September 1 , 2017

10 Elul 5777

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    Parshat  Ki Teitzei
Candle Lighting at 7:23 PM
One Man's Garbage  
is another Man's Treasure 
I have to admit that I'm glad I was overruled. I like to throw things out. If I haven't worn something in over a year, I give it away. If I find some clutter in my house, I reach for the garbage can. So too, when we were packing up the school's accumulations over the years from the BRS campus, I was in throw-it-out mode. I saw all of the framed t-shirts and keepsakes from past color wars and I wanted to place them in the dumpster. I was overruled and I'm glad because I learned a valuable lesson.
Last week we hung the framed color war mementos in the rotunda of our new building; they look beautiful and add so much vibrancy to the space. I was dumbfounded. How did these things which seemed so dingy and dull become so colorful and bright? I then realized an important lesson: environment matters. When you put something into a beautiful environment, it assumes some of the beauty for itself. Our new facility provides a comfortable, beautiful, warm, nurturing environment in which our students can grow and learn. I have been amazed at how much of an impact our new environment has, not just on the artwork hanging on its walls, but on the students who walk through its halls. I am so glad that our students have the learning environment that they deserve.
I want to thank everyone who helped make this new learning environment a reality, especially Shimmie Kaminetsky, who took care of everything from A to Z, and the incredible Robin Struhl who designed the interior of the building with class and warmth. Thank you to Claudia Cohen for her  focus on logistics and the design of wifi network in a complicated building. Thank you to the indefatigable Hommy Tannenbaum for being on the construction site every day.  Thank you to all of our donors who gave so generously. Thank you to Chairman of the Board, Daniel Katz who oversaw the entire process and made this dream a reality. Thank you to our president, Lisa Baratz for her wisdom and guidance and thank you to the entire staff who put in hundreds of hours setting up classrooms, labs, the makerspace and our beautiful beit midrash.  The building and environment are all set. Now comes the hard part! Let's all get to work and make this year the best ever.  
Shabbat Shalom.
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Good and Welfare 
Donna (Sabag '02) and Adam Von Samek on the birth of a baby girl.
Elana (Kasztl '04) and Justin Kohlhagen ('04) on the birth of a baby girl, Sarah Riley. 
Suri (Hoenig '02) and Eric Kinzbrunner on the birth of a baby boy, Yosef Dov. 
Ronnie ('08) and Shelly Rosenbaum on the birth of a baby boy. 
BJ ('09) and Ayelet Litwin on the birth of a baby girl. 
Raquel (Amram '07) and Zaki Betesh on the birth of a baby girl, Sarah.  
Kelley Tripp ('13) to Joseph Nitzani from Great Neck.
Shira Pritzker ('04) to Maor Danino from Dallas.

Didi Weiss ('11) to Eliana Diament from Edison, NJ.

Gila Allswang ('11) to Michael Silverstein

Sarah Cohen ('07) to Artem Djouraev 
Jessica Hopen ('13) to Charles Bresler 
Harry Pearl ('13) to Tamara Weinberg 
Sofia Peimani ('09) to Emanuel Haghighat 
Shira Wolkowicz ('10) to Gav Blum 
Faculty Mazel Tovs 
Mrs. Ora Lee & Dr. Michael Kanner on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson. 
Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Nachbar on the birth of a baby boy.
Mrs. Elizabeth & Mr. Robert Hegna on the birth of their son Wesley Torgim Hegna.

Dr. Bernie Kaminetsky on the loss of his beloved father, Willie/Julius Kaminetskey.
  Dr. Edna Tokayer on the loss of her beloved mother, Ruth Zola. 
Mr. Motti Levin on the loss of his beloved father, Joseph Levin. 
Mr. Steve Kurtz on the loss of his beloved father, A.J, Kurtz. 
Mrs. Monica Genet on the loss of her beloved mother, Eugenia Rosen.
Upcoming Events
Mon. 9/4
Labor Day Break

Tue. 9/5
College 201 Seniors and Parents at 7:30pm (Mincha at 7:20pm)

KYHS Grand Opening
Community, Cutting, Commitment, Caring
Graphic by Max Wiederhorn ('18)
Old Friends, New Friends, New Building
Graphic by Leora Mayer ('20)
Article by  Yonina Kaminetzky ('21) and Michalie Landes ('21)

On August 23rd, I, Michalie and the rest of the class of 2021 kicked off our high school careers with Freshman Orientation. Coming from many different schools, orientation was the perfect way to meet all the kids in our class. One of the activities that we did was break up into small groups both with people that we were familiar with and people that we didn't know. In these groups, we all wrote down what we expect and hope to achieve by our senior year. The activity made us ponder all the amazing and exciting things that we can accomplish during our high school careers. Luckily, during the orientation we met our senior mentors. The senior mentors have been absolutely invaluable, guiding us through the merits and challenges of being a high school freshman. KYHS freshman Sammy Portnoy ('21) recapped the day and orientation process by stating, "Orientation was amazing and so helpful. Everything and everyone here is amazing and helpful. I can't wait to spend my next four years here!" Clearly, Freshman Orientation was a complete success.
Survival Guide
Help Me I'm Lost: Navigating the New Building
Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19)
KYHS Students CARE
KYHS Spearheads: Clothing Drive, Fundraising, Blood Drive
Graphic by Mayrav Saketkhou ('20)
Trending On Twitter
Discover What Is Trending This Week at KYHS
Graphic by Yosef Linzer ('18) and Yoni Mayer ('18)
Sara's Scoop: Are You H APpy?
Investigative Student Journalism Discussing the Pros and Cons of Taking AP classes
Graphic by Highlites Staff
Article by Sara Deichman

As hundreds of students enter the school building this year, the constant question of how they will perform hangs above their heads. Students are ready to impress, and are scared out of their minds about it. But what does adding an advanced placement course to the mix result in? My investigation began the week 2017 AP Scores were released. Students were anxious awaiting their results. On that morning, some students were thrilled, while others were utterly disappointed in themselves, and some found themselves simply impartial. The inevitable release of test scores is a source of anxiety for many, often leaving a dark cloud over their care-free summer vacation. The everlasting number traces back to the very first week of school, when classes began. So to take a look at where the "power of the AP" comes from, readers need to understand student motives in taking one of these courses. There are a couple possibilities; college and competition. According to, the leading online source for college preparation, students may save money on tuition. If they obtain a passing score, generally a 3-5, students will most likely be exempt from the course in college, therefore saving thousands of dollars a year by signing up for less courses. These classes impress college admissions offices, helping one graduate college with less required credits, and develop college level study habits in high school that will make your transition into college work easier. With all these pull factors, AP courses seem like a no brainer. But as per usual, there is another side. According to PrepScholar, there are multiple signs that an AP course will not benefit an individual. The first tell is that they are failing the class. It is important to challenge oneself, but always in the right way. If a challenge proves detrimental to one's grades and/or GPA as a whole, the course lacks the benefit you initially wished to gain. Another big one is mental health. Students tend to get engrossed and competitive when it comes to scoring well on AP exams. If the competition and expectations result in lack of sleep, lack of confidence, or large amounts of anxiety, it is important to reevaluate your motivation in taking the course, and to see if all that is truly worth it.
Remember: AP courses are not for everyone. To competitive students shooting for top colleges, advanced placement is the answer. But along the way, some students drop out of AP courses that they originally signed up for. The core reason for this is that sometimes, students simply realize that the stress of the courses as hard as these impact their lives in negative ways.
When it comes down to it, AP courses have benefits, but can just as easily cause a lot of harm. While many students choose to take the courses, not all score particularly well. No one is here to decide whether or not you as an individual should take the course. That decision is in your hands. But make sure to put a full heart and clear head into that decision. There is no universal answer to whether or not you should take that AP class. The truth of the matter is, some students do well and some don't. I can only hope this article has given you a sense of the pros and cons. So next time you think about an AP, ask yourself: will this make me hAPpy, or is it simply not for me?

People Of KYHS
Graphic by Sydney Freedman
This Week In Pictures 

Graphic by Daniel Gross ('19)  

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff