Special Edition E-Newsletter          
August 31, 2017             


One of our greatest fears has become reality for more than 30,000 people this week. First they had to endure surviving a Category 4 hurricane and a relentless rain system, then emerged to discover widespread loss and devastation, as well as the realization that it could take years to recover and rebuild.

We've been there. The experience of Superstorm Sandy taught us to prepare for the long haul of recovery. In the coming days, months, and years, Texas will need our help.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the residents of Texas and the surrounding states -- as they continue to experience Hurricane Harvey's impact and face the devastating aftermath.

If you would like to lend your support, the best way to help at this stage is by making a monetary donation. Here are some partner organizations that are accepting donations and coordinating recovery efforts:
  • Our Lutheran Social Services partner in Texas, Upbring, is positioned to make an immediate difference in the areas of greatest need.
  • LeadingAge, a trade association representing the full continuum of mission-driven, not-for-profit aging services providers across the nation, has established the LeadingAge Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund  to provide assistance.
  • The Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (Texas VOAD) has a list of additional vetted disaster relief organizations providing services to survivors. Texas VOAD represents more than three dozen faith-based, community, nonprofit and non-governmental organizations.
  • Gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response, a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America that collaborates with other disaster response organizations and religious entities in the United States and around the world, has designated a fund "Hurricane Response - United States" that will be used entirely for Hurricane Harvey until the response is complete.
  • Donations to Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Disaster Response may be made:
    -- online at lcms.org/harvey.
    -- via text by sending a message to 41444, and typing LCMSHARVEY in the message field. You'll receive a text with a link to a phone-friendly, secure donation form.
    -- by phone, using a credit card - call 888-930-4438 between 8 a.m. and 4:10 p.m. Central time weekdays.
    -- by check, made payable to "The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod" or "LCMS." On the memo line, please write "Disaster Response/Relief" or "Hurricane Harvey." Mail your donation to The LCMS, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861.
Please remember that you don't have to be alongside the rescue teams in Texas to be a hero. M ake a difference with your donation

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