CTA Weekly Communicator | Sept. 1, 2017 | 10 Elul 5777 | Parshat Ki Tet'zei | 7:55 pm Candle lighting
CTA Weekly Communicator
Weekly Newsletter with Important News & Updates from Columbus Torah Academy
Shabbat Shalom D'var Torah
By Tzivi Zuckerman, Upper School Judaic Studies Teacher
This week’s Parsha , Parshat Ki Teitzei , is chock full of mitzvot, with a record 74 of the Torah’s 613 commandments. The commandments appearing in this parsha include both those addressing the relationship between man and his fellow (even if he’s not a jolly good fellow), called bein adam lachaveiro , and those that govern the relationship between man and G-d, known as bein adam laMakom.

The mitzvot between man and G-d connect us to something bigger and deeper than ourselves. Doing what G-d asks of us makes our actions deeply meaningful.

The mitzvot between people teach us lessons about relationships. When interacting with our spouses or children, we are not expected to be perfect. But a healthy relationship is characterized by trying our best and always trying to make our best better.

What’s intriguing is that these two categories of mitzvot, seemingly so different from each other, are not given separate sections in Parshat Ki Teitzei . Instead, they are interspersed with one another throughout the parsha , indicating a greater commonality between them than we might otherwise assume.

Not only does a mitzvah like blowing the shofar connect us to G-d, but mitzvot about treating other people well, too, are more than just indispensable for a functioning society -- they are also deeply meaningful in a religious sense. And by the same token, working to better our relationships with our spouses and children teaches us to put greater effort into our relationship with G-d, always striving to make our best better.

Shabbat Shalom
Preview of the Week: Sept. 4-8


Lunch: Tacos

Sports: MS Volleyball - AWAY vs. CSG, 4:30 pm
Varsity Volleyball - HOME vs. Horizon Science, 5:30 pm

Activities: CTA Executive Board Meeting, 7:30pm
Lunch: Lasagna - Volunteer: I. Khozin


Garden Club, 4-5 pm
Better Together, 7pm, at JCC
12th Grade College Night, 7:30 pm, at CTA
Lunch: BBQ Chicken

Sports: MS Volleyball - HOME vs Genoa Christian, 5:00 pm
MS Soccer - HOME vs. Genoa Christian, 5:00 p
Varsity Volleyball - AWAY vs. Patriot Prep, 5:30 pm
Varsity Soccer - AWAY vs. Patriot Prep, 5:30 pm

Lunch: Tuna


Activities: Lower School Dress Down Day
Sun., Sept. 10:  Administration of ACT
Sun, Sept. 10: Hebrew Story Time, 2 pm, Bexley Library
Tues., Sept. 12:  CTA Scholarship Dinner Kickoff Meeting, 7:30 pm, @Home of Daryl and Beth Binsky
Sept. 20-22:  No School, Rosh Hashanah
Fri., Sept. 29: No School, Erev Yom Kippur
Logo Applications : Remember, you can continue to have logos placed on items throughout the year. Logos are $7 per item. Shirts should be dropped off at the Front Desk. Processing takes 10-14 days. The full Uniform and Dress Code Policy can be viewed here .
Click on link or icon below to see more.
Be sure to join PTO. Click here for more information and here are some ways you can volunteer!
Click icon above for detailed information and ways to fulfill your Give & Get .

Help with Rosh Hashanah holiday treat bags on Monday, Sept. 18, at 8:30 am at CTA. Contact Shulamit at: dginsburg1@sbcglobal.net to volunteer.
Start saving those Box Tops. Lots of promotions! Click here for more information: Box Tops Back to School Promotions - Earn Prizes
Order fresh oranges, grapefruit and tangelos to benefit the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. Deadline for ordering is November 9. https://www.floridaindianrivergroves.com/ecommerce/498484
Submit any community events by Wednesday at noon each week to info@torahacademy.org
Special JCC Membership Offer to CTA families for the new year!
Jewish Arts amd Music Festival for Kids at the JCC on September 17 from 12-2 pm
Columbus Jewish Arts and Music Festival at the JCC from 12-8 pm
Consider sponsoring  a Day of Learning in memory or honor of a loved one or to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, b'nai mitzvah or other life cycle event. A Day of Learning is a $180 donation and dedications are listed in both the CTA Weekly Communicator and the monthly CTA Dateline.

To choose your Day of Learning, contact Shari at  sherszage@torahacademy.org
Give to CTA
CTA accepts donations to our Annual Fund or Scholarship Fund throughout the year. We also accept Tribute Donations in memory of or in honor of loved ones. Donations can be made through the school office at 614-864-0299 or online by clicking  here.

Donations are listed in our monthly CTA Dateline. Check  here to see our most recent issue.
Columbus Torah Academy | (V) 614-864-0299 | (F)614-864-2119 | info@torahacademy.org | www.torahacademy.org