First Christian Church Pomona


Rev. Dr. Julie Roberts-Fronk, Pastor                                                                                                                    Rev. Mike Fronk, Pastor


The Christian Caller

September 22, 2017


Julie's Jar
I imagine there are some people who are sad, angry or indignant that the fourth grade mission project, once a rite of passage for parents of California 4 th graders, has gone the way of the dinosaur. I am not one of them. One day, after both our children had moved on from the 4 th grade, I walked down an entire aisle in Michael's in which one side was devoted to "California Mission Art Projects". These words formed in my mind as I strolled incredulously down the aisle: "I wish these were available when our kids were in the fourth grade."
We are parents that for the most part, insisted that student projects were not parent projects. I have seen amazing Mission replicas that were created by certified engineers, and I don't mean the kind that drives a train. Mission replica projects were a way to divide families into categories: parents that don't do their kids' homework, parents that won't help with their kids' projects, parents who get how competitive the project is and how much pressure is put on students so they "help" as much as they can, parents who don't have the money to buy an art project like the ones I saw in Michael's. I could go on and on, but won't.
New occasions teach new duties, or so wrote St. Augustine over 1500 years ago. The mission system was not the bucolic, pastoral scene of kind and Christian love which was taught when I was in the 4 th grade. We've learned just how tragic and cruel it was for the original Californians who had well established communities and economies before the Spanish showed up. The immigrants from Spain were able to subdue and diminish those indigenous Californians because they had more deadly weapons and disease on their side. The other factor is one that sadly continues to this day: seeing other human beings as less than human because they don't resemble "us". They don't talk like us, eat like us, look like us, dress like us, fight like us, worship like us.
When Jesus told the parable of the sheep and goats it was in part about seeing people who are not like us. "When did we see you, Jesus?" When you gave water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, visiting me in prison, clothed me when I was naked. Jesus invites us to see him in people whose life is different from our own, and by extension, to see ourselves.
It is vital that we hear the stories of the people who were and are still marginalized by a culture that seeks to dominate over and diminish others. Those are the stories Jesus saw and listened for during his ministry. Making room for those stories to be told and heard is part of the calling of the church today.
FCC Pomona Young Adults take Third Place in Mini Golf Tournament 
Pictured Left to Right: Cristina Gomez, Brandon Fisher, Beth Parker, Julian Fisher, Alicia Martin
All Hands on Deck for The Gathering
Oct. 2 nd Monday at 7 pm
This is the last planning meeting for The Gathering, the coming together of all the Disciples congregations in the Pacific Southwest Region. Your help is needed so come if you can to be part of the plan. Assignments for jobs of all sorts will be made that night. Ginger Eckeard is coordinating our collective effort; thank you Ginger!
Let's demonstrate the hospitality we are known for together as we welcome Disciples from our Region for a day of worship, learning and fellowship. Registration for the event is online and can be completed at church on Sundays. Lunch is provided to FCC Pomona members helping with the event. 
Reiki Share - Sept. 30
Saturday 2-4 pm.
Reiki promotes stress reduction and
 relaxation that promotes physical healing: people experience deep calm, reduction of pain and for some, spiritual wellness. It has been shown that stress is a significant contributor to illness. Many people report feeling a reduction of stress when practicing Reiki, especially over time.
A "Share Event" is a great way to get introduced to Reiki and also for people with Reiki experience to practice and connect with other Reiki practitioners. We begin with a brief introduction which includes a guided meditation.  The rest of the time is spent in the practice of Reiki, giving and receiving for those who are interested. Wear comfortable clothes. Reiki is given through gentle touch or simply holding the hands over the body.
ICON Housing Summit
Oct. 3rd 7-8:30 at Temple Beth Israel
From across eight faith institutions there have been some significant conversations pointing to the threat of displacement among people inside our institutions. For instance, people in all our ICON institutions were astounded to learn how much of people's income is being spent on housing, and how unsustainable that is for people especially on fixed income. Also, how much monthly income is required to not only qualify to purchase a house, but to afford any sort of rental property. The threat of displacement is real and is one of the factors driving the increase in homelessness.

We are gathering during the Jewish festival of Sukkot, commemorating the wilderness of the Israel people when they had no permanent shelter. The meeting is one of hearing stories, learning what our local cities are doing to meet the crisis and determining specific and winnable actions we can take together to address the crisis of housing needs.

You are encouraged to join members of FCC Pomona core team to be part of the hopeful change. Contact Tom Reed, Bob Benza or Hank Mollet if you'd like to attend.
Pomona Spiritual Practices Meet up
Oct. 3rd 7-8 pm

There are many ways to enter the experience of meditation. Sometimes meditation is for quieting the mind. Sometimes it is for seeking sacred presence and direction. This evening, three meditative experiences will be introduced and practiced. Mindfulness meditation seeks to quiet the mind non-judgmentally. Guided meditation provides a way to focus the mind's thoughts in a particular way. The guided meditation will be a centering/grounding practice. Lastly, as time permits, we will explore meditating with a text, a few sentences from a spiritual writer.

**=Non-Church Activity

September 2017
 October 2017
September & October Birthdays
If someone should be added to this list, please let the church
   o ffice know at  909-622-1144 or  [email protected] .

  • 23rd ~ Bob Benza
  • 26th ~ Tim Reed
  • 29th ~ Rupert Nelson
  •   1st ~ Ray Akin
  •   4th ~ Joshua Kovacs
  •   6th ~ Janice Newborn
  • 13th ~ Alice Murillo
  • 15th ~ Wanda Sodoma
  • 22nd ~ Maria Kurtek
  • 26th ~ Brandon Fisher
  • 27th ~ Julie Zivnak
  • 30th ~ Amber Kovacs

We'd love to wish you a happy anniversary here in The Caller!
If you would like to have your anniversary listed,
contact the church office.






We join together in prayer for our community and our world.


Please let us know if you would like to add someone to the list or if someone should be removed.  We review the list quarterly and will give you a call if it is unclear if someone should stay on the list.  Please let us know if someone has inadvertently been removed.


HOMEBOUND & convalescing
Hilda Faulkner
Janice Newborn
Lois Thompson
Bob & Jackie McCallister

Elizabeth Akin
Sue Hunter
Jose Mendiola
Mary Hunter
Carolyn McKee
Laura Zivnak
Gary Paulson
Bret Wiley
Cindy Koskan
Ron & Martha Gorsuch
Tim Reed
Stan Adams
Diana Tillinger
Nicole Brooks Rios
Sandy Toppen
Harry Pearson
Nelson Mann
Lorraine Rogers
Kovacs Family
Robin Priede
Phil Smith
Amber Kovacs
Moore Family
  Robert Vazques
Malori Lane
Ashlynn McCaw
Tammy Mayes
  Onelia Cruz
Donna Ruddiman
Kathy Bradfield
Lily Lane
  Wanda Sodoma
Joe Zivnak Family
Judy Vinson
Paris Reed
  John Miller
Ross Family
Janet Helliwell & Family
The Family of David Sellen
Julio & Edwin Torres
Eloise Williams
The Charlie Weaver Family
Evelyn Lepire & Family
Jake Sullinger & Family
Jake, Marie, & Elaine Tillinger
Mike White Family
Kathy Lin Family
Shirley Ewing & Family
Martin & Kathleen Strudwick & Family
Carey Smith


About First Christian Church Pomona

We are an active, informed, progressive Christian community worshiping and serving in Pomona, CA. Our congregation is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 



All are welcome to worship, take Communion and serve the world with us.


Join Us for 

Bible Study:
9 am Sunday

Join Us for 


10 am Sunday

Contact Us


First Christian Church Pomona

1751 N. Park Ave.

Pomona, CA  91768   

(909) 622-1144

[email protected]


First Christian Church Child Development Center

(909) 629-3636

[email protected]