This SATURDAY - Jung and the Mandala: H alf-day workshop at Cirque Lodge

Get your tickets now for Andrew Harvey on Rumi 

Malidoma Som é course on Gift and Purpose

Machiel Klerk Dream Work Course
Dear Jung Society guest,

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday, September 30th for the first event of Season 9! Join us for a 3 hour workshop on  Jung and the Mandala  at Cirque Lodge (including 3 CEUs). Don't miss this wonderful event! More information below, plus an informative blog post about mandalas!

Enjoy a great interview with presenter Burton Fullmer on mandalas and healing here.

Get your tickets now  for Andrew Harvey on Rumi, on Friday evening October 27th . Only a limited number of tickets available as it is at the Leonardo. We do have a meet and greet with wine and drinks afterwards. 
Plus enroll in the weekend workshop by Andrew Harvey and Machiel Klerk together on Finding Hope, Joy and Empowerment in Disturbing Times.
Read this fascinating blog interview by our local writer Pamela Thompson with Andrew Harvey here!

The African shaman Malidoma Somé will do a webinar course on Gift and Purpose via Jung Platform. This   five class course starts Oct 3rd

Join Jung Society of Utah Founding President Machiel Klerk for a new dream work course starting Oct 2nd, and connect with your dreams to live a more fulfilling life. More info below.

The Jung Society of Utah Team 

Jung and the Mandala: Workshop at Cirque Lodge
September 30th
Date: September 30th
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Location: 777 N Palisade Drive    
Orem, Utah 84097
Cost: Free (including 3 CEUs) 

"The Mandala is a symbol of wholeness that tries to embrace the whole"; so said Carl Jung in an interview in 1957. Among the other things he said at the time were that the Mandala is the main archetype, an alchemical union of the circle and the square and often is an expression of either the Deity or the Self which he believed to be psychologically related. He also said that Mandala imagery often arises in dreams or other forms in times of psychic chaos or tension, offering compensation in the possibility of an inner order, a periphery and a center, bringing a sense of centering and healing to the whole. In this workshop we wish to explore and celebrate Jung's deep wisdom about the healing power of Mandalas: Hindu term for a sacred circle.

Jung developed the use of Mandala creation originally for his own personal soul work. He later expanded its use as a therapeutic technique to draw out images or "cryptograms" that he believed revealed the state of the Self in a given moment or day. Mandala creation can be a useful inner work tool for centering oneself or a client and can provide a glimpse into the Soul, inner-being of an individual.

We will discuss the origins of Jung's use of Mandalas for inner work or in therapy with clients. In the context of the workshop you will have an opportunity to create your own Mandala, and if you desire, share about the image and experience with others. There will be time to ask questions about using Mandala drawing in your own inner work as well, and if you are a clinician, how you might incorporate their use into your work with clients.


Burton Fullmer is a Clinical Counselor with a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology: University of Utah and Certificate in Process-Oriented Psychology: Process Work Institute of Oregon; working 20 years in mental health settings like Alpine Center and Cirque Lodge Sundance. 

Beverly Roesch has served as the Clinical Director of Cirque Lodge since its beginnings. She has worked in the field of chemical dependency for over 25 years as both a clinician and an educator. Her passion and dedication for this work is on display each and every day with her commitment to the individuals and families treated at the Cirque Lodge alcohol and drug rehab program.

Date: September 30th
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Location: 777 N Palisade Drive   
Orem, Utah 84097
Cost: Free (including 3 CEUs) 

This event is co-hosted by the Jung Society and Cirque Lodge. Cirque Lodge is the premier addiction treatment center in Utah (
Andrew Harvey on Rumi and the Joy of Ecstatic Love
Friday evening October 27th
Only a limited number of tickets as it is at the Leonardo

Get your ticket here

Andrew Harvey will present his vision of Rumi for our time. The return of Rumi's poetry and influence is not a coincidence. Rumi is the voice of the eternal beloved, singing essential truths that we all need to align with to preserve humanity and nature. In his presentation, Andrew will share what he has learned from Rumi over 40 years of translating him and writing about him. Join us for thrilling evening filled with the power of Andrew's radiance and passion, and of Rumi's galvanizing vision of divine love.  

Date: Friday Oct 2 7th, 2017

Time: 7:30 - 9:00pm (plus drinks, wine, and mingle afterwards till 10:00pm)

209 East 500 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Cost: $100 / $45 / $25

Weekend workshop discount tickets instead $175 for $155

Purchase tickets HERE.
Finding Hope, Joy and Empowerment in Disturbing Times

weekend workshop with Andrew Harvey and Machiel Klerk
October 28th & 29th
Sacred practices, shadow work, and dream work
In this weekend workshop, Andrew Harvey and Machiel Klerk will provide a vision of how sacred activism can help you align yourself with the divine energies and powers into your destiny and mission. 

In a vision of rugged hope for these times, Andrew offers four major practices from four different major religions that can empower people. Andrew will give a vision of how to return to joy and cultivate joy as the main for living an engaged life. Machiel will show how engaging with the world of dreams and its inhabitants will provide guidance to find and implement your specific sacred work. 

This weekend is not about talk, but will give you tools to build a holy and divine future, to fortify your courage, to find your destiny and mission, and ways to organize yourself in order to encourage others. 

Saturday Oct 28 - 9:30am - 5:00pm 
Sunday Oct 29 - 9:00am - 2:30pm 
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Cost: Special discount before October 14th: $155 ($175 after).

Purchase tickets HERE

Or send a check to: 
Jung Society of Utah
29 Layton Ave
Salt Lake City UT, 84115

Or call Machiel Klerk at 801-656-8806
Gift and Purpose with Malidoma Somé
October 3rd
A five class web seminar Gift & Purpose : 
in discovery and implementation

Enroll HERE.

Have you ever felt like you're here in this world to do something specific, good and big, but can't seem like you know what it is? Do you know that you have a gift and wonder how best to bring it into the world? Do you feel like a person of service who does not know what to serve? Are you trying to share the gifts you know you embody while feeling like all kinds of obstacles are blocking you from doing just that?  Are you aware of your gift and purpose already; yet feeling inspired to deepen your relationship and experience with it? If any of the above rings a bell, you are invited to this online course.

In indigenous Dagara culture each person comes into this world with, and as a gift. The purpose of life is to deliver the gift using a style that is personal to maximize elegance, ease and beauty. This means that gift makes life purposeful. 

This course that comes with a study guide is intended to empower you as you bring forth your gift out into the world, to help you recognize and acknowledge it, and to embrace it in the style that is consistent with who you are. In our core, we all want to contribute that which defines us as people of service.

The introductory course will situate gift and purpose within cosmology and mythology with a mind to capture its concise definition to help everyone including those who already have an idea of their gift, but are not sure; as well as those who have no clue at all.

At the  first official web class, we will dissect the notion of Gift within our existential state with a mind to examine the existence of various branches of it. We will lay out the tools with which to identify them. But more importantly, we will stress the danger of living outside of the Gift as well as identify the benefit of living with it.

At the  second web class we will address the meaning of Purpose and the life events that inform it. We will define Purpose in relation to gift and steer your imagination toward becoming confident with it.

The  third web class will focus on the interconnection between Gift and Purpose with a mind to highlight the ways in which the one informs the other. Knowing your Gift clarifies your Purpose; not always the other way around. 

Once you know your gift and purpose, then the challenges of implementation become an unavoidable focus. This will be the topic of  web class number four. The art of dealing with obstacles and adversity while sharpening your style of delivery is a must.

During the  fifth and final web class, we will expand on the choreography of the gift with a better look at the destination of it. This will bring our focus on to community as the principal target recipient and the very reason why we come into this world with a gift.

Class Dates: 
Tuesday, October 3rd
Wednesday, October 18th
Wednesday, October 25th
Wednesday, November 8th

Times:  8:00 - 9:00pm EST ( 5:00 - 6:00pm PST)

Cost: $125 (including audio and video access of the live event + Study Guide). 

You can also enroll over the phone:  +1-801-656-8806 
by check: Jung Platform /  29 Layton Ave / Salt Lake City / 84115 UT.

Dream Work course with Machiel Klerk
October 2nd
Working with Dreams

There will be a new Dream Work Course with some new Dream Work Techniques most Monday evenings 7:00 - 8:30pm, starting on October 2 nd .
The course is in small, intimate groups of 4 - 6 people with meetings for 10 classes.
By connecting to your dreams, you will realize your unique potential. This will lead to the experiences of joy, fulfillment, health, beauty, and an acceptance of life. Dreams provide clues to our vocation, which partner to stay with, and which one to leave. They warn us about physical sickness, and are guiding principles in life. Our night and day become enriched and full of story and adventure when we listen to the wisdom of our dreams.
In this course you will learn:
  • Dream Dialogue, an experiential and relational approach towards dreaming.
  • Dream incubation, ask Dreaming a question in regards to your health, creative project or relationships
  • Five basic characteristics of a dream
  • Explore the dream reality creating principles defined by Robert Waggoner: Focus, Intent, Will, Expectation, and Mystery.
  • Work with "Embodied Imagination"; which offers a unique access to the intelligence of the dream world
Date:   Most Mondays starting Oct 2 nd (Oct 2/16/23/30 & Nov 6/22/27 & Dec 4/11/18)
Length:  10 classes

Location: Machiel's office - 150 South 600 East, Suite 7-C, Salt Lake City.

Receive a complimentary one on one dream hour worth $120 for signing up. Cost Course: $499 for 10 classes (payment plan possible).

Sign up by calling Machiel Klerk at 801.656.8806 or email [email protected]
Notes of Interest      


Gift and Purpose with Malidoma Somé
Mandalas: Symbols of the Self
Mandalas and Healing
A five class web seminar in discovery and implementation

Have you ever felt like you're here in this world to do something specific, good and big, but can't seem like you know what it is? Do you know that you have a gift and wonder how best to bring it into the world? Do you feel like a person of service who does not know what to serve? Are you trying to share the gifts you know you embody while feeling like all kinds of obstacles are blocking you from doing just that?  Are you aware of your gift and purpose already; yet feeling inspired to deepen your relationship and experience with it? If any of the above rings a bell, you are invited to this online course.

In indigenous Dagara culture each person comes into this world with, and as a gift. The purpose of life is to deliver the gift using a style that is personal to maximize elegance, ease and beauty. This means that gift makes life purposeful.

This course that comes with a study guide is intended to empower you as you bring forth your gift out into the world, to help you recognize and acknowledge it, and to embrace it in the style that is consistent with who you are. In our core, we all want to contribute that which defines us as people of service.

The introductory course will situate gift and purpose within cosmology and mythology with a mind to capture its concise definition to help everyone including those who already have an idea of their gift, but are not sure; as well as those who have no clue at all.

Class Dates: 
Tuesday, October 3rd
Wednesday, October 18th
Wednesday, October 25th
Wednesday, November 8th

Times: 8:00 - 9:00pm EST (5:00 - 6:00pm PST)

Cost: $125 (including audio and video access of the live event + Study Guide).   

Enroll HERE now
"I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time... Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is: ... the Self, the wholeness of the personality, which if all goes well, is harmonious." 
- C.G. Jung

Carl Jung used the Sanskrit word mandala, meaning "magic circle," to describe the circular drawings he and his patients created. While mandalas have been used throughout many ancient traditions, including Buddhism and Hinduism, Jung is credited with introducing these images to the Western world. Jung studied mandalas extensively, finding a great deal of potential symbolic meaning in them. He intimately associated them with psychological and spiritual health.

Jung created his first mandala in 1916, before learning about the Eastern tradition. And he used mandalas as an important component of his work with patients, as well as in his own personal development. Believing that mandalas were archetypal  forms representing the Self, or total personality, he referred to them as "archetypes of wholeness." Jung discovered that dreaming of or creating mandalas is a natural part of the individuation process, and he encouraged his patients to create them spontaneously. When a mandala image appeared in a patient's artwork or dreams, he found it usually indicated progress toward new self-knowledge.

Read more on the Jung Society blog HERE.
Mandalas have gained a great deal of visibility and attention in modern western culture recently, and with good reason. Although the word "mandala" itself is of Sanskrit origin and the best known examples of Mandalas come from Asian traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the symbolic use of the circle and the square is a universal human archetype.

Burton Fullmer experienced the symbolic power of mandalas during his own healing journey before becoming a clinical counselor, and on September 30th 2017 he will present a free workshop on mandalas at the Cirque Lodge in Orem. After his own encounter with mandalas and what they symbolize, Burton found Jung's reports of the mandala work that he and his patients experienced.

A mandala can come to the mind in different ways. One approach is to consciously draw one, a practice that Dr. Jung employed for some time in his personal life. But he also noted that mandala imagery arises spontaneously in the psyche, often in dreams and particularly during times of trouble. Bringing together a circle and a square in a spontaneous image is an expression of stability in a center, and of that reconciliation of opposites which is needed for wholeness.

Read more on the Jung Society blog HERE


Volunteer Positions
A Captivating Message From Andrew Harvey
Become a Member!
We're all in this together, and volunteering is a great way to meet and get to know others in yo ur community.
The following positions are available:
  • Membership manager: 1 hour per week + 2-4 hours per month to drive membership campaigns
  • Book sales at events
  • Social media assistant
Contact Machiel Klerk for these positions:

Andrew Harvey is a British author, religious scholar and teacher of mystic traditions, known primarily for his popular nonfiction books on spiritual or mystical themes. We could very well continue to speak of Andrew Harvey in terms lengthy credentials, and yet these merits rather detract from the larger-than-life character and force-of-nature his person exudes. If you've ever had a chance to meet or listen to the catalyzing figure of Andrew Harvey, it can be an earth-shaking encounter of a lifetime.

Traveling the world over, Andrew Harvey proclaims the word of the Indwelling Divine; the internal abiding passionate love that wants to be known thorough us... and he does so unsparingly, with a rigorous accountability. Andrew's own unwavering and contagious faith brings a compelling vision to his audience and to those who seek on one hand, for something beyond the placid trappings of the languid meanderings of some new-age teachings; or on the other hand, the restrained execution of denominational dogma.

Read more on the Jung Society blog HERE.

Help us bring enlightening events to our community. 

Membership has its benefits:
  • 10% discount on workshops.
  • Members only emails.  
  • Free copy of Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung.
  • CEs for our local mental health professionals.
Click HERE to join us!