the day's selections in a dramatized audio format for you to listen.

So let's come together as a diocesan family and build the Kingdom of God -praying together, worshipping together, studying together - in this the "come and see" diocese. #diopalove #diopacomeandsee #wordon #diopabbc - there are multiple ways to connect!

Online Staff Directory

Visit our new "Staff Directory" page on the diocesan website to see photos, bios, and job descriptions 
of the current staff of the Offices of the Diocese of Pennsylvania.

Download our Diocesan Mobile App "DIOPAConnect"

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As part of my promise to better serve you, I am pleased to offer a major initiative from the Offices of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. This mobile directory app will help us all to feel connected, provides useful information about parishes, and enables us to have one more important way to stay informed about everything going on in our wonderful Diocese. We are here to help and to serve you, and this mobile app is an important step in showing the kind of innovation and emphasis that is placed on equipping our congregations to build the Kingdom of God.

The Rt. Rev. Daniel G.P.  Gutiérrez
XVI Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania

To download the mobile application go to the "App Store" icon on your iPhones 
or the "Google Play" icon on your Android Phone  and 
search for "DIOPA" or "DIOPA mobile directory."

Let us know how DiopaConnect works for you. 
 User feedback helps us to tailor our applications to better meet your needs.