I hope you take time this fall to participate in 40 Days for Life. You can be there right when someone needs hope the most. See our main article!
Republicans in Congress again fell short in their attempt to replace Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood, but we do congratulate Sen. Cassidy on his strong push.
As we share below, we are excited about two nominations to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Nominations like this are occurring across the nation under President Trump, providing a new crop of judges who will rule according to the letter of the law, not the whims of a judge.
For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper
P.S. I will be in Monroe on Thursday speaking at the Sacred Right to Life Luncheon. Please join me Thursday at noon at Catfish Cabin!
Congress to Vote on Pain-Capable Bill
The House is expected to vote on H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protect Act, this week, possibly as early as tomorrow.
H.R. 36 makes it unlawful to perform or attempt to perform an abortion if the probable post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks or greater.
CLICK HERE to contact your legislator now and ask him to vote for this important bill!
We especially need those in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans areas to contact Congressman Richmond, who has never voted in favor of this bill.
Richmond's NOLA Office:
(504) 288-3777
Richmond's BR Office: (225) 636-5600
LARTL Pleased With Court Nominations
Good news came from the White House Thursday, when President Trump nominated Federal District Court Judge Kurt Engelhardt and attorney Kyle Duncan to fill two vacancies on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director Benjamin Clapper issued the following statement after the nominations: "
Louisiana Right to Life congratulates President Donald Trump on nominating two well qualified jurists to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Based on their records, both Judge Englehardt and Mr. Duncan can be expected to respect the proper role of judges in our constitutional system and will not engage in legislating from the bench. We urge the U.S. Senate to speedily confirm both Judge Engelhardt and Mr. Duncan so they can get to work on the 5th Circuit."
Local Pro-Life Honey Available Now!
Louisiana Right to Life is offering pure local honey from bees raised just off Lake Pontchartrain in Mandeville for a suggested donation of $10 per 16 oz. bottle. Papa Jack's 'Life is Sweet' Pure Honey was donated to benefit the pro-life cause by none other than Papa Jack! Honey can be picked up at our New Orleans headquarters in Lakeview, 200 Robert E. Lee Blvd.
David Scotton speaks at a showing at Chapelle.
Attend a Film Screening This Month!
Joie De Vivre Media will soon host two pre-release screenings of the short documentary film I Lived on Parker Avenue. You are invited, but you must RSVP to attend.
Baton Rouge
Oct. 22, 5 p.m., Catholic High School
New Orleans
Oct. 26,
7 p.m.,
Jesuit High School
I Lived on Parker Avenue is also being shown prior to release in high schools. For information on having the film shown at your school, click here.
LABL Hosting
'Kickoff for Life'
Join Louisiana Black Advocates for Life for its fall gala, "Kickoff for Life: A Pro-Life Jazz Brunch," on Saturday, Oct. 14, from 9 a.m. to noon in Fuselier Auditorium at the Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette.
Tables of six are $60, and tickets are $10 each. For more information contact Kathy Allen at 337- 290-9595.
Charbonnet Speaks
at Dinner for Life
More than 100 people attended the New Orleans Dinner for Life, hosted recently at St. Dominic Knights of Columbus Hall in Lakeview. Fr. Beau Charbonnet of St. Angela Merici Parish gave a resounding call to arms, urging pro-life activists to engage in the fight for the unborn. He ended with a convicting question: "If not us, then who? If not now then when?"
What Are Our PULSE Teams Doing?
* A PULSE Crash Course is set for Oct. 5 from 6-9 p.m. at Barbe High School. Contact Hailey Celise to RSVP.
* The Lake Charles PULSE Team will meet Oct. 17 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Panera Bread, 3404 Nelson Road. Contact
Krista Corbello for more information.
* The New Orleans PULSE Team will meet Tuesday, Oct. 2 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Louisiana Right to Life headquarters, 200 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans. The team will learn about sidewalk counseling.
Contact Alex Seghers for information.
The Lafayette PULSE Team will meet Oct. 18 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Ground Pat'i, 2512 Kaliste Saloom Road. Contact
Krista Corbello for more information.
The St. Tammany PULSE Team will also learn about sidewalk counseling at its next meeting, Oct. 12 from 5-6:30. Contact
Alex Seghers for the location.
The Houma-Thibodaux PULSE Team will learn more about adoption at its next meeting later this month. Contact
Alex Seghers for date and location.
Pro-Life Persuasion Crash Course Oct. 21
Do you want to become a compassionate and compelling pro-life advocate? Join us for a Pro-Life Persuasion Crash Course on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Lakeview Christian Center, 5885 Fleur De Lis Drive in New Orleans. The training and lunch are free, but please RSVP.
Pro-Life Message Shared on Louisiana Roadways
Citizens gathered in areas around Louisiana Sunday and formed "Chains of Life," sharing the pro-life message with passersby. Citizens gathered along roadsides and held pro-life signs, standing side by side in a show of solidarity with other pro-life citizens.
While most Life Chains were held Sunday, the Alexandria-Pineville Life Chain will be held Oct. 29 from 2-3:30 p.m. at Jackson Street at the bridge. If you are in the CENLA area, please make plans to attend!
40 Days for Life Provides Hope for Moms in Need
Prayer warriors meet at sunrise in front of Planned Parenthood in New Orleans to kick of the 40 Days for Life campaign.
40 Days Warriors: One Day, One Mom Will Need You
Encouragement Offered as 40 Days for Life Begins
"Be a light of hope. Be a voice that moms need to hear."
That's the message Jami-Lynn Bailey of Lake Providence delivered last week to sidewalk advocates preparing for the fall 40 Days of Life campaign in Shreveport.
Jami-Lynn knows one voice can make a difference, and she wanted to make sure 40 Days for Life prayer warriors understood that, too. Her testimony, delivered at the Shreveport campaign's kickoff rally, set the tone for the
fall 40 Days for Life Campaign, which began last Wednesday.
Already, Shreveport campaign chairman Chris Davis and New Orleans campaign chairman Shanon Snyder have reported one save each!
Campaigns are taking place in Shreveport, Baton Rouge and New Orleans through Nov. 5. Churches and other groups have signed up for prayer times at each of these campaign locations, and more vigil times are available.
Here is
Jami-Lynn's testimony, which is certain to encourage all of us as we stand for mothers and their babies:
"This year, on January 25th, my husband and I received news that our first child I was carrying had a diagnosis not compatible with life. I remember the wind being knocked out of me, fearful that what I just heard wasn't a dream. After a few moments of silence I got myself together, realizing this really was happening. A doctor I had never met came into my room and put thoughts in my head, as a Christian and pro-life supporter, that I thought I would have never even entertained. It's amazing when fear hits you, no matter how strong you think you are, how you can second guess everything you thought you ever stood for.
"Instead of being quick to tell me my life wasn't in danger and I could carry this baby to term, this doctor told me I needed to make a decision quickly because she didn't know what would happen in the medical world since the induction of our new president had just happened. I walked out stunned, hopeless, and scared. I left there terrified because I was under the impression I may need to end my child's life or induce as soon as that next week.
"The very next day I was able to see another doctor. Something so simple but so powerful he said to me was, 'This may be the only time you ever have with your daughter; enjoy her while you can.' No fancy speech or magical words. One sentence was all I needed to hear. The fear was still there, but the hope was back. It was safe for me to carry with this diagnosis, so I needed to embrace each moment while I still had her.
"So from that moment, each week on Tuesday was a celebration of life. We had cupcakes and candles, took her to the beach, bowling and baseballs games. I have those memories with her to thank Dr. Floyd for. He didn't butter me up and tell me my daughter was going to be a miracle, but I knew she already was. The fact that she was even created in my womb was a pure miracle.
"Friends, out of my entire journey, I tell you this part of my story because not all these moms you may meet on the sidewalk really want to end their child's life. There's a chance they have just been hit with a hard diagnosis, and the wrong doctor delivered the news. They may have just walked out of an appointment with no one extending to them a message of hope, and because no one told them otherwise, you're meeting them on the sidewalk.
"I want to encourage you tonight to continue being that light of hope. Be the voice that moms need to hear. Continue to cover yourself in prayer and trust that the Lord will put you in front of the right person, at the right time, with the perfect words to say.
"As you heard from my story, it doesn't take a planned and perfected speech to re-open someone's mind. Don't give up hope if you don't feel you ended your day with a victory.
"One mom, on one very particular day, is going to need you just like I needed Dr. Floyd. Continue being hope givers, Advocates. May the Lord bless you for all you do for His children."
- Jami-Lynn Bailey
Fr. Boquet to Speak at Chers Bébés
Fr. Shenan Boquet |
Fr. Shenan Boquet, a native of Houma and president of Human Life International, will be the guest speaker at the fourth annual Chers Bébés: Acadiana's Soirée For Life, on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017.
This year's event, sponsored by Acadiana and Louisiana Right to Life, will be held at Le Pavillon (1913 Kaliste Soloom Road) in Lafayette. Doors open at 6:30, and the event begins at 7 p.m.
Chers Bébés benefits the Dr. Zerben Bienvenu and Dr. William Smith Fund for Acadiana Pro-Life Education. This fund is dedicated to the pro-life education of middle and high school students across Acadiana through interactive presentations and activities. Through these efforts we continue to strengthen the pro-life spirit of Acadiana for generations to come.
Annette Domingue
Chers Bébés will also be held in honor of Mrs. Annette Domingue and Mr. Dud Lastrapes. Annette and Dud have served Acadiana's pro-life cause generously for the past 40 years and have set a remarkable example to follow.
The event is being underwritten by generous donations and sponsors, and guests will not have to pay to attend (there will be an appeal for donations at the end of the evening).
Event organizers are currently seeking sponsors and table hosts.
For more information or to become a sponsor or table host, click the link above or contact:
* Krista Corbello, 337-303-8886 or krista@prolifelouisiana.org
* Ryan Verret, 337-257-3029 or rverret @prolifelouisiana.org