How To Teach Talk Learners
Jason Teteak continues his series on the four learning styles. Last issue, he discussed the Research learners and the kinds of learning tasks that are most effective when teaching people who favor that learning style. This month, he directs our attention to the Talk learners. “Talk learners love to rephrase to learn. They desire verbal exchange immediately (hence the name “Talk learner”). They prefer to learn by collaborating with others and being part of a team.” Read about the best ways to reach those whose predominant learning style puts them in the category of Talk learners.

Jason Teteak—a WELS member from the Madison, WI, area—is an international public speaking coach and author. As the founder of Rule The Room, a company that specializes in training public speakers, he has trained more than a million people in how to command attention and connect with audiences. He believes that in order to connect with learners, it is important that we understand the four basic learning styles and that we learn to teach in a way that addresses all of those learning styles. In his six-part series for Teach the Word, he will help us understand the four learning styles and help us see how we can apply this understanding as we develop lessons and teach God's Word. Jason is accustomed to writing for the business world; we think you will like his vibrant style!
They never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. -Acts 5:42
Adult Education: Additum
Backward Design, Forward Progress

The article linked below gives us some food for thought as we develop lessons. It encourages us to develop our courses by looking at the objectives or goals for the students, rather than the content we teach. That doesn’t mean that we “dumb down” the content or teach less content. Certainly, the content of any lessons we teach in the church setting is the most important content anyone will learn. But designing courses with the goal in mind could influence the way we arrange the content.

Such an approach could help us focus the content so that it is easier for the students to understand and apply. It could help us as teachers provide a more logical presentation. Though the article is aimed at college professors, much of what it says applies to adult education in general.

Teaching Toolbox
Women's Bible Studies

Many pastors are unaware of the fact that the Women’s Ministry subcommittee of the Commission on Adult Discipleship has posted quite a number of quality studies on the synod website. These are studies by women for women. The authors have studied the Scriptures in depth and have created courses that will edify class participants.

(The theological content of each study has been reviewed by a WELS theologian.)

Read more about the studies currently available.
Curriculum Connection
Reformation: Grace, Faith, Scripture

Reformation: Grace, Faith, Scripture is one of the NPH Bible studies that can be a part of every congregation’s celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. This course is unique among those offered by NPH in that it provides materials specifically for very brief studies that have a variety of potential uses. Each of the 12 lessons begins with a three-to-four minute video vignette taken from the 2017 Reformation celebration film,  A Return to Grace: Luther's Life and Legacy . Questions are provided for a five-minute discussion based on the vignette.

These studies could be used as opening devotional studies at the beginning of meetings. They could also be incorporated into the worship services so that, together, we can all grow in our appreciation of our Lutheran heritage and in our understanding of core Biblical truths.

Materials are also provided for an expanded version of the study, which could be used for a traditional Bible study.

Click the links below to access a sample lesson titled, One Authority: Scripture Alone.

Leader’s Guide Brief Study: PDF
Student Lesson: PDF | .doc
Leader’s Guide Full Study: PDF
Student Lesson: PDF | .doc
Video Segment: One Authority
Teaching Tip
Talk About the Goal

The article accessed in the Additum section discusses the development of lessons by looking first at your goals for the lesson. Today’s teaching tip is that you discuss your goal for each session with the class. Adults will be motivated to study a particular course if they understand how they will benefit from the study. For example: If your goal for a lesson on the Lord’s Supper is that the students will understand and be able to articulate the rationale for the doctrine of close Communion, express that goal. You might do that by giving an example of a time when that knowledge could be important to them.
  Teach the Word  is a collaboration of Northwestern Publishing House, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and WELS Adult Discipleship.