October, 2017
203 W. Main Street 
Troy, North Carolina  27371

Meet Our Staff ...

Molly Alexi
County Extension Director

Jamie Warner

Chrissy Haynes
4-H & Youth Development

Brad Thompson

Jennifer Morgan
Nutrition Educator

Sequoia Hill
Nutrition Educator

Kim Gibson
Administrative Assistant

Debbie Malarz
Program Assistant & Farmer's Market Manager
We hope you enjoy our new NC Cooperative Extension, Montgomery County  Center's online newsletter!  Please feel free to forward the newsletter to co-workers, friends and family.  Please also let them know to give us a call if they wanted to be  added to our newsletter email list.  If they don't have email, we will be glad to mail a printed copy.  
As always, if you have ideas for our newsletter or programs you would  l ike to see offered, please let us know by contacting NC Cooperative Extension at 
910-576-6011  or emailing [email protected] .

in Montgomery County
from Jamie Warner, LivestockAgent
Brad Thompson, Horticulture Agent

New articles have been posted to the State Horse Blog.   http://nchorse.blogspot.com/

New Livestock Articles being added to our website regularly.   https://montgomery.ces.ncsu.edu/categories/agriculture-food/animal-agriculture/

Montgomery County Cattlemen's Association will meet October 10 and November 14 at 6:30 pm, Ag Center (200 Glen Road, Troy).  Please RSVP to Jamie by 5 pm the Monday before the meeting in order to reserve your steak dinner.

Local Food Demonstrations/Tastings - October 26, 3pm-6pm at the Farmer's Market (417 N. Main St., Troy).

State Fair Youth Market Turkey Show - October 13, State Fair Grounds in Raleigh.  Montgomery County has 13 youth registered for this event.


Cattlemen's Association Meeting
The Montgomery County Cattlemen's Association met on September 12 th after a much needed summer break.  On the agenda for this meeting were the elections of new officers and board members for the 2017-2018 year as well as a new inclement weather policy.  Officers and Board Members for the coming year are as follows:  Archie Smith, President; Eddie Maness, Vice President; Danny McRae, Treasurer; Don Bulla, Jack Callicutt, Jim Chandler, Gene McNeill, Jeff Maness, Tommy Steele, Franklin Byrd, Jeremy Haywood and Glenn Williams were elected as board members.  The speaker for the evening was Melanie McLeod with Carolina Farm Credit.  Melanie discussed lending options available to farmers through the Farm Credit system.

Pesticide Recertification Class
There are over 70 licensed commercial and private pesticide applicators in Montgomery County. In order to keep their license up-to-date, they must take 2 hours of specialized pesticide classes (X) and 2 hours of safety classes (V), every three years. Failure to attain these credits results in the revocation of the applicator's license. Fines may be issued to applicators that are out of compliance when inspected by pesticide inspectors.  On September 14, the Horticulture and Livestock Agents partnered with the NCDA Pesticide Inspector to offer a recertification class for these particular credits.  Eighteen applicators from Montgomery and surrounding counties met at the Cooperative Extension Office and according to surveys issued at the conclusion of the classes, participants increased their knowledge and understanding of common pasture weed ID and control, fire ant control, proper labeling requirements, pesticide disposal, health effects and warning signs of pesticide exposure, and spray drift management.  All eighteen applicators learned how to be more efficient applicators which protect the general public and the environment from dangerous runoff caused by over application or incorrect application of pesticides. This education saves an indefinite amount of money in possible fines to applicators and limits environmental damages.

Turkey Show Health Checks
On September 19, the Livestock Agent visited West Montgomery High School where she conducted a turkey health check and show demonstration for the FFA members.  One of the FFA members that will be showing at the State Fair on October 13, brought her Turkey to practice her showing skills.  A few more members were interested in trying also.  Poultry health, nutrition and handling were other topics that were covered during this 1-hour demonstration.  As a result of this demo, several students were interested in showing poultry for the fair next year.

Agriculture Heritage Day
Montgomery Cooperative Extension was asked by the local Farm Bureau to partner with them, Montgomery Soil and Water, the Beekeepers Association, Forestry Service, Public Schools, NC Department of Agriculture and local FFA Chapters to present their annual Agriculture Heritage Day.  During the day, all 5th graders gathered to learn about the past, present and future of agriculture and how it impacts our every day lives. There were 17 stations, each focused on a different aspect of agriculture. There were a total of 377 people served by this event.  After completing all stations, participants were more aware of how to grow food, use compost to fertilize it, harvest it and preserve it. They also learned how farmers take care of the environment by using sustainable farming practices to conserve natural resources and lessen the effects of erosion. This program increased awareness and understanding by connecting children and teachers to agriculture in a positive, hands-on way.


As the growing season is coming to a close for 2017, there are many crops still to be harvested and projects still to be completed.  Cotton began being harvested in late September and sweet potatoes were also being harvested down in Candor from a few growers.   The horticulture agent was busy with many homeowner questions regarding yards and soil samples and continued to stay in touch with farmers across the county.  This month during the Master Gardener training participants learned all about propagation as Brad demonstrated several techniques.

An exciting and hopefully beneficial operation opened in September at the old DeWitt Trucking operation just across the Montgomery County line in Richmond County.  The operation is called the AgInnovation Center and its goal is to help small farmers across the region, including Montgomery County.  The AgInnovation Center will allow small farmers to market, process, and distribute their products to retailers.  The center will also rent out equipment to small farmers for a very reasonable fee.  The ribbon cutting occurred on September 7th and was attended by many farmers, Extension professionals, elected officials, and GoldenLEAF officials.  The hope is that many small farmers will take advantage of this facility and profit from the capabilities that this facility offers.

Don't forget to view our entire series for this summer .... 
Montgomery Grown

4-H Happenings in Montgomery County
from Chrissy Haynes, 
4-H and Youth Development Agent

In September, 4-H members from The Shooting Stars 4-H Club and The Montgomery County 4-H Livestock Club held a Dog Wash at the local Tractor Supply in conjunction with the store's Pet Appreciation Week.  The youth enjoyed washing dogs from 10 AM - 5 PM to support club efforts and Hurricane Harvey relief. See photos below of the day.  


The Creative Hands 4-H Club held a Parent Date Night for families on Friday, September 8th.  while parent's enjoyed a night out, youth were busy enjoying dinner, making arts and crafts which included painting bird feeders for Grandparent's Day and enjoying a movie and popcorn.  A great time was had by all !  See photos below.  


Montgomery County 4-H Council Officers attended the County Commissioner's Meeting on Tuesday, September 19th where Vice-President Hope Davis reported on her experience at the NC Association of county commissioners Annual Meeting.  the NCACC holds a Youth Summit in conjunction with their annual meeting each year.  Each county is encouraged to send one youth delegate.  See a photo below of Hope Davis, Brett Fisher and Jessie Fisher (Montgomery County 4-H Council Officers).


Montgomery County 4-H Council President, Sarah Alexi attended the Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference, held in Tennessee on September 21st - 24th.  She was one of twelve North Carolina teen delegates chosen to attend the leadership conference.  See a photo of her and other delegates loading the van to depart.


The Creative Hands 4-H Club traveled to Concord, NC to visit an orphanage where they delivered items that they collected as a community service project.   
4-H'ers are committed to giving back to others.  Items requested from the orphanage included food, laundry detergent, diapers and other essential items.  thank you to our 4-H families and numbers of the community who provided items.  See a photo below captured at the orphanage of the club members and their parents who attended.


Millstone 4-H Camp is hosting their first annual Pickin' in the Pines Fundraiser on Saturday, October 21st from 6 - 11 PM.  Money raised will assist with providing scholarships to campers who camp at Millstone 4-H Camp each summer.  Contact Chrissy Haynes if you are interested in more information regarding how to purchase a ticket.

Montgomery County 4-H will provide Free Kid's Activities at the annual Small Town Festival located at the Montgomery Farm and Garden in Troy on Saturday, October 28th from 9 am - 1 pm.  Activities include:  a bouncy house for the kids, pumpkin painting where every kid takes home a free pumpkin, decorate your own Superhero Masks and many other activities.  So plan to come out and enjoy the Case Knife event, ship from some of the local artisans and bring your children to enjoy the free kid's activities.

Our 2017 - 2018 Youth Leadership Montgomery Class will begin with our Orientation on Thursday, October 12th.  Look for more information and photos in the next newsletter.

Montgomery County 4-H is currently selling Christmas Trees and Wreaths to support our yearly programs.  Please contact a 4-H'er or Chrissy Haynes to purchase yours today.  Pickup days will be November 20th and 21st.  See the brochure for purchasing information at the end of this newsletter.

The Creative Hands 4-H Club  is open to all youth ages 5-18. Club meetings are held at the 4-H office in Troy on the first Monday of each month at 5:00 PM.  

The Rockin' Clovers 4-H Club  - Club meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM. This club is open to all youth ages 5-18. 

Clover Lifestyles 4-H Club - Club meetings are held at the 4-H Office in Troy on the second Tuesday of every month. This club is open to youth ages 10+ who have an interest in living a healthy lifestyle. 

Shooting Stars 4-H Club - Club meetings are held at the Star Community Building on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM.  This club is open to all youth ages 5-18. 

Livestock 4-H Club - Club meetings are held at the 4-H office on the first Friday of each month at 6:00 PM. This club is open to all youth ages 
5-18 interested in learning about Livestock. 

For more information regarding Montgomery County 4-H Programs or to register your child (ages 5 - 18) in 4-H, please contact Chrissy Haynes, 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent at (910) 576-6011.

Family and Consumer Science Happenings in Montgomery County
from Rhonda Peters
Family & Consumer Science Agent
Sequoia Hill, Nutrition Educator
Jennifer Morgan, Nutrition Educator

Jamie Warner (Livestock Agent), Rhonda Peters (FCS Agent) and Sequoia Hill (Nutrition Educator) have continued to collaborate to offer food tasting demos at the Farmers' Markets.  These demonstrations promote the purchase of locally grown foods, which contributes to improved nutrition through increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.  In September, we cooked up a Beef Pot Pie, topped with homemade dill pickle relish with a side of cheesy biscuits.  Over 40 people visited the market during this event, and every person who tried the foods reported their approval! 

On September 29, 2017, FCS staff participated in the Agricultural Heritage Day for fifth graders in Montgomery County Schools.  Molly Alexi (CED) and Rhonda discussed safe food preservation (canning) as well as everyday food safety techniques (Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill).  The kids were very engaged and attentive during their visits at our station and were able to correctly answer questions about the information being taught.

We are also working with the Montgomery County Partnership for Children and the Health Department to plan our annual Maternity Fair.  The event is scheduled for Saturday, November 18th from 10 to 12 and will be held in the cafeteria at East Montgomery High School.  As in years past, pregnant women and their guests will be able to participate in interactive booths engaging them in discussion and education about a variety of topics pertinent to healthy pregnancies, deliveries and the postpartum period. 

FCS staff are collaborating to implement grant projects.  The "Strengthening Families Program" is a collaborative project between 4-H and FCS and will pull in other community agencies (such as the Health Department) to deliver a 12-week program to families of children aged 10-14 years to increase parenting skills, communication skills, and resistance techniques to decrease involvement in risky behaviors.  After participation in this program, families will go on a weekend retreat to make action plans to implement in their communities, with an overall goal of decreasing opioid abuse.  We are currently participating in trainings for this program and are beginning participant recruitment.  Our goal is to recruit five families per cohort, with a total of three cohorts over the two-year time period.

Additionally, we are collaborating with FirstHealth and the 2020 Taskforce to implement the [m]ARCHES program.  FirstHealth is the lead on this project that aims to decrease obesity rates among school aged youth.  The program will invite youth with elevated BMI's and their families to participate in structured recreational activities.  Educational components, including nutrition demonstrations and menu planning, will be provided for parents and youth.  The planning committee hopes to kick off the program in late fall with a tentative meeting location at Biscoe Community Center.

Upcoming:  Sequoia will be implementing the Go, Glow, Grow with pre-kindergarten students in five schools during October and November.  We will have our final food demo of the season at the Farmers' Market on October 19th.  Additionally, we hope to offer some lunch and learn classes and a Safe Plates class in the Fall as well.

For additional information about any of our programs you can check out our website https://montgomery.ces.ncsu.edu/ or call our office at 704-576-6011.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact Molly Alexi, County Extension Director at [email protected]
from Debbie Malarz
Farmer's Market Manager

Visit us at the Market
Thursday, October 26th 
is our 
Fall Festival  
3 PM to 6 PM

Please plan on joining us for the last 
Market of this Season ...

If you would like to be part of our Farmer's Market family please contact Debbie Malarz at 910-576-6011 or 
704-707-6003  or send an e-mail to   
Debbie Malarz
203 W Main St, Troy, NC 27371