Here's What's Happening at PCCS
Board Opening for Parent-Elected Seat
Consider joining the PCCS Board of Directors. There is an opening for the Parent-Elected seat. Applications are currently being accepted through Monday, October 2nd at 3:30pm. Click HERE to learn more about the application process. If you would like to learn more about the Board, please contact Board President Ed Jamison

Farm to Table
Our October Farm to Table lunch is coming up soon! Don't forget to register for our October 11th lunch. Registration forms are due by Wednesday, October 4th. Please click HERE for the link. Farm to Table is looking for volunteers! Are you interested in helping out with prepping or serving the lunch? No kitchen skills needed! Contact Carol to learn more or sign up! 
Town Hall
Want to learn more about PCCS? Have questions about what makes us a Charter School? Come to our Town Hall, open to everyone in the community, on Wednesday, October 4th from 7-8pm in the Gaylord Nelson Gym. After a brief presentation, the Town Hall will open up for a Q & A from members of the audience. If you want to send a question in advance or to RSVP, contact   Lisa Profenna, PSO VP
Volunteer Day of Service
It's not too late to join us on Saturday, September 30th at our PCCS campus and on Rollins Road for Adopt-a-Highway events. There are a variety of  service opportunities available, from completing the highway clean-up on Rollins Road, to painting a map of the US on our playground, mulching, preparing garden beds for fall and more! Hope to see you there!
Hispanic Heritage Month Activities
We hope your children are enjoying the Hispanic cultural activities and lessons their specials teachers are teaching them. Please check our school Facebook page and the photo gallery (below in this email) for a sampling of what they are learning. We are excited to be able to delve deeper and give our students an opportunity to learn more about the Latino culture!
8th Graders Say Thank You
Thank you for your enthusiasm for the 8th Grade Farmstand. Because of you and your generosity, the Farmstand sold out of all produce by Wednesday afternoon! In addition, the 8th graders raised $583 for their Virginia Trip in the Spring--that's equivalent to paying for two full meals on the trip! Thanks again and stay tuned for more opportunities to help!
Upcoming Events & After School Opportunities
Fall Sports Continue! Boys' Basketball Sign-Ups  and Cheer Sign-Ups are now available. All tryout forms are due no later than Friday, October 13th. Please ensure your athlete's physical is up-to-date and a copy is in the office before the sign-up deadline. 
PBIS--Be Responsible in the Classroom
Be Responsible in the Classroom.  Students are expected to show responsibility in the classroom, both with materials and their own behavior. Teachers work hard to help students learn, and students are expected to do their part to be responsible in the learning environment.  When you have what you need and take care of your things, you show your teacher that you are ready to learn and you can focus on learning. By participating with your best effort, you show your teacher that you are doing your part to learn, and you make him/her proud because effort is what we value most at PCCS.
Partner with Parents
We would like to give a shout out to our Morning Greeters: Dani Halvorsen, Julie Kotzamanis, Val Cuarto, and  James Mertz. Please consider joining us in the morning! We are always looking for new faces to join in the morning fun. 

Don't forget to come out on Saturday to either the Adopt-a-Highway or the PSO Work Day events--or both! Join us at PCCS at 8am tomorrow or on Rollins Road at 9am for the Adopt-a-Highway clean up.  There are a number of ways to help at both events--we hope to see you then.

Are you curious about what makes a charter school different from a traditional public school? Do you have questions about PCCS, about funding, or the history of PCCS? Come to the PCCS Town Hall  on Wednesday, October 4th from 7-8pm in the Gaylord Nelson Gym and learn more! RSVP to Lisa Profenna, PSO Vice President. 

Fall Fest is coming! Ready for the fall--football, pumpkins, autumn fun? Well, our PSO has a don't-miss event scheduled for Sunday, October 22nd. See below for more information:

Please join us for the first ever PCCS Fall Fest! This is a free event for PCCS families and their friends to attend. We will be live streaming the Bears game in the Barn and this is a BYOB event. There are tons of activities for the kids; like face painting, bounce houses, a magic show, pumpkin sales and so much more! Momcorn of Gurnee will be there selling their wonderful tacos, flautas and tamales. It will be the event of the year so mark your calendars now and join us on Sunday, October 22nd, from 12-4pm. We can't wait to see you there!

PSO Volunteer Spotlight

For our September "Volunteer Spotlight", we have chosen to highlight Amy Jamison and Erin Livingston, our Textile Drive leaders!  

Amy has been very involved, including coordinating, for 6 years. We are incredibly grateful to have had her lead this team, and she will be missed as she "graduates" out of PCCS. 

Erin stepped in as a co-leader with Amy, learning the ropes, and giving so much of her time to make this a success. Along with Jill Gawne, Ingrid Sootla, Kim Puccini, Virginie Bottero, Ellyn Edmonds, and Kelli Mehlman, we collected, sorted and sold thousands of your wonderful donations of textiles. 

The Textile Drive takes multiple weeks of organizing bags and boxes full of donations, setting the sale up, advertising the sale, and then running the event. Amy and Erin, this event could not have happened without you. Our heartfelt thanks go out to both of you, and to all who donated their goods and their time!

Upcoming Events at PCCS:
Saturday, September 30th-- PCCS Work Day 8am to noon
 --  Green Team Adopt-a-Highway  Clean Up 9-11:30
Monday, October 2nd--Parent-Elect Board Application Due by 3:30pm
Tuesday, October 3rd--Green Challenge Assembly at 8:30am
--Home Soccer Game vs. North Prairie at 4pm
Wednesday, October 4th-- Farm to Table Registration Due today
              --Home Soccer Game vs. Park at 4pm
      --Town Hall Meeting 7pm in Gym
Thursday, October 5th--Soccer Game at Grass Lake 4pm
Friday, October 6th-- No School: Teacher In-service

Save the Date: 
Now-October 15th--Hispanic Heritage Month Activities
October 10th--Picture Retakes
October 13--1st Pizza Friday
October 13--Boys' Basketball and Cheer Sign-Ups Due Today


PCCS Administration
5th/6th Graders Participate in the Tomato Jubilee
Tomato Jubilee
Hispanic Heritage Month--Music with Ms. Klug Spanish Cho-co-la-te Hand Clapping Game
Hispanic Heritage Month--Music with Ms. Klug Spanish Cho-co-la-te Hand Clapping Game
Hispanic Heritage Month--Mr. Flinn PE Mexican Hat Dance
Hispanic Heritage Month--Mr. Flinn PE Corre Corre la Guaraca
Mrs. McKee's Kindergarten Students Exploring Outdoors
7th Graders' Field Trip to Covenant Harbor

Prairie Crossing Charter School