As the new school year is about to begin, I would like to share with you some wonderful news about my memoir, Four Perfect Pebbles.
Lila Perl, my co-author, had she still been alive, would have been very pleased with this news.
1 - Four Perfect Pebbles is now available in a beautiful He
translation, published by Yad Vashem, Israel's national Holocaust museum
. (This now makes 5 languages)
2 -
A 20th Anniversary paperback edition of
Perfect Pebbles
has been published by HarperCollins. Although the cover
barbed wire, a red ribbon was
on the wire
"liberation, love and hope"
for the future.
3 - The hardback Greenwillow-HarperCollins
edition is now available in its 29th printing!
ISBN: 0-688-14294-X
4 - Scholastic Books has now printed close to 500,000 copies in paperback!!
ISBN: 0-590-38196-2
5 - The Gedenkstaette Bergen-Belsen (The Bergen-Belsen Memorial), the concentration camp in which my family & I were incarcerated, adapted
and modified the German edition of Four Perfect Pebbles, "Vier Kleine Kiesel," into easy-to-read German for 8 year-olds/3rd graders!
It is entitled Vier kieselsteine
(Four Small Stones).
It comes packaged for schools with booklets for the students, photo note cards telling the history of the period interwoven with my story, and a teacher's guide on how to teach this difficult subject to young German children.
6 -
Four Perfect Pebbles is now available as a
Kindle edit
ion i
n E-book format
- For those of you who may want an
audio ed
n of
Four Perfect Pebbles
, it is available at - read beautifully by C
heryl Stern
- Marion's Triumph,
the PBS documentary,
produced by Dr.
John Chua & narrated by
Debra Messing, available from Amazon.
Watch the trailer for the PBS documentary:
Wishing all educators & students a successful and productive new school year!
Hugs, Marion