About the Early Learning Network
The Early Learning Network seeks to advance the understanding of policies and practices that narrow the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from preschool to elementary school — and beyond. 

Network researchers are examining education policies, individual classrooms and children’s transition from preschool through third grade. In all three areas, researchers are identifying malleable factors associated with early learning and school achievement — factors that can be changed to improve children’s outcomes.  View video.

The network is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences and includes:
1 Assessment Team
  • University of California, Irvine
1 Network Lead Team
Each research team is conducting three complementary studies:

  • A descriptive study of systems-level policies and practices that support early learning.

  • A classroom observation study that identifies teaching practices and other malleable factors associated with children’s school readiness and achievement.

  • A longitudinal study that identifies malleable factors associated with early learning and school achievement as children transition from preschool through grade 3.

Research teams are also contributing to a new technology-based observational tool, which is being developed at the University of California, Irvine.

P reK and early elementary teachers will be able to use this tool to assess instruction, teacher-child interactions and classroom learning environments.
News from the Early Learning Network
Network program supports early career researchers

The Early Learning Network (ELN) launched a new program Oct. 25 to support early career researchers. The Network Early Career Enhancement Program will provide opportunities for professional development, networking and mentoring.

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