August 3, 2017
11th of Av , 5777
The Wexner Foundation
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Wexner Leads

Ellen de Jonge-Ozeri, WHP Alum (NY/Seagram), models how leaders sometimes don't make lemonade from lemons and are strong and honest enough to feel the entire range of the experience.

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Beloved faculty Rabbi Larry Hoffman offers some Torah in the face illness, destruction, wars and persecution.
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Field Fellowship 
Pre-App is Now Open 
The Wexner Field Fellowship
pre-application is now 
open for up to 15 exceptional professionals, who will be selected for a three-year program with a cohort of lifelong professional learners that is focused on enriching their ability to exercise leadership as Jewish professionals.

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The views expressed in WexnerLEADS do not necessarily reflect those of The Wexner Foundation.