A federal judge recently struck down the Obama Administration overtime final rule.
Provide feedback to help ensure that future overtime regulations are reflective of our nonprofit workplaces
What is the Issue?
Last year at this time, nonprofits were scrambling to comply with pending overtime regulations that would have doubled the minimum salary threshold for determining who is considered a white-collar worker and exempt from overtime payments. A federal judge recently struck down the Obama Administration overtime final rule, and the U.S. Department of Labor is now asking for public input by way of comments to its Request for Information (RFI) about future overtime regulations.
Take Action Now!
Nonprofits need to speak up to help ensure that any future overtime regulations from the Labor Department reflect how work is actually performed in the wide range of nonprofit workplaces. Readers are encouraged to review the RFI and submit comments to the Labor Department by the close of the public comment period on Monday, September 25. For more background, please visit " Federal Overtime Requirements."
Monday, September 25 is #MissionMonday, when individuals across the country associated with charitable nonprofits, foundations, and places of worship will join forces to protect charitable nonprofits from partisan electioneering. Join us on social media to let the world - and especially your federal Senators and Representatives - know how the Johnson Amendment and nonpartisanship allow your nonprofit to advance its mission. This day-long social media event isn't about repeating the same policy talking points. It should be personal. If your nonprofit was suddenly thrust into partisan politics, how would it be affected? We ask that you (1) sign on to the Thunderclap and (2) make up your own messages calling on Congress to preserve nonprofit nonpartisanship. Feel free to include photos and mention your federal officials' Twitter handles in your posts. Let's stand up together to protect nonprofit missions. See you on #MissionMonday!
Thank you!

Anne Hindery, CEO
Nonprofit Association of the Midlands
Email: [email protected]
The Nonprofit Association of the Midlands is a proud member of the National Council of Nonprofits. Learn more.