KOKOMO, September 26 -- STEM education initiatives have a new, powerful tool to expand their reach and inspire more students.

AndyMark, a leader in education and competition robotics, announces a distribution agreement with RoboLoco, makers of the innovative Roboterra Robotics Kit for students ages 7 and up.  Retailing for just $249, Roboterra Kits feature a complete collection of robotics components, including the Robocore robot controller, a variety of sensors and actuators, aluminum metal parts, nuts, bolts, and tools.  

The included Castlerock software truly sets the platform apart for classroom use, as it allows schools to implement a robotics curriculum that aligns with ISTE, Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards with minimal teacher training. Castlerock guides students through assembly with 3D visualization, enabling students to zoom in and rotate around the model so the goal of each step is clear.  The three-pane view guides students through C++ programming and over a dozen projects that progress from fundamentals through to completely open coding.

"Many companies have approached us with competing kits, but what set RoboLoco apart was their commitment to curriculum and software," explains Andy Baker, AndyMark CEO. "To offer a polished, standards-based program at this price will allow robotics education to reach thousands more students in schools that could not afford the materials or training for existing programs."

Roboterra Kits are available now at http://www.andymark.com/roboterra.

ROBOLOCO, Inc. was recently launched by Newton Paskin, Patrick Muggler, and Derek Capo. Its' mission is to empower educators to teach STEM and equip students with the skills they need for a successful life. To accomplish its mission ROBOLOCO is developing educational tools that combine leading-edge technology in hardware and software such as Robotics coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) with accessible and easy to use constructivist curriculum, aligned with ISTE and NGSS Standards, focused on the teacher. Its motto is "Easy for the teacher, fun for the kids and affordable to the schools"

AndyMark, Inc. develops, manufactures and distributes mechanical and electrical parts for the mobile and competitive robotics market with a focus on robotics education. Established in 2004, AndyMark aims to support and grow robotics education and innovative designs for mobile robots.  For more information, visit http://www.andymark.com.