September 2017 vol.2
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization®
Opportunities to learn...
REGISTER TODAY FOR 2017 CALF CARE CONNECTION® WORKSHOPS  to be held Oct. 10 in Chilton, Wis.; Oct. 11 in Eau Claire, Wis.; and Oct. 12 in Fennimore, Wis.  Workshops will give dairy farmers and calf care managers new information, tools and a renewed enthusiasm to manage and care for the calves that represent the future of their herds. Dr. Theresa Ollivett, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus, and Dr. Fiona Maunsell, University of Florida, will team up to present general sessions and hands-on workshop featuring the latest practices and research in respiratory disease, feeding and immunity.  Three sessions will be held, click here for more details and registration information.  

FUNDAMENTALS OF GOOD HOOF HEALTH is the topic of the next World Class Webinar to be held on Wed., Oct. 18.  Karl Burgi, co-founder of Dairyland Hoof Care Institute and visiting lecturer at University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, will lead an in-depth discussion of the causes and prevention of lameness in dairy cattle.  This session will focus on how to implement an action plan that will reduce lameness, improve cow welfare, and boost the bottom line.  The second session of the "Hooves Are Made for Walking" series will be held on Nov. 22 featuring Dr. Nigel Cook focused on "Simplifying Hoof Health from Day One." Click  here for details or call PDPW at 800-947-7379 to register for one or both webinars.

VISIT HIGH PERFORMING DAIRIES AND LEARN FROM YOUR PEERS on the Oct. 26 Dairy Dialogue Day™ tour that will be facilitated by Dr. Paul Fricke, UW-Madison.  Engage in conversation with fellow dairy farmers as you visit two farms:  Heller Farms, Inc., in Alma Center, Wis., and Selz-Pralle Dairy in Humbird, Wis.  The tour bus will depart from Black River Falls, Wis., at 9:30 a.m. and return by 3:30 p.m. Learn more here  or contact PDPW at 800-947-7379 or to register. 

PROTECT YOUR DAIRY'S BRAND WITH LEADERSHIP: DAIRY'S VISIBLE VOICE. Position your business for success and amplify the value you bring to your community by completing "Dairy's Visible Voice" 5-part training series this winter.  Two series, running simultaneously, will be held at Pagels Ponderosa Dairy, Kewaunee (Kewaunee County), Wis., and the second series held at Boon Farms, Greenwood (Clark County), Wis.  The one-day trainings will focus on Media, Crisis Management, Effective Leadership, Proactive Communications and Social Media Strategy.  The series begins Nov. 1 for the Kewaunee County Series and Nov. 2 for the Clark County Series, both running from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration is reserved exclusively for dairy farmers. Click here to review the series details and register today. 

DON'T MISS MILK QUALITY WORKSHOPS on Nov. 1 and 2 in Onalaska, Wis., and Fond du Lac, Wis.  Workshop presenters Dr. Pamela Ruegg, UW-Madison, and Dr. Katie Mrdutt, Food Armor Foundation, and veterinarian Dr. David Rhoda will share strategies to manage mastitis and spot trends within dairy herds to boost quality and production.  Farmers will come away with practical tips to improve cow health and milk quality. Click here to learn more about the program and to register.  
SAVE THE DATE AND YOUR SEAT: VIRGINIA, Nov. 6-9, 2017. Dairy farmers will take in a scenic and information-rich experience in Virginia's Blue-Ridge Mountains. November 7th will be led by Dr. David Kohl, dairy economist and financial expert, 50 dairy farmers will tour Dr. Kohl's homestead creamery, and his farm along with the Virginia Tech's Kentland Farm.  Participants will then visit 6 other dairies.  The program will open Mon., November 6 with a Welcome Reception; tours to follow Tuesday through Thursday, November 7-9, 2017. To secure your registration or for additional details, click here.

THE 2017-18 PDPW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING AND EVENT CALENDAR is now available!  Check out the full list of leading-edge programming and networking opportunities and mark key event dates on your calendar now. Click here  to download a pdf version of the calendar.

Check out Dairy AdvanCE - It's NEW and for YOU!  Find, track and report your Continuing Education (CEs).  Get more details at .
For your dairy...
USING BEHAVIORAL CHANGES TO DETECT RESPIRATORY DISEASE IN GROUP HOUSED CALVES was the focus of research in an article in the Journal of Dairy Science. To address the challenges of detecting respiratory disease in pre-weaned calves in group housing, researchers fitted calves with an accelerometer and recorded step activity, lying behaviors and feeding behaviors.  Calves were scored twice a day to monitor health.  Further research is needed, but the study showed that diseased calves were less active before, the day of, and after respiratory disease diagnosis, and that lying behaviors were reduced starting two days before diagnosis.  Read more here

NEW QPCR ASSAY TO DETECT STAPH. AUREUS GTB IN MILK was tested by researchers in an article published in the October 2017 issue of the Journal of Dairy Science.  The new test is based on a rapid preparation of bacteria, followed by DNA isolation and qPCR for a unique target gene coding for the adhesion-like bovine protein (adlb). The article's authors state that analysis of a unique target gene accelerates the screening of whole herds, which could allow farmers and veterinarians to immediately apply preventive or control measures such as segregation, therapy, or culling, after detecting infected cows and manage risk of new infections.  Read the full research article here
MANAGEMENT PRACTICES CAN LIMIT IMPACT OF DIGITAL DERMATITIS on dairy herds, according to a recent UW-Madison extension article.  A recent field study in eastern Wisconsin showed that nearly 19% of cows analyzed had M2 (active, acute) or M4 (chronic, nonactive) lesions of digital dermatitis (DD) or hairy heel warts. The research highlighted practices from dairies with lower prevalence of DD and noted management practices such as regularly scheduled hoof trimming, use of footbaths following protocol for length and solution, and improved stall and pen manure hygiene were important controlling factors.  Read the white paper results of the study here.
Dairy currents...

NEW PACKAGING MADE OF MILK PROTEINS WAS UNVEILED by researchers at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in August.  Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture are developing an environmentally friendly film made of the milk protein casein. These casein-based films are up to 500 times better than plastics at keeping oxygen away from food and, because they are derived from milk, are biodegradable, sustainable and edible. The casein-based packaging looks similar to store-bought plastic wrap, but it is less stretchy and is better at blocking oxygen. The material is edible and made almost entirely of proteins. Nutritious additives such as vitamins, probiotics and nutraceuticals could be included in the future. It does not have much taste, the researchers say, but flavorings could be added.  Read more and watch a video here .

EFFORT IS UNDERWAY TO SIMPLIFY AND STANDARDIZE FOOD DATE LABELS to help consumers better understand labels and reduce food waste.  Research shows that confusion around "sell by," "use by," "best before" and other labels can cost U.S. families up to $29 billion each year. The new call to action by the Consumer Goods Forum would include three steps by 2020:
  1.  Use only one label at a time
  2.  Have a choice of two labels: expiration date for perishable items (such as "use by") and one food quality indicator for non-perishable items ( such as "best if used by")
  3.  Provide consumer education to ensure better understanding
Learn more here .

MEAT IS STILL THE LEADING SOURCE OF PROTEIN, BUT PLANT-BASED PROTEINS GAINING POPULARITY , according to the results of a protein survey of U.S. and Canadian consumers by Nielsen. Consumers in both countries spend more than half of their protein dollars on animal protein, but one-fifth of consumers state that plant-based proteins like legumes, seeds and nuts are among their preferred sources of protein. Many of those surveyed believe unprocessed meat is good for you, and more than a third say people who don't consume animal proteins are missing out on certain nutrients. Sustainability is also an important consideration, as many consumers on both sides of the border say they're willing to pay more for meat that is locally sourced (41% in Canada; 35% in U.S.) and ethically raised (35% in Canada; 31% in U.S.). Read the survey results and see infographics of key findings here .
For your business mind...
ARE PEOPLE REALLY LISTENING TO YOU? In today's hectic world, it can be hard to capture and keep people's attention.  Speaker and trainer Trevina Broussard provides twelve tips on presenting your information and handling conversations to ensure that your message is getting across, especially in important discussions with employees or partners.  Several tips include:
  • Get to the point and stick to it.  Identify your key bullet points and avoid getting sidetracked.
  • Push their "hot buttons."  Tie your message to what is most important to them and how it impacts their job.
  • Ask for feedback. Questions like "What do you think" can help you gauge whether the listener is following the conversation or understanding the information.
Learn more in the full article here

WEEKLY REVIEW CAN HELP SET PRIORITIES, REVIEW GOALS.   A review of high-performing managers and employees identified several "smart habits" for improving productivity, including scheduling a "weekly review" with yourself.  The review provides an opportunity to review successes and challenges and plan ahead, and can accomplish three things:
  • Get Clear.  Make sure your activities and work are focused and aligned with personal and professional goals.
  • Get Current.  Clear out your inbox, review appointments and to-do lists to make sure they are accomplishing top priorities for the week.
  • Get Creative. Make sure that you aren't forgetting long term goals and looking for the right time to take steps in a new direction.
Learn more here.
Words to live by...
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -- Walt Disney
Book Review...

THE POWER OF HABIT: WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO IN LIFE AND BUSINESS.  Business reporter and author Charles Duhigg examines how we can be more productive and achieve success by understanding how habits work.  He combines research and scientific discoveries along with stories from Procter & Gamble, NFL and civil rights movement to explain why habits exist and how they can be changed.  Learn more here .
A BIG Thank You...    
TO OUR PDPW SPONSORS who  support continuous improvement for the dairy industr y. T hey believe in producer leadership and place a high value on lifelong  education for those involved in the dairy industry. We deeply respect their commitment to PDPW and the members we have the honor to serve. 
OUR SPONSORS : Mission, Corporate and Event continue to invest and build a strong industry. If you interact with any of these companies, please thank them for supporting PDPW!    If you or a company you know is interested in participating as a sponsor, please contact one of our team members at or call 800-947-7379.