Annual Giving 2018 ...

Trail Notes ... 

Summertime Growth and Maturing
Sometimes the King James Version has such a wonderful ring to it:
"Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's,
And unto God the things that are God's." 
Jesus answers the Pharisees and the Herodians (two small subgroups of Jews), who tried to trap Jesus with their question about paying taxes to the emperor.  Jesus outsmarts them by affirming that the government has a right to levy taxes.  But he goes on to add that we owe a higher allegiance to God. 
So, what do we owe to God?   As we grow and mature in our faith, we discern more and more that God doesn't just want a small payment from us.  God actually wants us to reorient our entire lives: to ask at every juncture, "What does God want me to do?  How does God want me to distribute the resources I've been given?"  It's a lot like the popular acronym WWJD? - "What would Jesus do?" 
Our Annual Giving Campaign begins today.  Our theme is "In Giving, We Receive."   That comes from the beautiful prayer of St. Francis, which captures the many paradoxes of our faith - the last become first, the mighty are brought low, it is through dying that we rise to new life.  It takes some maturity to even begin to understand these paradoxes, much less to live by them.  That's why we need to keep growing as Christians.  It's a lifelong journey. 
"Render unto God the things that are God's."   That's our challenge.  What belongs to God?  Everything.  All that we have is a gift from God.  How much do we need for our own care, for our families?  How much will we use to help make the world better, kinder, more just?  How much can we offer to our church to sustain our worship and learning and service to the community? 
One way we grow and mature as Christians is to risk - to risk a meaningful portion of our resources on God's work in God's world.  It means giving up control over that money.  It also shows that the money does not control us!  Think about that as you decide what you will pledge to St. Dunstan's for God's work in 2018.  JBM

   Animal Blessing

   Formation This Sunday ...

      Help us help refugees ...

Refugee Training for Volunteers and More

Volunteers who would like to work one-on-one with refugee families are required to attend a short training session presented by Lutheran Social Services, the lead refugee settlement agency in this area.  St John's Norwood parish is arranging a training session in the near future and has invited interested members of St Dunstan's to join them.  

St John's will be settling a refugee family and the required training is an early step on the process.  St Dunstan's hopes to assist in the process by contributing volunteers, household goods, tutoring and transportation from time to time.  While St Dunstan's is probably too small to sponsor a family on its own, we can help make St John's efforts--and those of other congregations--a success.  Please consider how you might wish to help.  

St John's does not have a firm date for the training yet  but will keep us posted.

In the meantime, Donna Alvarez attended tutor training sponsored by Montgomery County's Welcoming Our New Neighbors program.  Other St Dunstan's volunteers have expressed interest; more are welcome.  Patty Larson is a coordinator with that program and you can contact her at  240-355-5140 for details.

Our Winter Coats Drive continues through October.  Already, several coats for men, women and children have arrived at St Dunstan's.  If you have coats to contribute, please leave them at the church, in the foyer by the table near the basement stairs.

As always, your help is appreciated widely.

Ray Donnelly

      Christian Formation for Children and Youth ...

  The Creation Story continues 

This Sunday, October 22, we will create murals for days 6 & 7 and read Old Turtle, a beautifully illustrated book with a emphasis on the responsibilities we all have in taking care of God's creation. 

Next Sunday we have the opportunity to make sandwiches for those who are hungry. Come lead a hand and make a difference. We can be Jesus' hands and feet!

Youth Formation
D.Y.G. every 1st & 3rd Monday

Join us for Youth nights at St. Dunstan's on every  1st & 3rd Monday. Our next gatherings are on November 6 and 20. A simple supper is available at 6:30 p.m. and the program runs from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. 

Each of our program nights include fellowship, service, prayer, and discovering how our faith impacts our lives at school, home, and out in the world. All 5th-12th graders are encouraged to participate. 

In November we will continue our focus on relationships - friendship.

October P.R.A.Y. Event

Hayride and Bonfire at Butler's Orchard
Sunday, October 22
5:15 to 8:45 p.m.
Cost: $12.00 per person

We have a great group heading to the Orchard on Sunday afternoon. Please dress in layers as we will be outside for the entire evening. Check with Sue on Sunday morning as we may have room for a friend or two to join us. It's going to be a fun time!

The next two dates for P.R.A.Y. Events are November 19 and December 17 - mark your calendars now. Details next week.

L Sue von Rautenkranz
Children and Youth Formation Coordinator

      Book of the Month ...

      Outreach Happening

Thanksgiving Baskets

It's that time of year again! Helping the families served by N.C.C.F. to have a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner. Let's try to equal our giving of last year. 

It is a simple and fun activity for the whole family. Take a basket and flyer from the chur ch beginning on Sunday, October 22 and return it to the church no later than Sunday, November 12

Then participate in N.C.C.F.'s Pie & Stuffing Party on
Wednesday,  November 18 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. All present will fill a few hundred more baskets with people from all over Bethesda. All ages are invited and encouraged to come out for this event.

      Parish Notice

Gala and Auction  
Washington Episcopal School
Saturday, October 28, 2017
6:30- 9:30 p.m.
Join in an evening to: h onor an outstanding participant and volunteer, w in great items in the Live & Silent Auction, h ear music by After The Flood, e njoy wine, beer and non-alcoholic favorites, t aste wonderful & abundant hors d'ouvres.

The Gala Team is currently looking for event sponsors and auction item donations. Contact Doris Warrell for more information. Click here for tickets.

Magazine Collection for Sibley Hospital

Notice to all parishioners who bring magazines. St. Dunstan's is no longer a collection site for Magazines for Sibley Hospital. The Hospital is no longer accepting magazines.

Our Cathedral Needs our Thoughts

- What roles should our Cathedral play now?
- What are your hopes and expectations for our Cathedral?
- How does your congregation connect to the Cathedral?         How would you like to connect?  

The Cathedral Task Force asks your input at a listening session to be held at the  Cathedral, November 1, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

I would like to have 2-3 lay people from St. Dunstan's to attend.  Please speak with Jeff.

Hopes and Prayers on our Journey ...

n Need of Healing:

Curt Shively , husband of Susan Burkhalter in nursing care
Ken Farnsworth , ill at home in Wheaton
David Keegan , friend of Tom and Rosemarie Barrett, fighting cancer
Pam Plaisance , fighting cancer, cousin of Sue von
Samantha Barnes, ill,  sister of Muriel Croston
Ray Bridson , friend of the MacKnights, fighting cancer
DJ Crane , family friend of Trudy Surut, fighting cancer
Vicky Karpathy , friend of Jay and Jackie Karlin
Jay Karlin , in nursing care

The flowers are given to the glory of God.

We pray for St. Dunstan's Missionaries, Cameron and Roberto Vivanco, who serve in Quito, Ecuador, and the parish of Buen Pastor.  

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please complete our prayer request form by clicking here.

Trail Map ...

The Fourth Sunday of Creation

October 22, 2017

9:00 a.m. Family Service
10:00 a.m. Life Long Christian Formation
10:45 a.m. Traditional Holy Eucharist
12:00 noon Fellowship

The readings for this Sunday are: A Prayer for Summer by Joyce Rapp and Macrina Weikerkehr, Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17, and Matthew 22:15-22

Sunday Schedule of Ministries ...

Serving this Sunday

Host Family: McNally
Trail Guide: Julie Anderson
Liturgical Coordinator:  Rosi Sweeney
Eucharistic Minister: Sue Carroll 
and Carl Adams
Prayer Minister:  Sue Newman
Lector: Rosi Sweeney
Flower Guild: Rosemarie Barrett
Altar Guild: Rosi Sweeney
  Tellers: Donna Alvarez 
and Donna Courtney