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October  2017


The Colorado Springs Fire Department is Changing the Current

Colorado Springs is filled with people who make our community a better place to live, people working together to Change the Current. The newest video in our Change the Current campaign features the Colorado Springs Fire Department, one of our partners in creating a bright future, glowing with efficiency and creative ingenuity.

You can Change the Current too. Even small changes can make a big difference. Join the movement by taking the pledge to receive free LEDs and a chance to win $500 to a home improvement store at 

Save with efficiency rebates

Whether you are remodeling your home or just trying to reduce your monthly utilities bill, we are here to help with money-saving rebates on energy- and water-efficient products, including: 
Start by completing a free home energy audit to identify areas in your home where you may be wasting valuable resources. Check out our full list of efficiency rebates at
On track to meet renewable energy goal

In addition to providing safe, reliable, low-cost service, our customers want to know we are doing our part to protect the environment. That's why we are moving forward with contract negotiations that will add enough clean, renewable power to serve approximately 30,000 homes annually.

This project will be about 100 megawatts and provide a long-term renewable energy source for Colorado Springs. Our renewable energy portfolio will increase to about 15.6 percent of our total generation.

It also allows us to achieve our Energy Vision's renewable goal. We aim to produce 20 percent of our total electric energy through renewable sources by 2020 with a maximum bill impact of 1 percent, which we anticipate to hit with this new project.
Carbon monoxide safety tips

Carbon monoxide (CO) is the number one cause of poisoning deaths in the United States. To  protect your home, install a CO alarm and have a qualified contractor inspect your heating system annually for safe operation.

Did you know natural gas is odorless? We add a rotten egg smell, called mercaptan, to the gas so you know when it is present. If you suspect CO, leave immediately and call 911.  Learn more at
Construction Career Day attracts 600 students

Recently, about 600 high school juniors and seniors from all over southern Colorado, and as far away as Raton, New Mexico attended the 10th annual Colorado Construction and Career Day. Two dozen of our employees volunteered along with other agencies to help make Construction Career Day a success.

The event broadens student knowledge about the multi-faceted opportunities available in the construction industry. Students engaged in hands-on activities, stationary equipment and technology demonstrations.
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