Email Only Announcements
Lost and Found
Please see if any of the items in the 2 photos above are yours. All items not claimed by October 22 will be given away.

Calling all extra calendars! Please bring your extra calendars (especially ones with nice pictures) to the copy room of the Parish House for the residents of Ritenour Rest Home.
"Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in!"   Our Advent Lessons and Carols reception will be on Sunday, Dec. 3rd. A planning meeting will be held on Nov. 8th at 10:00 a.m. in the Gooch Room. Anyone interested in helping is invited to attend. If you are unable to attend yet wish to lend your hands and talents, please email Carrie Tucker at or call 540.230.0787 .

Baptismal Banners near Extinction! Our Baptismal Banners are handmade for each child being brought into our community of faith. The banner is a lovely addition to the ceremony, as well as a reminder of this precious moment that the family takes home.  So, the banners require someone to make them and that current someone is planning to move to South Carolina. If we want to continue presenting the baptismal banners, we need one person to sew and one person to cut the felt decorations and letters. OR, maybe someone would like to design a brand new banner. If you are interested, please call Carrie Tucker at 540.230.0787 , or email

The Staunton Branch of the NAACP annual Freedom Fund Banquet is scheduled for 4pm on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at Covenant Presbyterian Church. If you would like to purchase a ticket, $40 per person, please contact Diane Kent at .

What Keeps You Up At Night (WKYUAN), the Adult Sunday School class, will meet in McCracken Hall Sunday’s at 10:00am. Grab a cup of coffee in the Foster Room and join us for heartfelt conversation. Our question will be “What do you see is a personal and/or Church (meaning Trinity) response to how a free nation deals with diversity?”Guidelines have been created by the group so that all will feel welcome to join in and participate in the discussion: 1) No one will be allowed to advocate bringing others to see their way. 2) No one will feel pressured to give up the ground he or she stands on. 3) Conversation is confidential but, you may share what has been said in class without using names. 4) You must be respectful of different views. 5) Conversations may continue for several weeks. Joe Fiechtl and Gospel du Jour will join this class to show the parallels between our life today and life in the Bible. During the week, think about the question and join the class letting us know WKYUAN. Jim Manchester, Virginia Gillock, and/or Muffie Newell will facilitate the class. For questions or concerns please contact Muffie Newell 886-9132 or .

Update: The Chronic Pain/Illness Support Group will not meet in October. The first meeting will be held Thursday, November 2nd from 10 to 11am in the Board Room of the Public Library. The purpose of this group is to discover our kind and loving God in the midst of pain and suffering. In this study we will use the book A Reluctant Journey: Finding God through Chronic Pain by Kristen Grathwol, (a native of Harrisonburg). We will explore five topics: trusting God, surrendering control, praising God in the midst of suffering, learning how to rest and grieve, and the importance community. This group is available to Trinity, Emmanuel, AME, the Temple House of Israel, and the Islamic Center of the Shenandoah Valley in Harrisonburg. Meeting dates: The first and third Thursday of each month: November 2,16, December 7, 21 and January 4 and 18. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Muffie Newell at or 255-3152.

Hurricane Disaster Relief in Puerto Rico : From Bishop Mark: “ I have made a donation of $2,000 to Episcopal Relief and Development from my Discretionary Fund to assist with ERD's relief efforts in Puerto Rico. I would encourage you to consider making a donation of any amount. And, of course, continue your prayers for all those affected by the destruction of the recent hurricanes. Donations may be made by credit card on the Episcopal Relief and Development website or place a check in the offering plate with Hurricane Relief on the memo line.

Prayer Requests Bowl: A glass bowl saying "Prayer Requests" is available for our guests at Noon Lunch.  It is on a card table along with paper and pens in the back of McCracken Hall.  If one of our guests has a prayer on their heart, they can write it down and put it in the bowl.  If anyone sees a prayer request in the bowl, they can take it and make that prayer a part of their own prayer life.  I'm inviting anyone in the congregation or visiting Trinity to use the prayer requests bowl to submit their own prayers or to take prayers out of the bowl and pray over them.  If you have questions or suggestions, please contact or .  

A Bereavement Support Group is forming at Trinity this fall. It is open to anyone experiencing the death and loss of a loved one.  We will be using the book, " Understanding Grief: Helping Yourself Heal" by Alan Wolfelt. We will meet once weekly in the evening ( time to be determined ) for 8 weeks.  Please contact Sally Mueller at 290-4832 for more information and to sign up. Leave a message if no answer. The purpose of the group is to share our experiences and support one another. It is very relaxed and informal.

Orange Juice Containers needed for Altar Guild: Please bring rinsed half gallon cardboard containers to the Parish Office.  The Altar Guild uses these containers to transport the altar flowers to shut ins after services on Sundays. Thank you!

Pursuing the Beloved Community
The Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, in partnership with other faith communities and community organizations, is convening three community conversations across Southwestern Virginia entitled
Pursuing the Beloved Community: A Continuing Conversation on Race.

Each event will feature a presentation by Dr. Wornie Reed, Director of the Race and Social Policy Research Center and Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies at Virginia Tech. Following Dr. Reed's presentation, there will be question and answer time as well as informal discussion.

Save the date:

Roanoke, VA | October 25, 2017 | 6:00-7:30pm
Northwest Community Center

Wytheville, VA | November 8, 2017 | 6:00-7:30pm
Room TBA, Wytheville Community College
October 15 Bulletin Announcements
A Call for Vestry Nominations: Please note that current regular vestry members are not eligible for nomination. Judy Armstrong, who was appointed for a one year term, is eligible. Nomination forms are available at the back of the church and online. Your nomination may be placed in the offering plate, mailed to the parish office, called in to the office (886-9132), or you may use the online Vestry Nomination form on our website which can be found at on the drop down menu under “Members”. Please send in your nominations no later than October 22.  Up to six names may be submitted. Your name is NOT required to fill out the form. Please be sure to ask your nominees if they are willing to run before submitting their names. Voting will occur at all 3 services on November 19, or by request of absentee ballot after November 10 (and which must be returned to the church office by November 17).

Calling all interested volunteers to a meeting TODAY Sunday, Oct. 15 following the 11:00 service to plan for the reception Sunday, Nov.5 after the All Saints Concert at Trinity. We will discuss set up, communication/publicity, food, serving of food and refreshments at the reception, and clean up following the reception. The meeting will begin about 12:15 in the Foster Room. If you interested in helping, but unable to attend this meeting, please call (290-4832) or email ( ) Sally Mueller.

October is Stewardship Month! During this month we are all encouraged to reflect on God’s gifts to us, and how we exercise good stewardship of all our blessings. Presentations on the parish’s mission, and the budget to support that mission, and pledging to support the budget to support the mission, will be made today during the Sunday services.

Pledge Packets for 2018: Packets can be picked up in the church office during the week and in the church today and next Sunday, October 22. Please pick up your packet before October 23 to save the church the expense of mailing. Thank you.

Ministry Fair - October 22: Discover how you can use your time and talents to serve Trinity at our Ministry Fair in McCracken Hall. Being active in ministry at the church encourages spiritual growth and creates opportunities to make new friends in our congregation.

Choral Festival Concert: Dr. James Litton, former Director of the American Boychoir, will lead our Boys & Girls Choir and the Stuart Hall Choir in a Choral Festival hosted at Trinity October 27-29. Please join us for a free concert Saturday, October 28 at 3 p.m., held in the church.

Trinity Coffee Hour: Join us for Coffee Hour in the Foster Room from 10 to 10:50am.

New Forward Day by Day Devotionals have arrived! They are available for $1 each on the table at the back of the church and in the copy room of the parish house.

Newsletter Deadline : Submissions for the November Tribune are due today, October 15. Please email your submissions to .

Pastoral Care Available: On Sunday, October 22 and Monday, October 30, The Rev. Anne Grizzle will be available for pastoral care by appointment in the afternoon. Please contact her at 713-443-6211 or .

Know Your Neighbor Potluck and Canned Food Sculpture Contest! Sunday, Oct.22nd from 1:30-3:30 at Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Please bring a dish to share (no pork please) and canned food donations for the food sculpture contest. We will gather for food, fellowship, and a fun sculpture contest! Candy prizes awarded! If you can't make it to the event, you can still donate canned goods for the sculptures! Look for a box located on the main level of the Parish House. All food donations will be given to local food pantries afterwards. Know Your Neighbor is a gathering of congregants from Allen Chapel AME Church, Temple House of Israel, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Islamic Center of the Shenandoah Valley, and Trinity Episcopal Church. 

Upcoming Guest Priest Schedule
October 22: The Rev. Dr. John Lane presiding, The Rev. Anne Grizzle preaching
October 29: The Rev. Canon Jonathan Harris
November 5: The Rev. Roger Bowen
November 12: The Rev. John Lane

Liturgical Assistants
7:45 am Service
PRESIDER: The Rev. Canon Connor Gwin
ALTAR CHAIR : Mary Timberlake
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS : Eleanor Bird, Carrie Tucker
LECTOR: Gail Dunn
USHER: Ted Cathey
GREETER: Sally Mueller

8:45 am Service
PRESIDER: The Rev. Canon Connor Gwin
8:45 ALTAR CHAIR : Janice Sultenfuss
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Jim Manchester, Jane Walsh
LECTOR: Mary Schwaner
PRAYERS: Susan Read
USHER: Darlene Green, NEED SUB Please use the online volunteer system to accept this position
GREETER: Caroline Sheridan
MUSICIANS: Steve Carpenter, Glendon Gill, Cindy Hickman, Oakley Pearson, and Bill Wellington

11:00 am Service
PRESIDER: The Rev. Canon Connor Gwin
ALTAR CHAIR : Mary Timberlake
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Frank Babcock, Grace Rice, NEED SUB Please use the online volunteer system to accept this position
CRUCIFER: Davis McKellop
CHOIR CROSS: Nathan Fiechtl
TORCH BEARERS: Isabelle Fiechtl, Paige McKellop
LECTOR: Joe Fiechtl
PRAYERS: Bill Tate
USHERS: Bob Boyle, Ken Monroe, Jamie Simmons, Wayt Timberlake
GREETER: Sallie Meffert
ORGANIST: Virginia Bolena
Online Bulletins