Looking Toward this Sunday August 27, 2017

Scripture: Romans 12: 9-21 and Exodus 3: 1-15

John Ryan will preach at 8:30 and 9:45 in Lingle Chapel and at 11 in the sanctuary.

Names are powerful. They tell a story about who you are or what possibly you will be. Sometimes we are named for a relative, an event or do some times for nothing at all. Names define us, for good or bad. This Sunday we will talk about Moses, his first meeting with God, and his reluctant commission. 

The Geneva choir will sing A Jubilant Song at the 8:30 service .
The Chancel choir, with Elisabeth Davis and Al Sudduth, will sing It Is a Precious Thing at the 11 service.

The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated from trays at 8:30 and by intinction at 9:45 and 11.

September is Hunger Action Month!  
Click Here for a helpful calendar you can download and put on your fridge or your table.    Discuss this each day and consider the activity that is mentioned. During the month of September we hope you and your family will get involved in helping to end hunger in our communities through one of the following:
1-   Give to 10 cents a meal offering the first Sunday of the month
2-   Bring canned goods to place in our "Loaves and Fishes" carts
3-   Glean with us and the Society of St. Andrews
4-   Write a letter to your elected officials encouraging them to support measures that help those who are hungry. (Look for "Offering of Letters Sunday" information).
WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE will begin this Wednesday. New Kids Club- Elementary children are invited to church 4-5 p.m. Wednesdays for snacks and faith formation. We will use "The Way of the Child" curriculum, helping children develop their own relationship with God through reflection stations. This is NOT more of the same (hustle and bustle) but some time for reflection, rest, art, and play. Church bus pick up from Davidson Elementary School is available. 

CHILDREN'S CHOIRS  begin this Wednesday at 5:00, following the new Kids Club. Four and five-year-olds will meet in Room 206, first and second graders meet in Room 201, and third through fifth graders meet in the choir room. Parents should accompany their children to the room and meet the director and receive instructions. Please register ahead of time on the dcpc website. Children's handbells will begin two weeks later, at 4:30, for grades three through five.


    Rally Day  is September 10. Come at 9:45 as we kick off the new Sunday School year. There will be ONE worship service at 11:00. DCPC FALL PICNIC will follow  the 11:00 worship service in the Congregation House.  Barbeque and drinks will be provided.   We ask each family to please bring a side dish to share (salad, vegetable and/or dessert).   Since the side dishes and desserts are so popular, please bring a generous portion to share!!  All food items can be dropped off at the Congregation House before worship.  Tables and chairs will be set up, but families may want to bring a blanket for younger children. Come join the fun!           
  Save these dates!  September 28 - Odd month luncheon and program with Rev. Tony Marciano from the Charlotte Rescue Mission. Rev. Marciano is a well known and inspirational speaker in the Charlotte area. October 19 - Day trip to West Jefferson to see the changing leaf color, eat lunch at Shatley Springs and mosey around down town. We plan to rent a large bus and driver so all can travel together. Reservations must be made by September 28. More info, including cost, will come at a later date.
Did you know PLAY invigorates the SOUL? Come to the Women's Retreat where we will be reminded how important it is to Live, Love, LAUGH & Trust God:) The Women's Retreat will be held September 15-17 in Montreat at the William Black Lodge. Retreat leaders are Jan Tevepaugh, DCPC lifetime member, and Kristin Clark, DCPC Preschool Director. Contact your wife, friend, sister, mom, or daughter and join us! CLICK HERE to r egister. Forms are also available at the information center across from the church office.  
Prayers and Concerns
Nina Holcombe-Health South
Bev Chinery- Pines HC
Financial Update and Attendance

Davidson College Presbyterian Church
PO Box 337
Davidson, NC  28036