Celebrate International Angel Month on Sunday 1 October, when people around the globe gather at angel workshops and hold prayers for global peace.
Angel Service This Sunday
International Angel Month

Some days we all need a little angel on our shoulder telling us what to avoid in our life, but what is International Angel Month all about?

Angels appear to people in unpredictable and various ways. From a casual reading of Scripture, a person might get the idea that angelic appearances were somewhat common, but that is not the case. There is an increasing interest in angels today, and there are many reports of angelic appearances. Angels are part of almost every religion and generally seem to have the same role of messenger.

Angels will NEVER go out of style. They have been a part of stories, ancient texts, songs, and word-of-mouth tales for thousands of years.

Did you know there are over 289 verses in the Bible with the word angel in them?

As we put asides our worries, and celebrate on 1 October International Angel Month, as we find the Angels in your life, on today's day to remember.

I hope to see you there and if you can't make it, please join the circle in your thoughts and prayers! with many blessings 

Hugs and Blessings
We warmly invite you to our monthly Angel Service!
Your attendance at our Angel Service suggests that you are interested in angels.

This Sunday 1 October
at 11am sharp

Held at my home in Bothasig
Ample parking at Shoprite Centre

1H Vryburger Avenue, Bothasig
021-558-5913  *  082-637-7416
How wonderful it must be to speak the language of the angels, with no words for hate and a million words for love!
7 Main Archangels

Michael :  Courage, Strength, Protection
Gabriel:  Children, Creativity, Good News
Uriel:  Ideas, Intelligence
Raphael:  Abundance, Healing
Chamuel:  Peace, Comfort, Love
Jophiel:  Patience, Wisdom, Illumination
 Zadkiel:  Compassion, Forgiveness

Your Guardian Angel
Is Always with You