CFEC Crane Logo 2012
September 22, 2017
In This Issue
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Dear Supporter of Fair and Open Competition,
Another week another round of PLA activity across the state. We are currently monitoring and actively fighting more than two dozen threats. To keep up with the volume of PLA threats we need your support. You can help TODAY by going HERE and making a donation using your credit card. Billions of dollars are at stake. We can't have you on the sidelines.
To the report.

Anaheim Elementary School District:  Last week the Board of Trustees held a "PLA Study Session". The presentation was made by a notorious PLA advocate so we need to watch this issue threat closely. The District's voters approved the $318 million Measure J construction bond in November of last year, with no mention of a PLA. 
One action you can take today is to contact the Trustees and express your opinions on PLAs. 
Contra Costa Community College District:  Last week the CCCCD Board of Trustees heard a report from a "PLA Ad Hoc" committee the conclusion of which seemed to be that the PLA is working so well the threshold needs to be lowered to $1 million. Apparently too much work is going out without a PLA and unions need to change that. The PLA has been a disaster for the College and the Trustees need to hear from you today as to why they need to get rid of this "agreement". The PLA is so bad that they have taken a page out of the San Diego Unified School District's playbook and changed to manner by which the "engineers' estimate" is calculated. Instead of single figure the number has been broadened so as to make it easier for the number to be hit, thus making the PLA look less catastrophic. 
Their contact information can be found here
Santa Rosa Junior College:  After trying to implement a PLA at this college for 15 years local big labor special interests finally have a victory. On September 12, in a narrow and highly controversial vote,  the board split 4-3 in favor of a trial PLA project. Despite overwhelming evidence against the PLA, powerful editorials like this one from the largest paper in the region, and an aggressive campaign calling out PLA proponents on the board, $23 million in taxpayer money will now be reduced in value. Our campaign was so aggressive that the College President had this to say: "This is without a doubt the most controversial, contentious and polarizing policy issue that has come before this board in my six years at SRJC,". You bet it was sir! CFEC and our allies will be holding the college accountable for its actions and following this project every step of the way. Stay tuned!

City of San Jose:  On October 3rd the City of San Jose will hear a report from the committee that had been set up to study the PLA issue. The committee's recommendations actually only reflect the desires of Associated General Contractors (AGC) and the local building trade unions, which is another way of saying that non-union employers, workers, and apprentices have been sold out. AGC of California cares nothing for its merit shop contractors and if you belong to this organization you need to reconsider your membership. Where do we go from here? First we need all concerned contractors to contact two key city council members TODAY. 

City of Sacramento: The new Mayor of Sacramento has a particular affection for big labor special interests and is currently pushing a PLA on at least two upcoming city projects. If you would like to be part of our effort to oppose this discrimination and waste please contact CFEC today.
City of Stockton : Local union bosses felt compelled to respond to CFEC's Eric Christen and his editorial that ran in the city's largest newspaper with an editorial of their own. Sadly it was nothing but attacks on Eric and half-truths masquerading as facts. The PLA in Stockton has already been a failure for and no amount of alternative facts will be able to hide that fact. 
City of Chula Vista:  The general contractor has been chosen for the Chula Vista Bayfront's Gaylord Convention Center project. That means a PLA. Time to go to war. Please contact CFEC today if you would like to be part of this effort.

Los Angeles County:  On September 19th the LA County Board of Supervisors voted on PLAs for 4 projects.